Program Update: Senior Citizens Used In Fire Prevention
A program using senior citizens in Miami to conduct public fire education surveys and promote home exit drills along with the use of fire detectors has surpassed its original goals, according to Cristy Black Hickman, fire safety education supervisor.
The program began with agreements among the Miami Fire Department, Senior Community Services Employment Program and Senior Centers of Dade County, Inc. A preliminary description of the program appeared in the Jan. 1979 issue of Fire Engineering.
Although the total number of structural fires in Miami increased 11 percent between 1978 and 1980, there was a 9.4 percent decrease in fires occurring in residential occupancies. During this same period nationally, there was a slight increase (0.3 percent) in fires in residential occupancies.
The Miami residential dollar loss from 1978 to 1980 increased by 18.7 percent. Nationally there was a 26.1 percent increase in this figure. Inflation must be taken into account in considering these percentages.
From the data gathered between 1979 and 1981, there has been a 33 percent increase in the number of occupancies using some form of detector.
More escape plans
Further information gathered shows that, although the number of residences having and practicing home escape plans is still low, the number has doubled during the past two years. The surveyors explain the need for these plans during their interviews.
The 1980 population of Miami is 400,061. Latins comprise approximately 55 percent of that total with 29 percent blacks, and 16 percent Anglos. The survey group consists of 19 Latins, 15 blacks and two Anglos. There are 16 males and 20 females.
The City of Miami provides administrative support, supervision and training for the senior citizens hired under the program. Three vans are furnished by the fire department. □ □