NOTIFIER by Honeywell (NYSE: HON) has launched a new Website to offer easier accessibility to its fire alarm and emergency communications product information for system designers and inspectors, as well as the specific, solutions–based information regularly sought by facility managers and first responders.
In addition to a more dynamic look, includes a streamlined interface that allows all site content to be easily searched and sorted, equaling fast access to pertinent data with fewer page views.
The new site’s organization and operation were born from nearly six months of surveying a wide variety of users of the existing NOTIFIER Website, from fire protection engineers and end users, to even NOTIFIER’s own staff and Engineered Systems Distributors. It became quickly evident to Honeywell Fire Systems’ Web communications leader, Jack Riffelmacher, that ease of locating NOTIFIER’s most viewed online documents — data sheets, drawings and product pages — was to be the new site’s primary focus. However, keeping site content fresh and up–to–date came in a close second.
“Simplicity is the key here. Using a sharepoint platform, we’ve opened ownership of this site’s content to allow the right people to update the documentation and information they regularly manage, almost instantaneously,” says Riffelmacher.
The ability to connect with a local NOTIFIER Distributor through a one–step form is another function of the new site that was in high demand. A general Contact Me online form is also available for those who simply have a question, but don’t know who to ask. Each form is evaluated and immediately dispatched to the right party for reply.
Illustrating product capabilities and real–life examples of systems in–use through different mediums are a large portion of this new site’s continuous evolution toward providing more innovative and consumable forms of information.
“Today, there’s demand for more dynamic and interactive content, such as videos, virtual demonstrations and social media sharing,” Riffelmacher exclaims. “We’ve placed a stronger emphasis on the needs of facilities people and other end users by showing our systems in–action, what they do and the benefits they provide in various environments.”
Take a tour of the new to view the latest technical documentation, videos, case studies and other content related to NOTIFIER’s latest fire alarm and emergency communications innovations.