The Chlorine Institute, Inc. (CI) has launched a major initiative to provide a vast majority of its informative technical publications free to key chlor-alkali industry stakeholders via CI’s online bookstore.
The five newest titles added for free download this quarter are:
• Guidelines for the Safe Motor Vehicular Transportation of Chlorine Cylinders and Ton Containers, Pamphlet 76, of particular interest to chlorine repackagers and customers;
• Recommendations to Chlor-Alkali Manufacturing Facilities for the Prevention of Chlorine Releases, Pamphlet 86, of particular interest to chlorine producers;
• Explosive Properties of Gaseous mixture Containing Hydrogen and Chlorine, Pamphlet 121, of particular interest to chlorine producers and customers;
• Hydrochloric Acid Storage and Piping Systems, Pamphlet 163, of particular interest to companies that make or use hydrochloric acid; and
• Packaging Plant Safety and Operational Guidelines, Pamphlet 17, of particular interest to chlorine repackagers.
These pamphlets and the 21 others that currently are free may be found by visiting Click on the “Bookstore” button on the left side of the home page; then from the drop-down menu, click on “Free Safety Pamphlets.” Take a short survey to access a complete list of the free publications, which contains links to downloadable PDF versions.
Among the 21 other publications already free for download is the highly respected Chlorine Manual (Pamphlet 1), which is an approved American National Standards Institute standard, and has served as the “Bible” for chlorine operations since the first edition was published in 1947.