Quincy, MA – NFPA has announced it will hold a series of “Train the Trainer” programs for the 2001 edition of NFPA 58, Liquified Petroleum Gas Code(r), during August and September. Funded by a grant from the Propane Education & Research Council, the one-day seminars will provide intensive training to instructors of industry personnel and other groups that require a strong knowledge and understanding of propane issues.
In addition to formal presentations by NFPA staff, all seminars will include training techniques, group exercises, problem-solving, and question and answer segments. Attendees will also receive a comprehensive student workbook and a copy of NFPA 58; everyone who completes the training will receive a certificate of completion with CEU credits and a CD-ROM (a $250 value) for future training use, which includes all the information covered in the seminar.
“Train the Trainer” sessions for NFPA 58 are scheduled in each of the following U.S. cities: Indianapolis, IN, August 13; Salt Lake City, UT, August 21; Charlotte, NC, August 27; Baltimore, MD, September 11; and Sacramento, CA, September 26.
Registration fees are $50 for U.S. participants and $200 for non-U.S. participants. After June 17, those interested in attending a “Train the Trainer” seminar can register by calling NFPA’s toll-free customer service number at (800) 344-3555.