Increased Vigilance in Campus Safety and Pre Incident Planning

Interest to upgrade the emergency response procedures for schools by principles, school boards, and first responders using Blazemark(R) to visually view critical facilities information increases.

Fire Planning Associates Inc., a Bucks County, PA., technology provider, reports a marked increase by school districts and law enforcement agencies to utilize their state-of-the-art Blazemark pre-planning program to provide first responders with incident action plans. “We have seen a significant increase in inquiries from police departments and SWAT teams. Each are taking a more aggressive position in reviewing and updating their plans, as well as creating new pre incident plans,” according to Barton Krauss, President of Fire Planning Associates, Inc. “We are seeing first responders actively reviewing their existing plans to help them train and prepare for a variety of incidents, whether man made or not.”

Blazemark provides immediate access to vital building information, and where available, security cameras as well as other devices. This information allows for a more efficient, effective response to a critical incident at a school or campus facility, providing the ability to quickly locate a trouble location, including active shooters by providing access information, floor plans, alarm and tracking sensor information. Using the pre plans and camera feeds can save several minutes in a critical situation when directly delivered to existing lap top computers (or any web enabled device) in emergency vehicles. This allows responders to know what entrance or wing to go to for the shortest path of entry. “Keep in mind, that while police officers are now trained to go to the sound of shots, in a large school or campus with hundreds or thousands of students spread over various wings in a building, getting to the source of a problem quickly can be a challenge, even in the best of circumstances,” according to Krauss.

Blazemark follows the National Fire Protection Association Standard
1620 “Standard for Pre Incident Planning,” and the product is National Incident Management System- Incident Command System- compliant. The development of pre plans is either handled by professional engineers and staff of FPA or by client staff directly.

Fire Planning Associates, with offices in Bucks County, PA, are the designers and developers of Blazemark preplans assisting emergency response and facility management personnel with quickly developing an incident action plan, maximizing first responder effectiveness and safety. Blazemark also plays a critical role in helping corporations deal with emergencies as the front end to their business continuity plans and is used by major corporations on a global basis.

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