2005 Fire Engineering Authors Index

Adiga, K.C. Ultrafine Water Mist Fire Suppression Technology. (Technology Today) Jan, p197.
Agostinelli, P. Conducting Realistic Chlorine Leak Training. (Training Notebook) Jun, p16.
Anderson, J. Rookie’s Survival Guide, The. Aug, p127.
Auferoth, S. et al. Acquiring and Maintaining Good Fitness Habits. Dec, p71.
Avillo, A. Fireground Strategies: Old- and New-Law Multiple Dwellings. Jun, p77; The “New Millennium” Multiple Dwelling. Oct, p63.

Bachman, E.G. Preincident Intelligence of Quarries. Nov, p87. Propane Explosion: A Case Study. Mar, p81. Water Supply Preincident Intelligence. Oct, p95.
Bailer, B. and S.S. Ruetz. Cobra System, The: Two-Dimensional, Realistic Preplanning. Apr, p127.
Baldanza, M.V. Fire Department Response to “Active Shooter” Incidents. Sept, p105.
Bernocco, S. et al. Point of No Return, The. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p149; R.E.A.D.Y. Checks and the Rule of Air Management. Jun, p91.
Bevalacqua, A. et al.. Reorganizing to Meet Continual Threats. (WMD Supplement) Nov, p9.
Bittenbender, C. Coffee Talk: Company-Level Drills. Jul, p77.
Blossom, D.R. Fire Pumps:The Invisible Firefighter. Aug, p79. How Reliable are Private Fire Hydrants? Feb, p99.
Boontem, C. and P. Fox. Tsunami Rescue Report from Thailand’s “Ground Zero.” Sept, p75.
Brannigan, F.L. Preplanning Building Hazards: Jan, p184; Mar, p175; May, p116; Jul, p135; Sept, p109; Nov, p103. The Ol’ Professor: Cluster Homes: Update. Dec, p85; Cockloft Vs. Attic. Aug, p133. First Combustible Metal-Deck Roof Fatalities. Jun, p119; Hazard Clues: Old But Valid. Feb, p122; Letters. Oct, p179; Suspended Ceilings. Apr, p215.
Brauer, B.R. Constructing a More Economical Technical Rescue Prop. Jan, p111.
Brennan, T. Random Thoughts: Firefighters’ “Broken Windows.” May, p144; Is It Better To…? Jul, p156; Is It Better To…? Part 2. Aug, p162; More Lessons for the Coffee Table. Feb, p148; Not More Mistakes? Nope, Lessons Again, Part 3. Jan, p212; “Nozzles Schmozzles!” Jun, p140; Recruit Orientation. Dec, p118; Someone Should Say It (Again) Nov, p126; Still Lining Up Simple Lessons. Mar, p196. Tactics: The Limiting/Enhancing Factor for Strategic Decisions. Sept, p134; Where’s Your Rope? Apr, p258; You Feel That Way? Why Don’t You Just Say It? Oct, p204.
Brewer, T. et al. Live-Fire Training Exercise. (Volunteers Corner) Jun, p10.
Bricault, M. Residential Search and Rescue: Reordering Priorities. Dec, p77.
Buchanan, E. “They’re Just Trying to Run Off the Volunteers!” (Volunteers Corner) Apr, p18.
Buckman, J.M..Establishing the Training Curriculum. Mar, p71. Leadership 201. Aug, p57. Structure of Persuasion. (Volunteers Corner) Jul, p12.
Byrne, J.T. et al. Impact of Perfect Information. (Technology Today) Dec, p89.

