2004 Fire Engineering Authors Index

Aberbach, C. Preplanning MVAs. (Extrication Tactics) Mar, p20.
Adams, Sr., D.R. Overturned Tanker Fire. (Haz Mat: On the Line) Oct, p182.
Andersen, R. Forcing Vinyl Windows. Sept, p65.
Anderson, C. , S. Anderson and P. Schroer. Realistic Training Props That Fit Your Budget. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p177.
Anderson, S. , C. Anderson and P. Schroer. Realistic Training Props That Fit Your Budget. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p177.
Angulo, R.A. Can You Take the Heat? (Fire Commentary) Feb, p122.
Angulo, R.A., B.A.Clark, and S. Auch. You Called Mayday! Now What? Sept, p93.
Auch, S., B.A. Clark, and R.A. Angulo. You Called Mayday! Now What? Sept, p93.
Avillo, A. Command Limitations: Managing the Unseen Areas. Mar, p79; High-Rise Command Kit. (Tools of the Trade) Jan, p119.

Bachman, E.G. Preplanning Special Systems: Areas of Rescue Assistance. Jan, p111. Preplanning “Through the Windshield.” Mar, p135. Preplanning Utility Target Hazards. Nov, p95.
Baldanza, M.V. After a Line-of-Duty Death. Jun, p95.
Banks, D.R., J. Hood, and B. Lowe. “Police Officer Down!” (What We Learned) Dec, p88.
Barsky, S.M. Dangers in Hull Searches, The. Sept, p75.
Bennett, B. Concrete Parking Decks: Construction and Hazards. Aug, p97.
Bercot, T. and A.D. Lobeto. Fifth Door and Modified Dash Lift. (Extrication Tactics) Nov, p24.
Bernocco, S. Firefighter Safety at Vehicle Extrications. (Extrication Tactics) Jan, p24.
Bernzweig, D. Expanding “Time to Exit” for Firefighters. Jun, p63.
Bingham, D. Hurricane Isabel Prompts Technical Rescue Response. Sept, p85.
Blaich, P.W. Fire Department Perspective on Mass Evacuation. Aug, p89.
Blossom, D.R. Fire Department Operations at Sprinklered Properties. Oct, p81.
Boehm, W.A. Stress Tests, Pack Tests, and Pump Tests: 10 Minutes Can Save Your Life. Dec, p73.
Bolgiano, A. Motivating Members: Firefighters Fitness Challenge. Dec, p83.
Bond, C.F. Cost of Traumatic Stress, The. Dec, p55.
Bowman, P. Increasing Transformer Reliability Using Insulating Oil Analysis. (Technology Today) Jan, p132.
Brannigan, F.L. Preplanning Building Hazards: Jan, p118; Mar, p189; May, p136; Jul, p130; Sept, p96; Nov, p113. The Ol’ Professor: Dangerous, Newly Discovered Fire Barrier: Update. Oct, p176; Hurricane-Resistant Windows: Update. Aug, p132; “Monster” Houses: Update. Apr, p193; Party Walls and Fire Limits” Update. Jun, p115; Plastic-Reinforced Gypsum Board May Create Problems. Feb, p117; Winter Hazards. Dec, p86.
Brauer, B.R. Helping Recruits with Learning Difficulties. Mar, p73.
Brennan, C. Engine and Truck Initial Actions at a Haz-Mat Response. May, p119.
Brennan, T. Fire in a Multiple Dwelling. (Fire Focus) Aug, p22. Random Thoughts: Again with “Simple”? Feb, p144; Deny Denial! Jul, p154; Here’s Lookin’at Ya! Aug, p180; Mistakes? Oct, p206; More Safety on the Unsafe Fireground. Jun, p144; Not More Mistakes? Nope, Lessons Again! Nov, p136; Not More Mistakes? Nope, Lessons Again! Dec, p108; Photo on the Wall, NowWhat? Sept, p120; Safety at Random. May, p156; Safety on This Job? Apr, p222; Safety Uncomplicated. Mar, p216; Short Tactical Thoughts. Jan, p252.
Brooks, M. Training Notebook: Drilling Lock Cylinders. Sept, p18; Searching Commercial Structures. May, p12. Whatever Happened to Using a Halligan Tool? (Truck Company Showcase) Apr, p182.
Buchanan, E. and S. Thompson. It’s All About Attitude. Jul, p59.
Buckman, J.M.. Volunteers Corner: Training Methods. Apr, p16; What Does a Leader Look Like? Aug, p10.
Burnette, S.T. Flashover Risk Management. Jun, p106.

