The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a recognized leader in fire and life safety, and the United Kingdom’s Fire Protection Association (FPA) have announced a formalized relationship to use NFPA’s codes and standards in FPA’s Property Risk Management Education and Certification Program.
FPA’s Property Risk Management Education and Certification Program will provide insurance risk engineers with technical knowledge needed to assess property risk from fire and natural hazards alongside key principles of loss potential estimation, business loss mitigation and business continuity.
A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) signed by the two organizations will serve as the framework of cooperation between FPA and NFPA through which NFPA codes and standards will be a significant part of the program’s curriculum. To help develop the program, FPA will use NFPA’s Fire Code and NFPA will provide select technical review of training materials.
“The FPA, in association with the fire protection community and insurers, have identified a need for common technical knowledge that helps insurance companies effectively assess property risk,” said Jonathan O’Neill, managing director of FPA. “As NFPA is a worldwide leader in fire, life and electrical safety, we’re thrilled to have NFPA codes and standards as an essential element in the Property Risk Management Program.”
“The Fire Protection Association is doing important work to help the insurance industry assess property risk,” said James M. Shannon, president of NFPA. “NFPA is pleased to join FPA in its efforts to advance the qualifications of insurance professionals in Europe using NFPA codes and standards. This is a great opportunity to collaborate on a common goal–reducing property losses from fire and associated hazards.”
About the Fire Protection Association
The Fire Protection Association (FPA) is the UK’s national fire safety organization that works to identify and draw attention to the dangers of fire and the means by which their potential for loss is kept to a minimum. Founded in 1946, FPA has expertise in all aspects of fire including research, consultancy, training, membership, publications, risk surveying and auditing. The organization’s products and services are designed to assist fire, security and safety professionals achieve and maintain the highest standards of fire safety management.
About the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
NFPA is a worldwide leader in fire, electrical, building, and life safety. The mission of the international nonprofit organization founded in 1896 is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating consensus codes and standards, research, training, and education. NFPA develops more than 300 codes and standards to minimize the possibility and effects of fire and other hazards. All NFPA codes and standards can be viewed at no cost at