Cardeso, D. Tar Kettle Fires: A Potential for Catastrophe. Oct, p107.
Carrigan, S. Qualities of a Good Instructor. Oct, p133.
Childs, R. RIT Bag. (Real-World RIT) Apr, p30.
Chubb, M. Manage Community Fire Risk to Reduce Response Time. (Fire Commentary) Jul, p136.
Ciampo, M.N. The Truck Company: Are Your Butts Marked? Jul, p28; Salvage Tactic and Tip, A. Nov, p38.
Clendenin, S. et al. Radiological Capabilities, Strategy, and Response: The Massachusetts Approach. Aug, p111.
Codding, G.A. Will Your Fire Investigation Testimony Hold Up in Court? (Fire Service Court) Jan, p 186.
Cole, A. and C. H. Shelley. Fire Protection and Response for LPG Bulk Storage Installations. Aug, p95. Maritime Code May Affect Marine Fire Operations. Apr, p111. Terrorism and Security Issues When Responding to Industrial Facilities. Nov, p63.
Cole, K. and B. Henby. Customer Service Programs that Work. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Feb, p128.
Coleman, J. Remove the IDLH, Not the Victims. (Fire Commentary) Mar, p176.
Collins, L Tsunamis: A Wakeup Call for the U.S., Part 1. Sept, p63; Part 2. Oct, p89.
Comstock, Jr., D.C. Mutual-Aid Chief Officer’s Role at Structure Fires, The. (Volunteers Corner) Aug, p14.
Cool, T. “Interior” Indirect and Combination Attacks: A Misunderstanding? (The Engine Company) Feb, p30.
Corbett, G.P. Editor’s Opinion: Lessons of the Chocolate Firefighter, The. Nov, p8; Pulling FEMA Out of the Political Muck. Oct, p8.
Comstock, Jr., D. Promotional Exams for Company Officers. (Volunteers Corner) Nov, p14.
Cornell, J. Writing Skills Needed. (Fire Commentary) Dec, p88.
Crane, B.L. Steps to Effective Leadership. Aug, p89.
Crawford, B.A. Reducing Fire Risks for the Poor. Jan, p83.
Creamer, T. Multiagency Response to WMD. (WMD Supplement) Nov, p5.
Crow, J. Burglar Bar Removal: Strategies and Tactics. (Truck Company Showcase) Apr, p189.

Dallessandro, M.P. Creating an Apparatus Driver Response SOP. Mar, p123. Train Vs. Apparatus Deadly Crossings. (Training Notebook) Oct, p24. Who is Training Your Apparatus Drivers? (Apparatus Showcase) Oct, p147.
Dalrymple, D. Extrication Tactics: Art of Space Making, The. Mar, p28; Extrication Challenges: A Unique Educational Opportunity for Rescuers. Sept, p28; Fender Evolutions. Jan, p18; Patient and Rescue Considerations. May, p20; Patient Care at Motor Vehicle Accidents. Jul, p20; Ventilation Stabilization The Foundation. Nov, p26.
Daves, S. Driver Training Program Increases Expertise and Safety. (Apparatus Showcase) Oct, p153.
De Lisi, S.M. Organizational Culture in the Fire Service. Aug, p119. What You Should Know About Labels. Placards, and Markings. Mar, p99.
DeLuca, C. Engine Company as the Rapid Intervention Team, The. (Real-World RIT) Aug, p30.
Derchak, P.A. and D. Mendenhall. Technology Today: Enhancing Firefighter Safety Through Continuous Physiologic Surveillance. May, p126; Lifeshirt? System, The: FDIC 2005 H.O.T. Class Results. Sept, p120.
Dittmar, M.J. Technology Roundup: Safety Drives Research Projects. May, p67.
Dodson, D. W. Art of First-Due, The. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p135. Art of Reading Smoke, The. Sept, p81.
Dreisbach, D.F. Car Vs. Train: The Forgotten Victims. (What We Learned) Sept, p110.
Dubois, R. et al. Impact of Perfect Information. (Technology Today) Dec, p89.
Dunford, D.H. and C.V. Martinette.

Edgerly, B. Survivability and Rescue Transceiver Technology. (Technology Today) May, p122.

