2003 Fire Engineering Authors Index

Andersen, R.E. Using Electric Fans for PPV. (Tools of the Trade) Oct, p184.
Andrus, J. and S. Bernocco. Safe and Effective Aerial Ladder Operations. Oct, p91.
Angione, C.R. Amateurs in Charge of Professionals. (Fire Commentary) Feb, p117.
Angulo, R.A. Developing a Quick Action Plan. Jan, p91. Media and the Message, The. Sept, p93.
Angulo, R.A., B.A.Clark, and S. Auch. You Must Call Mayday for RIT to Work: Will You? Jun, p85.
Auch, S., B.A. Clark, and R.A. Angulo. You Must Call Mayday for RIT to Work: Will You? Jun, p85.
Austin, A. Fixed-Point Gas Detection Systems. (Technology Today) Nov, p118.
Avillo, A. Managing Post-Fire Control Activities. Apr, p88.

Bachman, E.G. Common Preincident Intelligence Failures. Mar, p165. Preplanning for Emergencies at Water-Treatment Facilities. Aug, p120.
Baltic, S. I Can Speak Clearly Now. (Technology Today) Feb, p122.
Bastian, J.F. Temperature Measurement and Thermal Imaging Cameras. (Technology Today) Dec, p103.
Bauer, K. Leadership that Taps Emotions. Jul, p98.
Beckering, D. Blended E-Learning. (Volunteers Corner) May, p16.
Bennett, H. There’s No Excuse to Skip Training! Sept, p14.
Bernocco, S. and J. Andrus. Safe and Effective Aerial Ladder Operations. Oct, p91.
Bernocco, S., C. Phillips, P. Jose, and C. Yob. Train in “The Rule of Air Management.” Apr, p57.
Bishop, P. and W. Weems. Suspension Trauma and Rescue Harness Safety. Dec, p67.
Bittenbender, C. Lessons Learned: Veterinary Clinic Fire. Dec, p70.
Blossom, D.R. Modern Movie Theaters: Tragedy in Waiting? Apr, p79.
Booth, B. and D. Schoonover. Planning and Funding a New Training Facility. (Technology Today) Mar, p187.
Bowman, A. Making Buildings Safe From Fire. Jan, p63.
Brannigan, F.L. Preplanning Building Hazards: Jan, p103; Mar, p182; May, p106; Jul, p142; Sept, p101; Nov, p108. The Ol’ Professor: Chicago Tragedy, The. Dec, p92; Great Innovation in the Fire Service, A. Aug, p138; “Minor” Changes Cause Terrible Disaster. Oct, p176; Not-so-Good Neighbors: Update. Jun, p94; Overcautious? Feb, p115; Scissor Stairs. Apr, p138.
Brauer, B.R. Recruit Training Academy from the Ground Up. Mar, p83.
Brennan, C. Determining Hot Zone Boundaries. Nov, p79. Initial Response to Chemical Incidents. (Training Notebook) Feb, p16.
Brennan, T. Fire Focus: Fires in Buildings with Balloon Construction. Jan, p26; Mar, p26; Multiple-Dwelling Fires. Feb, p20. Random Thoughts: “Great Manning?” Mar, p216; Hey, I’m Still Asking! Feb, p144; High-Rise, Low-Rise, Mixed-Rise? Oct, p206; How Many Little “A”s Can You See? Nov, p132; I Was Still Thinking?.Sept, p124; More on the Roof (Than Off). Apr, p166; More Simple Stuff. Dec, p120; Neglected Rules of Tactics. Aug, p168; Shopping for Experience. Jun, p124; Still on the Roof. May, p132; Stuck in Routine? Jan, p220; Tricks for that Mind of Mine. Jul, p166.
Buchanan, E. O Brother, Where Art Thou? Aug, p117.
Buckman, J.M.. Volunteers Corner: Conflict Resolution and Negotiation. Jun, p12; It Really is All About Training! Sept, p12; What Good Leaders Do. Aug, p131.

