WHAT: The Third International Fire Ecology and Management Congress
WHERE: San Diego, California
WHEN: November 13–17 (Monday–Friday), 2006
HOW MUCH: Free! The Congress registration fee of $330 is waived for journalists.
WHY: World-renowned scientists will join thousands of delegates to present, discuss and exhibit the latest science on fire ecology. Over 500 papers will be presented. Workshops will cover Alaska’s boreal forests, the Appalachian Mountains, the Rocky Mountain West, Mexico, the Amazon rainforest, and Aboriginal lands in Australia.
Dr. William J. Bond, University of Cape Town, South Africa;
Dr. Richard Alley, Pennsylvania State University;
Dr. Tim Barnett, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego;
Dr. Tom Swetnam, Laboratory of Tree Ring Research at Tucson, Arizona;
Dr. Mike Flannigan of the Canadian Forest Service at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Canada;
Dr. Mark Cochrane of South Dakota State University;
Dr. Ross Bradstock of the New South Wales Department of Environment and Conservation, Australia;
John Gledhill of the Tasmania Fire Service, Tasmania, Australia;
Dr. Józef Piwnicki of the Forest Fire Protection Laboratory, Poland;
Brian Stocks of B.J. Stocks Wildfire Investigations Ltd., Ontario, Canada;
James Hubbard of the USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC;
Dr. Stephen Pyne of the School of Life Science at Arizona State University
SAN DIEGO DECLARATION: Delegates will release the “San Diego Declaration on Climate Change and Fire Management.” The San Diego Declaration charts a scientific course to cope with wildfire in a changing and warming global environment. For the current draft, click here
VISUALS: Field trips will offer personal, first-hand looks at fire ecology. Numerous exhibits will showcase the latest products, technology and tools of fire science. In addition, 120 scientific posters on fire ecology will be presented and displayed throughout the week.
MEDIA ROOM: The Third International Fire Congress media room includes wireless Internet service, desk and table space for your computer and notes, telephones, places to conduct interviews and a backdrop for television/video interviews.
DETAILS: Visit the Fire Congress’s official web site here.
SPONSOR: The Association for Fire Ecology is an organization of professionals dedicated to improving the knowledge and use of fire ecology in land management. Utilizing conferences, an on-line journal and selected publications, AFE continues to heighten awareness of the role of fire in contemporary ecosystems. For more information, click hereor contact AFE Board President Robin Wills at: 530-898-9826 or 510-817-1432; robin_wills@nps.gov.