Tyco Fire Protection Products Introduces Model DV-5 Deluge Valves with Remote-Resetting Trim and Remote-Resetting, Pressure-Reducing Trim

Tyco Fire Protection Products, a global leader in water-based fire suppression technology, introduces the Model DV-5 Deluge Valve with Remote-Resetting Trim and the Model DV-5
Deluge Valve with Remote-Resetting, Pressure-Reducing Trim. These valves are quick-opening, hydraulically operated, differential-type valves designed for fire protection system service.

UL Listed and VdS Approved, the Model DV-5 Deluge Valve with Remote-Resetting Trim provides the ability to reset the valve from one or more locations. The compact, space-saving design reduces the valve room footprint and construction costs. Electrical actuation is compatible with all types of automatic and manual release options. For technical details, refer to data sheet TFP1331 on www.tycofsbp.com.

UL Listed, the Model DV-5 Deluge Valve with Remote-Resetting, Pressure-Reducing Trim is used whenever a control room or panel is employed to monitor and control an area. This valve arrangement combines deluge and pressure-reducing technology in one valve. The valve can be remotely operated and de-activated. Pressure control is typically required in large systems where the fire pump must meet the capacity of several deluge systems. When only a portion of the deluge system is actuated, the delivery pressure to each system is reduced to prevent excess flow. When multiple deluge valves operate simultaneously, the pressure-reducing deluge valves ensure balancing of water pressure resources and efficient use of the overall capacity. For technical details, refer to data sheet TFP1332 on www.tycofsbp.com.

About Tyco Fire Protection Products
Tyco Fire Protection Products is a strategically aligned business unit with globally recognized products sold under leading brands, including ANSUL, GRINNELL, HYGOOD, NEURUPPIN, PYRO-CHEM, RAPID RESPONSE, SIMPLEX, SKUM, and TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS. Tyco Fire Protection Products produces fire protection, detection, and mechanical building construction solutions for commercial, industrial, institutional, governmental, and residential customers. Heavy emphasis is placed on research and development resulting in innovations and global approvals. Key products include manual fire-fighting equipment, detection/suppression systems, extinguishing agents, sprinkler systems, valves, piping products, and fittings. www.tycofsbp.com

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