Faranda, D.M. et al. Bomb Activity and Juvenile Firesetters. Jan, p61.
Fegley, V.M. et al. Bomb Activity and Juvenile Firesetters. Jan, p61.
Feldman, D. Brother’s Editor, A. (Editor’s Opinion) Sept, p8.
Flatley, C. Flashover and Backdraft: A Primer. Mar, p 65.
Flynn, J. Water Tanker Shuttles: 10 Rules for Success. (Apparatus Showcase) Oct, p159.
Flynn, J.F. et al. Unified Command Helps in Multiagency River Recovery. Feb, p91.
Foley, J.M. Jet Crash Lesson: Expect the Unexpected. Dec, p81. Students Develop Flashover Educational Tool. Nov, p99. Testing Codes by Fire. Apr, p141. What Business is Your Fire Department In? (Fire Commentary) Feb, p126.
Fox, P. and C. Boontem. Tsunami Rescue Report from Thailand’s “Ground Zero.” Sept, p75.
Freeman, C. How We Became Better Prepared. (Real-World RIT) Feb, p20.
Frank, D. RIT Bag, The. (Real-World RIT) Dec, p30.
Fuchs, W. et al. Live-Fire Training Exercise. (Volunteers Corner) Jun, p10.
Fulmer, D.B. Long-Lane Marking System for Water Relays. Feb, p87.

Gagliano, M. et al. Point of No Return, The. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p149. R.E.A.D.Y. Checks and the Rule of Air Management. Jun, p91.
Gasaway, R.B. Some Traditions Haunt Us Every Day. (Volunteers Corner) Feb, p10.
Grant, S. and L. Stephens. Hazards of Suspended Ceilings, The. Jan, p55.
Greeson, J. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.
Grube, M.C. Training Notebook: Eye in the Sky. Aug, p24. Quick Tips. Jan, p16.
Gunuskey, K. Apparatus Body Model. (Innovations: Homegrown) Oct, p184.
Gustin, B. Firefighting in Modern Office Buildings. May, p59. Fire in a Strip Warehouse. (Fire Focus) Dec, p20. Minimizing Risk in Forcible Entry Operations. (Truck Company Showcase) Apr, p157. Stretching Hoselines: When Preconnects Fall Short. Sept, p91.

Halton, R. Mind If I Sit Here? (Editor’s Opinion) Dec, p6.
Havel, G. Impact-Resistant Drywall Impacts Firefighting Operations. Apr, p107. Lightweight Steel Construction, Nov, p69.
Hawley, C. WMD Supplement: New Technologies for WMD Detection. Nov, p26; Response Strategies for Unidentified Materials. Nov, p30.
Henby, B. and K. Cole. Customer Service Programs that Work. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Feb, p128.
Herbert, D. Occupational Athletes: The Importance of the Human Factor. (Fire Commentary) Dec, p86.
Hetrick, M. and B. Meehan. Team Building Beyond the Fire Scene. (Volunteers Corner) Jan, p12.
Hinkle, D.T. Rescue and Squad Company Operations. (The Rescue Company) Sept, p32.
Hollins, L.T. Temporary Hurricane Shutters and Firefighting Operations. Jun, p51.

Ingram, R.J. et al. Reorganizing to Meet Continual Threats. (WMD Supplement) Nov, p9.

Joerger, S. Church Fire: When Lightning Strikes Twice. Jul, p63.
Jose, P. et al. Point of No Return, The. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p149. R.E.A.D.Y. Checks and the Rule of Air Management. Jun, p91.

Kanterman, R. MAC-SICS: Industrial Mutual Aid in New Jersey. Nov, p97.
Katsikas, S.L. et al. Bomb Activity and Juvenile Firesetters. Jan, p61.
Keller, J. and B. Lowe. Making Federal Rural Fire Programs Work for Your Department. Jul, p93.
Kennedy, M. Creating a Dynamic Public Education Program. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Oct, p189.
Kerr, D.W. Getting Water. (Volunteers Corner) Oct, p16.
Kertzie, P.F. Ventilation in Wood-Frame Structures. (Truck Company Showcase) Apr, p177.
Kirby, M. et al. Preventing Line-of-Duty Deaths: The Cincinnati Experience. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p143.
Kiurski, T. and G.R. Rieth. Halloween Help for Your Fire Department. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Aug, p138.
Knapp, J. et al. Unified Command Helps in Multiagency River Recovery. Feb, p91.
Kramer, R. and J.J.M. Moreau, Jr. Don’t Lose Your Gloves! (Training Notebook) May, p18.
Krauss, B et al. Live-Fire Training Exercise. (Volunteers Corner) Jun, p10.
Kuhn, G. Dependent Care Program Protects Welfare of Members’ Families. Jul, p97.
Kupietz, K. School Violence: Preparing Today for a Bad Day Tomorrow. Dec, p67.