Carlin, J.T. Communications: The First Five Minutes. Jan, p97. Complacency Can Have Tragic Results. Jun, p83.
Carman, D. Responsibilities of a Rapid Intervention Officer, The. (Real-World RIT) Aug, p24.
Christman, C. Hazards of Rescues in Abandoned Mines, The. Aug, p101. Only Safe Mine is the One You’re Not In, The. Aug, p105.
Chubb, M. Wake Up and Smell the Smoke! (Fire Commentary) Mar, p184.
Ciampo, M.N. Truck Company Showcase: How Many Rungs? Apr, p132; Ladder Leg Lock Maneuvers. Apr, p113.
Clark, B.A., R.A. Angulo, and S. Auch. You Must Call Mayday for RIT to Work: Will You? Jun, p85.
Clarke, B. Service Assignments. (What We Learned) Apr, p146.
Coleman, J. “Mayday” Not Always on the Fireground. (Fire Commentary) Jun, p104. Training the Best to Prepare for the Worst. Mar, p173.
Collins, L. Helicopter Operations for High-Rise Emergencies. Mar, p105. Helicopter Operations in Swiftwater Rescues. Jul, p59. Problem with Homicide/Suicide Bombers, The. Aug, p92. Rescue and Terrorism, Part 1. Aug, p87; Part 2. Sept, p84. Tsunami: A New Concern for Responders. Dec, p73.
Comeau, E. Rescue Air System: “Standpipe for Air.” (Technology Today) Jan, p109.
Comella, J. Planning a Hose and Nozzle System for Effective Operations. Apr, p67.
Coon, J. Gasoline-Oxygen Cutting Torch. (Tools of the Trade) Dec, p94.
Corbett, G.P. Elevators and the Codes. Aug, p72.
Cornell, J. “Commandments” for Using the Backup Line. Jun, p81.
Crawford, B.A. Performance Appraisals: The Importance of Documentation. Jul, p100.

Daley, M. Improving Patient Access at Extrication Scenes. (Extrication Tactics) Jul, p18.
Dalrymple, D. Modern Vehicles: Challenges and Concerns. (Extrication Tactics) Nov, p24.
Davis, M.E. New Technology Helps Department at Stubborn Mulch Fire. (Volunteers Corner) Jan, p16.
Dawson, R. POD System for Technical Rescue Trucks. (Technology Today) Dec, p106.
De Lisi, S.M. Training Notebook: Haz-Mat Recipes for Disaster. Mar, p20; Use of Atmospheric Monitors by Suppression Personnel, The. May, p20.
Deluca, C. Understaffed Engine Company Operations at Residential Fires. Feb, p110.
Dick, J. Project Code Red. (Volunteers Corner) Nov, p14.
Dittmar, M.J. Smallpox: Should You be Vaccinated? Mar, p65.
Dogood, S. Disjointed Effort, A. (Fire Commentary) Apr, p144.
Dunne, T. Carbon Monoxide: What the Hospitals May Not be Telling You. (What We Learned) Oct, p178; Notes for the Newly Promoted Chief. Aug, p95.

Flatley, C., J. Knapp, and T.Pillsworth. Nozzle Tests Prove Fireground Realities, Part 2. Sept, p71.
Flynn, J. Primary Roof Operations at Multiple-Dwelling Fires. Jul, p81.
Foley, J.M. Building Codes that Fail to Meet Fire Safety Standards. Sept, p90.
Frank, D. Portable Air Manifold, The. (Tools of the Trade) Jun, p106.
Freedman, A.J. Historic Structures Pose Dangers for Firefighters: Lessons from the Thomas Wolfe House Fire. Feb, p98.

Gatchell, W. Shipboard Firefighting: The Basics. Aug, p133.
Gasaway, R.B. Volunteers Corner: Don’t Let the Tail Wag the Dog. Oct, p16; “I’m a Volunteer; You Can’t Tell Me What to Do.” Dec, p12; Ready! Fire! Aim! Aug, p16; Striving for Unconscious Competency. Apr, p14.
Gates, T.A. Mentoring at the Executive Level. Jul, p104.
Greiff, J.S. Brake Bar Rack, The: A Versatile Rope Rescue Tool. Apr, p106.
Grube, M.C. Quick Drills. (Training Notebook) Apr, p18.
Gustin, B. Mechanical Elevator Door Restrictors: What Firefighters Need to Know. Aug, p69. Stretching Hoselines to Upper Floors of Residential Buildings, Part 1. Sept, p63; Part 2. Oct, p85; Part 3. Nov, p75.

