ISI, an Avon Protection Systems Company, introduces the new ISI nVision XT and nVision XTP Thermal Imaging Systems. The nVision XT is an economically designed camera offering a 160 x 120 sensor array and has a standard 2x zoom feature and optional video capture. The nVision XTP utilizes a 320 x 240 sensor and comes standard with 4x zoom and video capture. Both versions come with padded hand straps for comfort and stability, as well as digital and scale temperature readout. Neckstrap, lanyards and pistol grip are optional. Uniquely featured on ISI thermal imaging systems is the ISI EchoSeeker ultrasonic tracking device allowing for tracking of downed firefighters, entry pathways or exit locations within a volatile environment.
Ultrasonic tracking combined with thermal imaging allows for the ultimate in fire scene search and rescue. No other thermal imaging camera in the fire service offers this unique combination. Don Reycroft, ISI’s sales and marketing manager, states ”ISI is very excited and pleased to announce the expansion of our Thermal Imaging Camera line! With the nVision XT and the nVision XTP we offer not only the most current and up to date features and benefits, but we do not compromise any of the strengths our customers expect, like quality and reliability. Also, with the new ISI Echo Series of ultrasonic tracking devices as an attachment to either camera ISI is unique once more in our innovation to the marketplace.”