Despite the best efforts of plan reviewers, sprinkler problems arise during installation. It is incumbent on the fire inspector to find and correct them. Today’s training vignette, “Sprinkler Alignment and Obstructions” identifies a number of problems with sprinkler installations.
Coffee Break Training from the United States Fire Administration (USFA) provides an overview of fire protection topics and does not include all details, requirements, or exceptions to the topics that are described. Always refer to nationally recognized design and installation codes and standards, the product manufacturer, or listing details for specific information.
Download the training materials HERE (PDF). Fee free to share this Coffee Break Training segment and others with your peers. Previous Coffee Breaks may be found on the USFA Web site.
The Coffee Break Training quarterly self-assessment exams have been moved to NFA Online. There you will find links to the previous Coffee Break exams and other Fire Prevention: Technical training.