The HOME FIRE SPRINKLER CO-ALITION is expanding its program to Illinois and Oregon. The coalition

The HOME FIRE SPRINKLER CO-ALITION is expanding its program to Illinois and Oregon. The coalition started with a 1997 pilot program in Connecticut. The coalition`s purpose is to provide consumers with accurate information about the life-saving value of residential automatic fire sprinklers. The Canadian Fire Sprinkler Association, the Fire Sprinkler Public Education Foundation, and Underwriters Laboratories each have pledged $25,000 to support the coalition`s 1998 program and have joined the steering committee. The Connecticut Fire Marshals Association, the New England Association of Fire Marshals, Rural/Metro Corporation, and the Viking Corporation have joined as affiliate members, each pledging $1,500 to the program. A new toll-free information hotline, (888) 635-7222, provides information about home sprinkler systems. A free brochure, Controlling the Home Fire Threat, is also available. For more information about coalition programs and becoming a member, contact Gary Keith at (617) 984-7263, or via e-mail at

Mike Dugan and company talking building constructon and disasters

Humpday Hangout: Building Codes and Disasters

Mike Dugan and the panel regulars will talk with their guests about building codes and how proper building construction can mitigate the damage from natural…
Dena Ali

FDIC 2025 Preview: Organizational Leadership and Mental Wellness

This workshop delves into the essential role of leadership in supporting the mental health of first responders.