Calderwood, P.E. College Fire Safety: Off-Campus Housing Problems. Jan, p75.
Carlin, J.T. Getting Back to Your Senses on the Fireground. Sept, p79.
Carroll, J. Obstacle Course Teaches Fire Safety. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Apr, p202.
Carter, J.W. Federally Funded Training Prepares First Responders. Nov, p101.
Chartier, D. Controlling Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion in Fire Sprinkler Systems. (Technology Today) Nov, p116.
Chronister, T. No Way In: Gaining Access to Gated Properties. (Technology Today) Sept, p102.
Chou, A. and J.M. Moschella. Fire Service Higher Education in the U.S. and Taiwan: A Comparison. Nov, p105.
Ciampo, M.N. Hazards of Aerosol Foggers, The. (What We Learned) Jul, p132. Truck Company Showcase: New Technique for Footing a Ladder. Apr, p176; Overhauling Techniques That Save Energy. Apr, p153.
Clark, B.A. How to Get Firefighters to Wear Their Seat Belts. (FDIC East Preview) Oct, p97.
Clark, B.A., R.A. Angulo, and S. Auch. You Called Mayday! Now What? Sept, p93.
Cole, A. and C. H. Shelley. Developing a Culture of Safety. (Speaking of Safety) Nov, p114.
Collins, L Close Call in Trench/Excavation Rescue. Sept, p51.
Comstock, Jr., D.C. and S. Maxwell. Firefighters’ 10 Deadly Sins of the Fireground. Jan, p105.
Comstock, Jr., D.C. and J. Shupe. Back to School. (Volunteers Corner) Sept, p10.
Corbett, G.P. Tradition, Tradition! (Training Notebook) Mar, p18.
Crandall, S. Learning to “E.S.C.A.P.E.” Oct, p71.
Crawford, B.A. Roadblock to Success: Interview Anxiety. Aug, p63.
Curia, D. This Younger Generation Just Doesn’t Listen! (Fire Commentary) Aug, p146.

Daley, M. Return to the Basics, A. (Extrication Tactics) Sept, p22. Trench Collapse Response for Initial-Alarm Companies. (FDIC East Preview) Oct, p107.
Davis, S.E. Rural Fire Department Tours. (Volunteers Corner) Jun, p14.
DellaRocco, M. Fitness Starts at the Top! (Fire Commentary) Dec, p92.
De Lisi, S.M. Beyond “The Rule of Thumb.” (Haz Mat: On the Line) Mar, p194.
DeLuca, C. Engine Company Size-up at Residential Fires. (The Engine Company) May, p26.
Dittmar, M.J. Fire Technology for a Safer Tomorrow. May, p71.
Donahue, M.L. Fire Scene Investigation: A “Cause” for Concern? Jun, p87.
Dummett, R. Use of Airboats in Ice and Water Rescue Emergencies, The. Mar, p113.
Dunne, T. Advancing the Hoseline: Know Before You Go. Apr, p95.
Dunford, D.H. and C.V. Martinette. Creating an Empowered Organization. Feb, p95.

Festa, J.P. Do You Know Your ISO Rating? (Fire Commentary) Jan, p128.
Flatley, C. Do You Live in “Anytown”? (Volunteers Corner) Jan, p12.
Flatley, C, J. Knapp, and T. Pillsworth. Nozzle Tests Prove Fireground Realities, Part 3. Feb, p67.
Foley, J.M. Grease Duct Fire Leads to Stricter Code Enforcement. Jun, p101. Parking Garage Under Construction Collapses. Feb, p88.
Freedman, A.J.. Fire in Abandoned Mill: Lessons Learned. Aug, p73.
Fritz, R.A. Engine Company Riding Positions and Job Functions. Feb, p107. Making Your Engine Work for You. Feb, p85. Spanner Belt, The. (Tools of the Trade) Mar, p190.
Fulmer, D.B. and G.P. Jirka. Fundamentals of SCBA Training, The. (Training Notebook) Aug, p14.

