Taming the Fire Environment: Proposed Code Changes for Atlantic City Hearing

Final Code Hearing / Proposed Changes / Vol.2

Taming the Fire Environment” will be posting Building and Fire Code Proposals for the upcoming ICC Final Code Hearing in Atlantic City (10/2-10/10) that impacts the fireground:

1.      Code Section: F23-13 – (403.3) (underline indicates new text)

Proponent: Adolf Zubia. Chairman IAFC Fire and Life Safety Section, representing ICC Fire Code Action Committee (azubiamia@yahoo.com)

Revise as follows:

403.3 Crowd managers. Trained crowd managers shall be provided for facilities occupancies or events where more than 1,000 250 or more persons congregate. The minimum number of crowd managers shall be established at a ratio of one crowd manager to every 250 persons. Where approved by the fire code official, the ratio of crowd managers shall be permitted to be reduced where the facility is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system or based upon the nature of the event.


1. Where approved, the number of crowd managers shall be permitted to be reduced by up to 50 percent where the fire and life safety protection provided and the nature of the event warrant a reduction.

2. Gatherings exclusively for religious worship with an occupant load not exceeding 1,000.

Reason: The current code has no requirements for crowd managers until the occupant load in a public assembly reaches 1000, then….

Committee Action:  Approve as modified; this change effectively reduces the threshold for requiring crowd managers from 1,000 occupants to 250, and limits the reduction allowed to 50% under certain conditions. It also adds an exception for churches and other religious organizations.

The Challenges:  The GSA wants to limit the requirement for crowd managers to indoor assembly occupancies; the International Association of Building Officials has asked the ICC membership to disapprove the entire code change.

To read more about this code proposal go to:

2012-2014 Code development Cycle Group-B:


Public Comments Agenda:


2.      Code Section: F24-13 (403.3.1)  (underline indicates new text)

Proponent: Adolf Zubia, Chair IAFC Fir & Life Safety Section; representing ICC Fire Code Action Committee (azubiamia@yahoo.com)

Section Overview: 403.3.1 Training

403.3.2 Duties. The duties of crowd managers shall include, but not limited to:

1. Conduct an inspection of the area of responsibility and identify and address any

egress barriers……

7. Other duties as specified in the fire safety plan

Reason: The Committee agreed with the proponent that the code provides needed specific guidance in the duties for crowd managers in support of the changes made in the code change F23-13.

Committee Action: Approved as submitted.

The Challenges:  The crowd managers without any training would not be a value asset to the fire service and the organization that they are working for.

To read more about this code proposal go to:

2012-2014 Code development Cycle Group-B:


Public Comments Agenda:


See you at the hearings and be safe out there.

Jack J. MurphyJACK J. MURPHY, MA, is a fire marshal (ret.), a former deputy chief and currently serves as a deputy fire coordinator for the N.J. Div. of Fire Safety (Bergen Region).  He is the Chairman of the New York City High-Rise Fire Safety Directors Assoc., a member of the NFPA High-Rise Building Safety Advisory and 1620-Pre-Incident Planning Committees. He has published various fire service articles and authored: RICS; Rapid Incident Command System Field Handbook; the “Pre-Incident Planning” chapter of the Fire Engineering’s Handbook for Firefighter I and II; and co-authored, “Bridging the Gap: Fire Safety and Green Buildings.”  He is a Fire Engineering contributing editor, a FDIC executive advisory board member, and received the 2012 Fire Engineering Tom Brennan Lifetime Achievement Award.



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