NFPA Standards in Action: Your Voice Matters

According to a recent NFPA survey, most firefighters don’t know how to get involved in our codes- and standards-making process, or don’t think their voices will be heard. In response to these findings, NFPA is actively working to strengthen our outreach to the fire service – and let you know how important your voices truly are, and just how influential your input into our standards-making process can be.

Firefighters are directly impacted by our codes and standards on the job each and every day. If you think changes need to be made to them, we need to hear from you.

How you can get involved

Can one person make a difference in affecting NFPA codes and standards? Absolutely! The best way to make an individual difference is to submit public input and public comment on standards during their revision cycles.

It’s 100% free, easy to do, and can all be done online! Under the public input and public comment listings below, simply select the subject area that’s of interest to you. You’ll find all the NFPA standards that are currently accepting feedback.

  • Public input is a suggested revision to a new or existing NFPA standard.
  • Public comment is a suggested revision to the first draft of an NFPA standard.


NFPA standards acceptingpublic input: NFPA standards accepting public comment:

If you have any questions or need assistance with submitting public input or public comment, please call us at +1 617 984-7242, or via e-mail.

Other ways to get involved:

  • Committee Meetings: Committee meetings are held by the NFPA Technical Committees and Panels that develop and revise NFPA’s codes and standards, which are updated every three to five year.
  • NFPA Conference & Expo is the largest annual event of its kind for the fire and life safety community, offering tremendous opportunities to network with members of the fire service throughout the country, and to stay apprised of the latest in firefighting techniques, standards, practices and technologies. This year’s conference is in Chicago, June 22-25.
  • NFPA membership: As a member of NFPA, you have access to a wealth of resources and information, including technical support, codes and standards alerts, technology updates and professional connection that help you make the right choices on the job, and to prepare for possible outcomes.

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