Letters to the Editor
September Issue Applauded
Nashville, Tenn.
My most sincere congratulations on the September 1980 issue of Fire Engineering. I have known for years that you could promote fire prevention. With your complete edition devoted to the subject you have rendered a tremendous service.
Your most excellent editorial focused attention on the magnitude of the task facing us. It is most unfortunate that the great percentage of the fire service appears to be oblivious to the problem. Nearly every ordinance authorizing a fire department and a city or state specifically refers to fire prevention and fire suppression as the responsibility of that department..
As each journey begins with the first step, our first step must be the education of the fire service. They must first be made aware of the magnitude of the problem. They must be taught that their responsibility is far greater than that of fire suppression alone. All of the methods, public education, fire suppression and arson investigation will be utilized by the complete fire fighter. In order to do this, he must have a knowledge far exceeding that which is provided most fire fighters today. The responsibility of the instructor cannot be overstated.
Thanks again and I hope you keep up the good work.
Fire Protection Consultant