The National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) is proud of its work with CSST manufacturers to raise awareness with U.S. homeowners on the hazards associated with lightning and flexible gas piping.
“NASFM believes that raising the ANSI LC1 standard is necessary for greater safety going forward in new construction and NASFM’s efforts are a needed step to further protect homeowners from the threat of lightning damage to flexible gas piping systems.”
After examining available research and testing, the ANSI LC1 performance standard for corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST) should require more stringent testing to address lightning performance with flexible gas piping systems. A stronger lightning testing protocol (ICC-ES PMG LC1027) is available but is not included in the ANSI LC1 performance standard.
Jim Narva, Executive Director, NASFM stated, “In anticipation of Spring, where lightning risk for homeowners becomes more prominent, flexible gas piping continues to be an area of concern for some homeowners. With safety being paramount, NASFM will advocate for the improvement of the performance standard. NASFM also supports all gas piping materials being direct bonded to ensure added protection and safety against potential injury and property loss regardless of the piping material.”
NASFM’s work with CSST manufacturers on a legacy yellow CSST safety campaign has potentially reached over 35 million homeowners in efforts to raise awareness for homeowners where legacy yellow CSST may not be bonded in accordance to today’s building codes and manufacturers’ installation guidelines. Bonding of legacy yellow CSST makes homes safer and has played an important role to address the challenges with legacy installations.
Narva continued, “NASFM believes that raising the ANSI LC1 standard is necessary for greater safety going forward in new construction and NASFM’s efforts are a needed step to further protect homeowners from the threat of lightning damage to flexible gas piping systems.”
“NASFM recognizes and thanks CSST manufacturers, state fire marshals, state attorneys general, insurance commissioners, governors and legislators, and many others from around the country in helping to raise awareness on the risks associated with lightning and flexible gas piping through the yellow CSST safety campaign. We will continue to work with manufacturers to ensure homeowners are aware of the hazards lightning poses to non-bonded yellow CSST systems,” said Narva.