Gage, D. ISO’s Public Protection Classification Program, The. (Fire Commentary) Jan, p130.
Gasaway, R.B. Volunteers Corner: Don’t Let the Winds of Change Become a Tornado. Dec, p12; First National Bank of Credibility. May, p10; Recruiting Standards. Oct, p14; Stop Complaining and Start Leading. Mar, p16.
Giesler, M. and T. Kiurski. Firefighter for a Day: A Tale of Two Cities. (Fire Prevention Bureau) May, p138.
Goodwin, S. What They Did and Didn’t Give You With The Badge. Jul, p67.
Grant, S. and S. Thompson. First-Alarm Considerations for the Initial IC. May, p91.
Greenwood, M.D. and R.K. Turner. Matters of the Heart. May, p129.
Gustin, B. Forcing Overhead Sectional Doors. Nov, p67. Mobile Home Fires, Part 1: Problems and Prefire Planning. Apr, p79; Part 2: Operational Considerations. May, p111. When the First Attack Hoseline Doesn’t Go Through the Front Door. Jul, p53.

Hagerty, J. Job-Specific Fitness Training in Massachusetts. Dec, p77.
Haigh, C.A. Reducing Response Times. (Volunteers Corner) Feb, p14.
Hermann, S.L. Overconfidence and Why You Should Play By the Rules. (Haz Mat: On the Line) Jan, p121.
Holliday, S. High-Rise Fire Disasters: When Will We Learn Our Lesson? Apr, p85. Motivating Company Officers. (One-Minute Motivator) Feb, p126.
Hom, A. Tiller-Mounted Ladder Operations. (Apparatus Showcase) Oct, p159.
Hood, J., D.R. Banks, and B. Lowe. “Police Officer Down!” (What We Learned) Dec, p88.
Hopson, B. Tips for Improving Your Classroom Instruction. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p183.
Hosea, J.B. Employee Evaluations: How Does Your Organization Measure Up? Aug, p93.

Jensen, E.N.U. Lessons Learned: Four-Alarm House Fire. (Volunteers Corner) Jul, p12.
Jirka, G.P. and D.B. Fulmer. Fundamentals of SCBA Training, The. (Training Notebook) Aug, p14.

Kanterman, R. “It’s Just What We Do.” (Fire Commentary) Mar, p197. NJ Emergency Services Summit Paves Way for Unity and Progress. (News in Brief) Dec, p36.
Kauser, F. Single-Station Field Decontamination System. Jan, p79.
Kilbury, D.G. Coping with Hurricane Charley: Two Perspectives: Post-Storm Challenges Tax Resources. Nov, p83.
Kirkham, D. Accepting a New Fire Station. Oct, p93. Fire Station Utility Air Compressor, The. (Apparatus: The Shops) Jul, p136. Reviewing Construction Documents for a New Fire Station. Mar, p147. Wet Stacking and Backup Power Systems. Jan, p116.
Kistner, D. Liability and the Incident Commander. (Fire Service Court) Aug, p136.
Kiurski, T. and M. Giesler. Firefighter for a Day: A Tale of Two Cities. (Fire Prevention Bureau) May, p138.
Kiurski, T. and A. O’Brien. Junior Firefighters Challenge. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, p125.
Knapp, J. Unusual Rescue Requires Unusual Solution. Sept, p69.
Knapp, J. and M. Lunsford. Responding to Railroad Emergencies: Understanding the Railroad System. Nov, p57.
Knapp, J., T.Pillsworth, and C. Flatley. Nozzle Tests Prove Fireground Realities, Part 3. Feb, p67.
Knapp, J. and A. Saylor. Making Your Decontamination Training a Success. Apr, p131.
Kramer, III, F.L. Determining the Hazard Area of Downed Firefighters. (Real-World RIT) Oct, p22.
Kreis, S. Incident Command Teams for Large-Scale Incidents. Feb, p73.
Kreuger, M.A. Where is Your Next Breath Coming From? (Technology Today) Apr, p204.
Kuhn, G. Arson Prevention: Motives and Mitigation Programs. Apr, p113.

