Main Street Memo: Collapse


By Joe Pronesti, Chris Tobin, and Alexis Shady

Collapse fatalities are generally caused two ways: by being caught or trapped in the structure or by being struck by an object. Collapse and the establishment of collapse zones are not usually the first things firefighters consider when responding to a “routine” house fire but must be one of the first considerations when arriving and setting up apparatus at a fire on your Main Street.

This month’s Main Street Memo looks at collapse and some quick points to review prior to your Main Street fire. We have also included a few links to some notable events that everyone can review and learn from. Download it here (PDF).

Podcast: Main Street Firefighting: Kansas City (MO) Assistant Fire Chief Jimmy Walker

Collapse Zones, Voids, and Sector Discipline at Large Fires

Fire Engineering/YouTube

JOSEPH PRONESTI is the chief of the Elyria (OH) Fire Department. He is a graduate of the Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Executive Officer program and a lead instructor at the Cuyahoga (OH) County Community College Fire Academy. He is a frequent contributor to fire service publications and sites, including Fire Engineering,, and

CHRISTOPHER TOBIN is a firefighter assigned to St. Louis (MO) Fire Department Rescue 2.

ALEXIS SHADY is a firefighter/paramedic with the Richmond Heights (MO) Fire Department.


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