Turtle Plastic’s TURTLE TUBE GRAIN SILO RESCUE SLEEVE was designed and developed by farmers and rescue workers to save lives in the event of a grain silo accident. It takes just five seconds for a person to become engulfed by flowing grain; it takes 60 seconds to become completely submerged, risking death by suffocation.
The TURTLE TUBE expands to allow breathing room around the victim as it is forced into the grain around the patient. When coiled, the 18-pound Turtle Tube is 18 inches in diameter. Deploy quickly by loosening two giant stainless-steel wingnuts. The Turtle Tube comes with a carrying bag and a shoulder strap. www.turtleplastics.com. (800) 756-6635.
Trident Emergency Products’ FOAMATE™ 2.1 ATP CLASS B FOAM SYSTEM is specifically designed for Industrial and Municipal pumpers. Its panel-mounted metering valve includes an integrated flow dial for both GPM and LPM models. Flow range is 2,000 GPM (8,000 LPM) at one percent and three percent and 1,000 GPM (4,000 LPM) at six percent.
Components feature all-brass construction and factory calibration and are certified to NFPA standards. Systems include two-inch metering valve, eductor, check valve, and optional ball shutoff valves. www.tridentdirect.com. (215) 293-0700.
Bushfire Defence’s CREW PROTECTION SYSTEM allows firefighters in four-wheel-drive vehicles to shelter safely if they are ever overrun by flames. The unique system uses a super polymer gel to cover the outside of the vehicle’s cabin, protecting occupants from burnovers for up to 12 hours.
The device is also being modified to protect homes, buildings, and other infrastructure. Bushfire Defence is in talks to sell the Crew Protection System to a company in Turkey, which has climatic conditions similar to that of South Australia, ahead of its fire season. www.bushfiredefence.com.au.
AtlantaHobby.com’s and UAVExpert.aero’s ZENMUSE XT is an aerial thermal imaging solution for commercial drones. XT technology is equipped to capture images faster, with pinpoint precision over large areas, and then save the data for analysis and reporting. Available in either 640×512 or 336×256 resolutions, the Zenmuse XT has multiple lens options to make sure you’ll have the right combination of situational awareness, magnification, spot size, and area coverage to suit your mission requirements.
With the ability to easily attach to either the Inspire 1 or the Matrice 100 aerial platforms, the Zenmuse XT is able to launch quickly with seamless integration. www.atlantahobby.com/Store/pc/viewCategories.asp?idCategory=1316. (678) 513-4450.
Kussmaul’s GENERATOR AC/DC SYSTEM MONITOR, MODEL #091-247, is a color LED display instrument provides simultaneous read out of generator output data including AC voltage, AC frequency, AC amperage of two legs up to 36Kw total, DC voltage, and DC amperage. Programmable alarm settings on each function produce an 85db audio alert as well as visual red blinking display.
It logs cumulative generator operation hours with programmable service interval hour settings and notification. This is ideal for monitoring vehicle mount generator sets and meets NFPA compliance for generator Instrumentation per 1901 www.kussmaul.com. (800) 346-0857.
StreetWise CADlink®, the nation’s first cloud-based MDT software, unveiled its new strategic partnership with Emergency Reporting® records management software at FDIC International 2016. StreetWise now integrates live with Emergency Reporting®, making life easier for fire crews and dramatically improving the accuracy of response time analysis.
StreetWise automatically creates a new incident report in Emergency Reporting® before the crews have even returned to the fire station. The incident location, nature, date, and dispatch time auto-fill into the NFRIS report, ready for completion. Now, units will be able to reliably record their status times without relying on busy dispatchers, expensive CAD exports, or crowded radio channels. www.streetwisecadlink.com. (800) 718-8027.
MagneGrip’s VEHICLE EXHAUST REMOVAL SYSTEM will be installed at a St. Petersburg (FL) Fire & Rescue station after receiving a FEMA grant from AFG. MagneGrip’s Vehicle Exhaust Removal System meets NFPA 1500 standards for “no less than 100% effective capture of exhaust emissions.” MagneGrip effectively protects the health of the firehouse personnel and it is fully automatic.
When the fire apparatus starts up inside the engine bay, a wireless sensor automatically switches on the MagneGrip exhaust fan. Then, all of the toxic exhaust soot and gases are extracted through sealed ductwork and safely dispersed outside the building, making a cleaner and safer working environment. http://magnegrip.com. (800) 875-5440.
Rico Fire Rescue’s ADVANCED SCBA SURVIVAL MANEUVERS AND RIT AIR PACK MANAGEMENT provides a complete approach in training the rookie as well as challenging the seasoned veteran in all SCBA survival maneuvers, including all RIT SCBA applications.
All 84 pages are bound in a spiral bound book format complete with photos, illustrations, and a CD. http://ricofirerescue.com/store. (630) 973-9341.
Fire Engineering Archives