LAFemina, F.P. Real-Time Rescue. (FDIC East Preview) Oct, p127.
Landreville, P.G. Continue the Tradition of Training. Mar, p103.
Lasky, R. Customer Service That Serves Your Department. Mar, p127. Firefighter Survival Training: From Reactive to Proactive. (Fire Commentary) Jun, p117. Pride and Ownership: The Love for the Job: Changing Shirts?The Promotion. Nov, p93; Our Mission. May, p107; Our Two Families. Sept, p91; Sweating the Small Stuff. Oct, p77; The Chief. Aug, p67; The Company Officer. Jul, p71; The Firefighter. Jun, p81; What September 11th Did to Us and for Us. Dec, p75.
Lobeto, A. D. and T. Bercot. Fifth Door and Modified Dash Lift. (Extrication Tactics) Nov, p24.
Look, L. Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: Some Perspectives. Dec, p57.
Lopina, M.J. Conversions in Multi-Family Dwellings. (Training Notebook) Jun, p18.
Lowe, B., J. Hood and D.R. Banks. “Police Officer Down!” (What We Learned) Dec, p88.
Lowry, J. How “Safe” Are Your Drivers? (Training Notebook) Oct, p18.
Lunsford, M. and J. Knapp. Responding to Railroad Emergencies: Understanding the Railroad System. Nov, p57.
Lyons, S. Protecting Houses of Worship. Apr, p141. Truck Company Riding Positions. (Truck Company Showcase) Apr, p162.

Maier, A. E-911 in the Office Speeds Emergency Response. (Technology Today) Oct, p184.
Manning, B. Editor’s Opinion: Death Benefits for All Firefighters. Dec, p6; DHS Proposes Fire Service Hits. Mar, p10; Feds to State Fire Training Systems: Eat My Political Dust. Feb, p8; Everyone Goes Home. Aug, p6; Firefighting Servant Leadership: The Right Medicine. May, p6; From Inane to Insane, Coast to Coast. Jun, p10; How Large a Slice? Nov, p6; Off the Cuff, and Furthermore?. Oct, p6; Sky Isn’t Falling?., The. Jul, p6; Tainted Brush of 9/11 Politics, The. Sept, p6; Training in the New Year. Jan, p8; Why Is It?? Apr, p10.
Martinette, C.V. Exodus of Senior Employees: Potential Problems. Aug, p83. Surviving the Leadership of Others. Apr, p103.
Martinette, C.V. and D.H. Dunford. Creating an Empowered Organization. Feb, p95.
Martinez, B.M. Interstate Arson: Catching the Traveling Serial Arsonist. Jun, p109.
Mason, J. Preplanning Residential Dwelling Fires. Jan, p63.
Maxwell, S. and D.C. Comstock, Jr. Firefighters’ 10 Deadly Sins of the Fireground. Jan, p105.
McBride, P.J., D. Ross, and G.A. Tracy. Rehabilitation: Standards, Traps, and Tools. May, p97.
McEvoy, M. Germs That Kill. (Firemedically Speaking) Dec, p20.
McGrail, D.M. “Do We Really Need to Do That Every Time?” (FDIC Preview) Mar, p169.
Miles, J. and J. Tobin. Training Notebook: Controlling Your Helmet. Dec, p16; Mayday and Urgent Messages. Apr, p22; Removing a Downed Firefighter. Jan, p18.
Mills, S. Teamwork: The Foundation of the Fire Service. Aug, p129.
Montagna, F.C. Natural Gas Hazards. Nov, p75. Why Do We Do That? Jun, p69; Dec, p51.
Morris, W.A. Firefighter Recruitment and Retention Ideas You Can Use. (FDIC East Preview) Oct, p121.
Moschella, J.M. and A. Chou. Fire Service Higher Education in the U.S. and Taiwan: A Comparison. Nov, p105.
Murphy, S.M. Hi-Impact? Wallboard Poses Safety Hazards. Dec, p63.

Naylis, G.J. Implementing a Pump Operator Training and Evaluation Program. (FDIC East Preview) Oct, p115.
Novak, J. Challenges in Preengineered Metal Roof Decks of Polyiso Foam. Oct, p65.

O’Brien, A. and T. Kiurski. Junior Firefighters Challenge. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, p125.

Perry, S. Assessing Character in Fire Academy Recruits. Mar, p91. Physical Education in the Fire Service. Dec, p67.
Peters, W.C. Apparatus Showcase: Reel Use and Innovations. Oct, p139; Safety Considerations in Apparatus Placement. Oct, p147.
Piech, J.D. Role of the Fire Service Mentor, The: Making Every New Trainee Our Responsibility. Jul, p87.
Pillsworth, T., J. Knapp and C. Flatley. Nozzle Tests Prove Fireground Realities, Part 3. Feb, p67.
Piros, J. Working (and Working With) the Media. Apr, p149.
Prziborowski, S. 10 Steps to Promotion. Jul, p83.

Quaderer, D.R. Coping with Hurricane Charley: Two Perspectives: Fire Stations Vulnerable in Hurricane Winds. Nov, p88.

