In recent weeks, has been reporting on the deaths of firefighters and PASS device failures coinciding with those deaths. Tonight, February 28, 2007, Brian Williams will be reporting the issue to a national audience on NBC Nightly News.
Brief IAFC Background
- The IAFC Safety, Health and Survival Section (SHS) first alerted members in December 2005 to concerns about PASS devices: - On February 8, MSNBC began a two-part series pointing out problems with PASS devices and concerns about firefighter fatality investigations. - After the articles appeared on, the IAFC Safety, Health and Survival Section (chaired by Chief David Daniels) convened a working group to study the issues and provide recommendations to the board.
- On February 12, the IAFC board of directors adopted a policy statement addressing PASS standards, recommendations for manufacturers, the NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality and Prevention program and future investigations of firefighter deaths. - The IAFC is working with the International Association of Fire Fighters to address long-term issues of firefighter death investigations. This group has been aggressively meeting in the last 10 days.
After continued study of the issue, the IAFC is issuing these recommendations, provided by the Safety, Health and Survival Section, to fire chiefs.
- Immediately test your existing SCBAs and PASS devices along with related operational readiness systems.
- Immediately contact your PASS device manufacturers; ask them about any reported problems with the devices. Additionally, ask them what upgrades they will be offering to ensure the safety of the devices to meet the recent improved NFPA standard.
We hope this provides you with sufficient information to share with your city and county leaders and local media. For further updates to the issue, visit our website at
Additional Links
A longer video about the PASS device issue is at
If you need a PDF file, a reprint of all our articles, go here:
Main page that links to all the MSNBC stories:
Flaws found in firefighters’ last line of defense
CDC’s fire investigation unit: the ‘No Go Team’
19 firefighter deaths go unexamined
Interactive: More about firefighters’ PASS alarms
Kerry calls for probe of firefighter unit