Paul Davis Restoration, Inc., a national franchise company and leading provider of fire, water and mold damage restoration services for residential and commercial properties is participating in this year’s National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Fire Prevention Week, October 7-13.This year’s theme is, Have 2 Ways Out and for children, Be Rabbit Ready.
According to NFPA, when fire strikes, a home could be engulfed in smoke and flames in just a few minutes. Have a home fire escape plan that prepares families to think fast and get out quickly when the smoke alarm sounds. If escape routes are blocked, two ways out should be a key part of an evacuation plan. Focus on the importance of fire escape planning and practice. Most importantly, have two ways out of every room through windows and doors. A fire escape or ladder from window exits is imperative.
In 2011, U.S. fire departments responded to more than 1.3 million fires. These fires resulted in more than 3,000 civilian fire fatalities, and 17,500 civilian fire injuries along with an estimated
$11 billion in direct property loss. Home fires caused 84 percent of civilian fire deaths. Visit
J. “Sonny” Bass, Paul Davis’ Technical Director of Emergency Services suggests additional tips to help keep homeowners and their families
— Smoke alarms should be installed; never remove or disable smoke alarms.
— Test smoke alarms at least monthly by pushing the test button.
— Don’t leave cooking items or clothing irons unattended.
— Don’t let children play with fire.
— Handle gasoline or propane-powered equipment cautiously.
— Install carbon monoxide detectors.
— Have a family plan in place and conduct a home “Fire Drill” at least
twice a year.
— Have a portable ladder in each second floor room.
— Check fire extinguishers for expiration and replace as needed.
— Have an updated, emergency first aid kit.
During the awareness campaign, Paul Davis offices across the U.S. in concert with fire industry professionals will help to spread the word in their communities about the importance of fire safety.
Water and Fire Damage Restoration Company Offers Tips
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