In 2012, the US Fire Administration (USFA) released a report indicating about 2,900 dryer fires occurred between 2008-2010 each year which was a dramatic 75% drop in reported incidents in years past. The In-O-Vate team reached out to find the cause of this dramatic decrease and is pleased to help educate everyone with the real statistics that should be used to educate our customers and inform the masses.
According to a more recent report released by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), over 14,000 dryer fires occurred during the same time frame each year. Other glaring differences can be found on the table below.
The primary difference between the two groups’ data is the methodology on how the reports were collected, processed, and released. To learn more on these figures directly from the Fire Analysis Manager at NFPA, just click Keep up the great work and use this information to increase your dryer vent cleaning services starting now!