Ragen, R.R. Flammable Cylinders and the Fire Code. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Oct, p180.
Rarick, M. and R. Tieche. Extrication of a Downed Firefighter Using an Attic Ladder. (Real-World RIT). Jun, p22.
Raynor, T.J. History of a Strip Mall’s Fires. (What We Learned) Feb, p119.
Robertson, M. RIT Bag, The. (Real-World RIT) Apr, p24.
Ross, D., G.A. Tracy, and P.J. McBride. Rehabilitation: Standards, Traps, and Tools. May, p97.

Sager, B. Military Strategy Applied to Wildland Suppression. Feb, p103.
Salabarria, E.F. Realistic Shipboard Training. (Training Notebook) Nov, p18.
Saunders, M. Overcoming Children’s Fear of Firefighting Gear. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Feb, p124.
Saylor, A. and J. Knapp. Making Your Decontamination Training a Success. Apr, p131.
Schroer, P., S. Anderson, and C. Anderson. Realistic Training Props That Fit Your Budget. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p177.
Shaw, D. Image is Everything. (Real-World RIT) Aug, p24.
Shaw, R. Extrication Tactics: New Auto Safety Technology, Part 1. May, p16; Part 2. Jul, p26.
Shelley, C.H. Breathing Apparatus Control Procedures: Learning from the U.K. May, p123.
Shelley, C.H. and A. Cole. Developing a Culture of Safety. (Speaking of Safety) Nov, p114.
Shouldis, W. Carbon Monoxide: An Insidious Menace. Mar, p99. Firefighting in Correctional Facilities. May, p115.
Shupe, J. and D.C. Comstock, Jr. Back to School. (Volunteers Corner) Sept, p10.
Sitz, T. The Engine Company: Deck Gun Drills for Three-Member Engine Companies. Aug, p28; Preconnect Pitfalls. Feb, p24.
Somers, S. Case for an Integrated Rescue Device in Turnouts, A. Jun, p75.
Staskey, P. Regional Training on Target Hazards. Aug, p107.
Steele, L. To Be the Best, Train! (Volunteers Corner) Nov, p12.
Stone, H.F. Bombs and Buildings. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p160.

Terriaco, R. Basic RIT Tools on the Apparatus. (Real-World RIT) Dec, p18.
Terwilliger, M.S. Fire Commentary: Falling Off Apparatus. Dec, p90; Selling ICS is Like Showing a Pig a Watch. Sept, p98; Why is Safety Such a Problem? Jun, p120. Responsibility for Urban Interface Fires. Apr, p121. Thin to Win. Aug, p125. Unified Command at Wildfires. Feb, p111.
Thompson, S. and E. Buchanan. It’s All About Attitude. Jul, p59.
Thompson, S. and S. Grant. First-Alarm Considerations for the Initial IC. May, p91.
Tieche, R. and M. Rarick. Extrication of a Downed Firefighter Using an Attic Ladder. (Real-World RIT). Jun, p22.
Tobin, D. Collapse on Demolition Site Buries Worker. Jul, p77.
Tobin, J. and J. Miles. Training Notebook: Controlling Your Helmet. Dec, p16; Mayday and Urgent Messages. Apr, p22; Removing a Downed Firefighter. Jan, p18.
Tracy, G.A. Leadership: Firefighters Mentoring Firefighters. Aug, p121.
Tracy, G.A., D. Ross, and P.J. McBride. Rehabilitation: Standards, Traps, and Tools. May, p97.
Turner, R.K. and M.D. Greenwood. Matters of the Heart. May, p129.

Verfuss, E. Can Adequate Rehab Prevent Firefighter Deaths? Dec. p43.

Waters, M. Ventilation Tactics for Pitched Wood Roofs. (Training Notebook) Jul, p20.
Whitby, C. Basic Essentials of RIT. (Real-World RIT). Feb, p30.
Willing, L.F. But I’m Not Laughing. Sept, p73. When Teasing Goes Too Far. Dec, p81.
Wolf, D. Recoil LED Technology?.Focuses on Improving Fire Service Safety. (Technology Today) Jun, p128.

Yocco, S. Downed Firefighter Rescue Harness. (Training Notebook) Feb, p20.

Saegertown explosion

Firefighters Among More Than a Dozen Injured in PA Explosion

A major explosion Sunday injured more than a dozen people, including several firefighters, in Saegertown, Pennsylvania.
Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…