Haase, R. Responding to Fires at Petrochemical Facilities. Nov, p61.
Halmemies, S., Y. M?tt?nen, and T. Tuhkanen. Mitigating Accidental Fuel Spills Through Power Slurping. (Technology Today) May, p100.
Hanley, M. Dry Hydrants Revisited. Feb, p103.
Haring, R.E. LPG Tanker Rollover: Lessons Learned in Suffolk, Virginia. Jul, p90.
Hartman, T. Captains and Catastrophes. (Fire Commentary) May, p108.
Hendrick, W. and A. Zaferes. Underwater Vehicle Extrication: Training for the Hazards. Dec, p84.
Hennessey, T.P. How to Become the Uniformed Intellectual. Mar, p171. Smallpox: Lessons Learned. (What We Learned) Jun, p103. War on Terrorism, 29 Years Later, The. (Fire Commentary) Dec, p96.
Hermann, S.L. Haz Mat: On the Line: Anhydrous Ammonia Train Derailment. Sept, p110; Burning Acetonitrile. Nov, p109.
Hildebrand, M.S. and G.G. Noll. Damage Assessment of Pressurized Containers. Jul, p93.
Hollins, L.T. Using Props, Simulators, and Mockups for More Realistic Training. Mar, p129.
Holt, J. How to be a Good Company Officer. Oct, p129.
Hood, J., B. Lowe and J. Russell. Accident Victim Pinned and Impaled. (The Rescue Company) Jul, p38.

Jacquet, F. Hidden Dangers of Aircraft APU Fires, The. (Training Notebook) Nov, p20.
Johannessen, J. Expanded Role for Third-Party Certification in Revised NFPA 1901 Standard. Oct, p194.
Johnson, R. Art of Public Speaking, The. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, p104.
Jose, P., S. Bernocco, C. Phillips, and C. Yob. Train in “The Rule of Air Management.” Apr, p57.

Kemp, R.L. Homeland Security: Trends in America. Nov, p101.
Kerr, D.W. Quick-Attack Concept, The: New Technology Improves an Old Idea. Oct, p124.
King, T. Wildfire Conundrum, The. (Fire Commentary) Sept, p102.
Kiurski, T. Passport to Safety: A Tale of Two Cities. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, p106.
Knapp, J. and W. Lee. Hidden Hazards of House Fires. Nov, p93.
Knapp, J., T.Pillsworth, and C. Flatley. Nozzle Tests Prove Fireground Realities, Part 2. Sept, p71.
Knapp, J., T. Pillsworth, and S.P. White. Nozzle Tests Prove Fireground Realities, Part 1. Feb, p71.
Kreis, S. Rapid Intervention Isn’t Rapid. Dec, p56.
Kuhn, G. Tips on Preparing an Effective Proposal. Jun, p90.

Ladds, B. Apparatus Showcase: Emergency Air Monitoring: Beyond the Plume. Oct, p156.
Landreville, P.G. Modern-Day Mentoring. Sept, p95.
Langer, C. Apparatus Showcase: Apparatus Innovations and Trends. Oct, p139.
Lathrop, J.K. Consider the Firefighter in Building and Fire Protection System Design. Jan, p79.
Lee, W. and J. Knapp. Hidden Hazards of House Fires. Nov, p93.
Leihbacher, D. Elevators 101: The Use of Elevators at High-Rise Fires. Jan, p71. Roof Ventilation at Attic Fires. (Training Notebook) Sept, p20.
Leiper, B. Transformational Leadership for Fire Officers. Jul, p85.
Lemanski, C. and S. Samuels. Psychological First Aid: After the Debriefing. Jun, p73.
Lewis, J.C. Managing EMS at Special Events. Feb, p81.
Libscomb, R. Victory House. Aug, p76.
Licht, R.R. Clarifying the Issue of Fire Protection Balance. (Fire Commentary) Nov, p111.
Lobeto, A. D. Engine Company Operations: Vehicle Accidents in Water. Feb, p87. Vehicles in Water. (Extrication Tactics) Sept, p28.
Lowe, B., J. Hood and J. Russell. Accident Victim Pinned and Impaled. (The Rescue Company) Jul, p38.
Lowry, J. Does Nepotism Hurt the Fire Service? (Fire Commentary) Oct, p186. Historic Structures Pose Dangers for Firefighters: Firefighting in Vacant Historic Structures. Feb, p96.
Lucheme, R. and L. Moulthrop. Hydrogen: A Growing Technology. (Technology Today) Apr, p149.
Lyons, S. Getting to the Rear of the Building at Structure Fires. Nov, p83.

