NFPA elects board of directors present awards

NFPA elects board of directors present awards

Five members were elected to the board of directors of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). The announcement was made during the 1998 Annual Meeting and Fire Safety Exhibit in Cincinnati, Ohio, in May. The new members are Chief Herman W. Brice, formerly with the Miami (FL) Fire, Rescue, and Inspection Service; Martin H. Reiss, a member of the fire protection industry for some 30 years; Professor David A. Lucht, P. E., director of the Center for Firesafety Studies at Worcester Polytechnic Institute; Paul M. Fitzgerald, president and CEO of Factory Mutual Research Corporation; and Jan Gratton, a public fire education specialist for 23 years.

Also, the following awards were presented at the meeting:

The 1998 Harry C. Bigglestone Award for Excellence in Communication of Fire Protection Concepts, sponsored by the National Fire Protection Research Foundation, was presented to Professor James G. Quintiere. A professor at the University of Maryland`s Department of Fire Protection Engineering, he received the award for his paper “Fire Growth: An Overview,” covering engineering applications and the phenomena of ignition, burning rate, and flame spread.

The Distinguished Service Award was presented to Frank J. Fee III, president of Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Company, Inc., in recognition of his outstanding service to the NFPA and the cause of fire safety.

The Standards Medal was awarded to Russell P. Fleming, P.E., vice president of engineering at the National Fire Sprinkler Association. The award, bestowed by the NFPA`s Standards Council, is in recognition of outstanding contributions to fire safety in the development of standards prepared by NFPA technical committees.

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