Submissions for IFPO competition open

The Institute of Fire Safety Officers (IFPO) Surefire Technical Trophy competition is for the best submission of a technical paper or essay on any fire-related subject; fire engineering, fire prevention or fire science. It is sponsored jointly by the Institute of Fire Prevention Officers (incorporating the Institute of Fire Safety Officers) and Surefire Systems Limited, and Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd.

The competition is open to anyone employed in the fire safety business or to members of the general public with an interest in fire safety, and entries are not restricted to that resident in the UK. Submissions from entrants fewer than 18 years of age at the submission closing date must be accompanied by written consent from a parent or legal guardian.

Submissions must be in English, be no longer than 2,000 words and may be accompanied by diagrams or photographs. However, the judges reserve the right to reject any submission that contains excessive or unwarranted use of brand names. There is no limit to the number of papers that an entrant may submit.

Papers can be submitted as hard copy by mail (in which case six copies of the submission are required), or can be emailed. In either case, a recent photograph of the entrant must accompany submissions which must be headed IFPO/Surefire Technical Trophy Competition. Neither the Institute of Fire Prevention Officers nor Surefire Systems Limited or Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd, can be held responsible for the safe arrival of submissions; regrettably, it will not be possible to confirm safe receipt of submissions or return submissions (including photographs and diagrams).

Submissions should be typed at double spacing on white A4 paper. Pages should be numbered, and each page should include the entrant’s name and a contact telephone number. The last page should also include the entrant’s full postal address, email address (if the submission is made by email), daytime and evening telephone numbers.

The closing date for entries to be received by the Institute of Fire Prevention Officers is Friday 28th September 2007. Postal submissions should be addressed to IFPO Surefire Competition, PO Box 677, Croydon, Surrey, CR2 OZH; e-mail submissions should be sent to

Entrants are responsible for obtaining any permission that may be necessary regarding the taking or inclusion of photographs, diagrams or the content of his or her paper or papers, and submissions will be accepted on the understanding that the entrant has sole ownership of the photographs or diagrams, or has obtained in writing any required permissions, and must state
The author’s references for any material they use which is not their own.

By submitting a paper, the entrant is agreeing to indemnify both the Institute of Fire Prevention Officers and Surefire Systems Limited of any potential claims or resultant actions arising from (but not limited to) breach of copyright, and that any legal action brought will revert to the entrant.

Entrants assign his or her own copyright to any submissions jointly to the Institute of Fire Prevention Officers and Surefire Systems Limited. Any submissions, including the winner’s details and photograph, may be used by either organisation at any time following the competition. Details of the winning submission will be included in an appropriate edition of Fire Safety Professional magazine.

The winner will receive a Caithness Crystal Glass trophy, which will be presented by the Institute’s Chairman and Directors of Surefire Systems Limited at the Institute’s 2007 Annual General Meeting. The winner will also receive a commemorative certificate awarded by the Institute.

The winner will also receive one year’s subscription to Fire, Emergency and Preparedness Worldwide, donated by Sheila Pantry, Director of Sheila Pantry Associates Ltd.

The Institute’s Annual General Meeting will take place in London on 08th November 2007 and the winner will be notified in writing at least six weeks prior to the meeting. However, the winner must be prepared to travel to the event to receive the award entirely at his or her own expense.

A panel of judges will decide on the winning submission and the judges’ decision is final. This panel will comprise members of the Institute’s Executive Council and the Chairman and Directors of Surefire Systems Limited. Only the winner will be notified.
The competition is not open to employees, past or present, or family members of Surefire Systems Limited, or to Executive Council members or elected officers of the Institute of Fire Prevention Officers.

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