Manning, B. Editor’s Opinion: Blowing the Lid Off the Emergency Response Illusion. Aug, p10; Blue-Card Firefighting. Oct, p10; Definition of Insanity, The. Dec, p8; Federal Case. A. Jun, p8; Fire Service on the Menu at DHS. May, p10; Grandfather Clauses are Like Old Shoes. Jul, p8: Meanwhile, on the Homefront?. Apr, p8; Rolling the Life Safety Dice. Nov, p8; Safe New Year, A. Jan, p8; Sea of Blue. Mar, p10; Tear Down This Wall! Sept, p8; When a Standard is Not a Standard. Feb, p8.
Martinette, C.V. Leadership Lessons from a Builder. Aug, p75.
Matty, D.R. Car in a Canal. (The Rescue Company) Dec, p26.
McCrindle, S.A. Creating an SCBA Pack. (Real-World RIT) Dec, p24.
Meyer, C. LPG Barbecue Fires. (Training Notebook) Oct, p18.
Mills, S. Trench Rescue: The Basics. Dec, p78. Understanding Specification Plates on Cargo Tank Trucks. (Training Notebook) Jan, p22.
Mittendorf, J.W. Facing the Promotional Interview: First Impressions. Jul, p75.
Montagna, F.C. Tale of Two Gas Leaks, A.: Odor Investigations. Feb, p107.
Morelock, J.C. Preparing for the Next Call: Proper Demobilization. May, p92.
Mormino, S. Getting Critical Dispatch Information. (Training Notebook) Jul, p16.
Moschella, J.M. Apparatus Showcase: Massachusetts’ Mobile Incident Support Unit. Oct, p162.
M?tt?nen,Y, S. Halmemies, and T. Tuhkanen. Mitigating Accidental Fuel Spills Through Power Slurping. (Technology Today) May, p100.
Moulthrop, L. and R. Lucheme. Hydrogen: A Growing Technology. (Technology Today) Apr, p149.
Munger, J.G. and R.A. Neale. Performance Keys to Successful Fire Outcomes. Jan, p68.
Murphy, D.L. Safety in Public Emergency Services: Lessons Learned from the Private Sector. Jun, p69.
Murphy, J.J. Roof Obstructions: Cell Towers. (The Truck Company) Apr, p22.

Nasta, M. Mayday Training. (Training Notebook) Aug, p20; Truck Company Showcase: Search Operations: The Basics. Apr, p122.
Neale, R.A. and J.G. Munger. Performance Keys to Successful Fire Outcomes. Jan, p68.
Noblitt, M. Breathing Life into “Tilly.” (Fire Prevention Bureau) Feb, p120.
Noll, G.G. Propane Emergencies: Making a Difference. Jul, p92.
Noll, G.G. and M.S. Hildebrand. Damage Assessment of Pressurized Containers. Jul, p93.

Oughterson, S. EAT Program Raises Public Safety Consciousness. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Aug, p146.

Parow, J. Pictometry: Aerial Photography for the Fire Service. (Technology Today) May, p95.
Peeples, L.C. Anatomy of a Strip Mall Fire. (What We Learned) Sept, p106.
Pegg, D. High-Rise RIT Saves Trapped Firefighters. May, p89.
Peters, W.C. Apparatus Supplement, June: Aerial, Platform, or Quint? That is the Question. p57; Foreward, p8; Specifying and Purchasing Fire Apparatus. p10; Warning Lights, p61. Updated NFPA Apparatus Standard: What You Need to Know. Oct, p71.
Petrakis, J.G. Firefighter Learning Styles and Training: Beyond the Slide Presentation. Oct, p132.
Phillips, C., S. Bernocco, P. Jose, and C. Yob. Train in “The Rule of Air Management.” Apr, p57.
Pillsworth, T., J. Knapp and C. Flatley. Nozzle Tests Prove Fireground Realities, Part 2. Sept, p71.
Pillsworth, T., J. Knapp and S.P. White. Nozzle Tests Prove Fireground Realities, Part 1. Feb, p71.

Reed, J.L. Maintaining Turnout Gear. Nov, p90.
Rixner, J. Basement Fire Reinforces Basics. (What We Learned) Jun, p97.
Roadfeldt, E. Time in a Bottle. (Fire Commentary) Jul, p141.
Rohr, D. Injuries Prompt Review of Fireground Operations. (What We Learned) Aug, p142.
Root, D.E. Downtown Medical: A Detoxification Program for WTC Responders. Jun, p61.
Russell, J., B. Lowe, and J. Hood. Accident Victim Pinned and Impaled. (The Rescue Company) Jul, p38.

Sallaway, P. Fixed Gas and Flame Detection Systems. (Technology Today) Jun, p107.
Samuels, S. and C. Lemanski. Psychological First Aid: After the Debriefing. Jun, p73.
Santangelo, N.J. Built to Train: FDNY’s State-of-the-Art Facility. (Technology Today) Mar, p192.
Sargent, C. Transitional Team Concepts for Company Officers. Aug, p105.
Saunders, M. It’s Not Just for Fire Prevention Week Anymore! (Fire Prevention Bureau) Sept, p112.
Savia, S.A. Public Interest, Public Organization. (Volunteers Corner) Feb, p12.
Schaefer, B. Developing Standard Operating Guidelines. (Real-World RIT) Oct, p24.
Schiering, D.W. Travelir? Haz-Mat Chemical Identifier, The. (Technology Today) May, p98.
Schoonover, D. and B. Booth. Planning and Funding a New Training Facility. (Technology Today) Mar, p187.
Shouldis, W. Hathaway House High-Rise Fire: Lesson in Logistics. May, p75. I.M.P.A.C.T. of a Safety Plan, The. (Training Notebook) Jun, p16.
Sitz, T. Hose Loads for Increased Operational Effectiveness. May, p57. Low-Cost SCBA Confidence Course. (Training Notebook) Dec, p18. Rapid Removal of an Unresponsive Firefighter from a Peaked Roof. Mar, p97.
Snyder, S. and M. Thornton. Shipboard Firefighting Simulator Provides Realistic Training. Apr, p96.
Spyrison, W. Using Solid Terrain Models to Fight Forest Fires. (Technology Today) Jul, p145.
Steele, L. Volunteers Corner: Entertaining Instruction. Jul, p12; Professional Volunteers. Mar, p16.
Sullivan, F.E. Developing a Fire Department Code of Ethical Behavior. (Fire Commentary) Feb, p119.

Terpak, M.A. Fireground Size-Up for Factory and Warehouse Fires. Jan, p55. Fireground Size-Up for Garden Apartments and Townhouses. Sept, p78. Fireground Size-Up: Row Frames. May, p81.
Terwilliger, M.S. Downhill Fire Attack and the Ten Standard Orders. Sept, p67. Preparing for Your Next Urban Interface Fire. Apr, p100. Wildland Safety: What is Really Killing Us? Jun, p77. When the Smoke is Gone, What Will We Do? (Fire Commentary) Aug, p148.
Teske, R. Time to Prime. (Technology Today) Oct, p190.
Thornton, M. and S. Snyder. Shipboard Firefighting Simulator Provides Realistic Training. Apr, p96.
Trabanco, A.M. Counterterrorism Response: One View. May, p61.
Tuhkanen, T., S. Halmemies, and Y. M?tt?nen. Mitigating Accidental Fuel Spills Through Power Slurping. (Technology Today) May, p100.

Van Dusen, E.L. Mutual Aid for Major Emergencies. (What We Learned) Jul, p143.
Varone, C. Firefighter Safety and Radio Communication. Mar, p141.

Wallace, M. Expanding ICS with a Planning Perspective. Feb, p112. When to “Sweat the Small Stuff.” Mar, p175.
Weems, W. and P. Bishop. Suspension Trauma and Rescue Harness Safety. Dec, p67.
White, S.P., J. Knapp, and T. Pillsworth. Nozzle Tests Prove Fireground Realities, Part 1. Feb, p71.
Widmar, R. Sleep to Survive: How to Manage Sleep Deprivation. Jun, p45.
Wiles, L.L. Shredded Rubber Tire Fire, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Jun, p55.
Willing, L.F. Communicate as if Your Life Depends on It?Because It Does! Aug, p115.
Wolf, D. Are You Ready for EFire Technology? May, p73.

Yob, C., S. Bernocco, C.Phillips, and P. Jose. Train in “The Rule of Air Management.” Apr, p57.

Zaferes, A. and W. Hendrick. Underwater Vehicle Extrication: Training for the Hazards. Dec, p84

fort lauderdale dogs fire

Fort Lauderdale (FL) Firefighters Save Dogs From House Fire, Department Says

Firefighters pulled four dogs from a smoldering Fort Lauderdale home that was in flames just minutes earlier Thursday morning, according to the department.
MN Barn Fire

4,000 Pigs Lost in MN Barn Fire

A fire late Wednesday evening has resulted in a total loss of a hog confinement and the 4,000 hogs inside.