Ladd, D. et al. Radiological Capabilities, Strategy, and Response: The Massachusetts Approach. Aug, p111.
Lakamp, T.C. et al. Preventing Line-of-Duty Deaths: The Cincinnati Experience. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p143.
Lasky, R. Making a Comeback: The Chief’s Aide. Mar, p111. Pride and Ownership: The Love for the Job. Ceremonies that Stoke the Flames of Tradition. Jan, p105; Have You Forgotten? Apr, p137; Making It All Happen and Taking Care of Number One. Mar, p133; Marketing Your Fire Department. Feb, p105.
Layman, M.E. Wireless Mobile Fire Inspections. (Technology Today) Nov, p110.
Leihbacher, D. Operating Safely on Peaked Roofs. Jan, p67.
Licht, R.R. Impact of Building Code Changes on Fire Service Safety, The. (Fire Commentary) Apr, p223.
Light, G. et al. Preventing Line-of-Duty Deaths: The Cincinnati Experience. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p143.
Lim, N.K. et al. Bomb Activity and Juvenile Firesetters. Jan, p61.
Lopina, M.J. Complex Rescue Made Simple.(What We Learned) Nov, p109.
Lowe, B. and J. Keller. Making Federal Rural Fire Programs Work for Your Department. Jul, p93.

Magin, K.A. Fire Prevention Program Meets State’s Curriculum Standards. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Jan, p192.
Manning, B. Editor’s Opinion: Brand New Year, Same Old Politics. Jan, p8; DHS Reorganization Shows a Fire Service on the March. Aug, p8;How White is Your Helmet? Feb, p6; Rumors of Our Demise “Greatly Exaggerated,” Part 1. Mar, p6; Rumors of Our Demise “Greatly Exaggerated,” Part 2. Apr, p8; Show Me the Money, Not the Fear. Jul, p8;Voice of Leadership in Trying Times, A. Jun, p6;You Gotta Believe. May, p6.
Marinucci, R. Damaged Aerial, The. (The Chief Problem Solver) Nov, p22. Politics and the Fire Chief. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p157.
Martinette, C.V. “Completed Staff Work”: Getting It Right the First Time. Oct, p113. Evaluating Performance to Create Ownership. Aug, p69. Leadership and Balance. Apr, p117.
Martinez, B.M. Fatal Fire Incidents: What To Do After the Flames. May, p101. Is There a Need for Standardized K9 Credentials? Jan, p 97.
Martinez, B.M. and J.M. McLoughlin. Fire Fatalities: One County’s Perspective. Jan, p47.
Mason, J. Size-Up Considerations for High-Rise Fires. Apr, p95.
McCormack R. and E. J. Roden. Single-Handed Engine Company, The. (The Engine Company) Apr, p38.
McEvoy, M. Psychological First Aid: Replacement for Critical Stress Debriefing? Dec, p63. Not Written, Not Done, Not So. (Firemedically Speaking) Apr, p221.
McGrail, D.M. Engine Company Standpipe Operations: Pressure-Regulating Devices. Feb, p63; Tactical Use of 2 ?-inch Handlines, Part 1. May, p79; Part 2. Jun, p59.
McLoughlin, J.M. and B.M. Martinez. Fire Fatalities: One County’s Perspective. Jan, p47.
Mendenhall, D. and P.A. Derchak. Technology Today: Enhancing Firefighter Safety Through Continuous Physiologic Surveillance. May, p126; Lifeshirt? System, The: FDIC 2005 H.O.T. Class Results. Sept, p120.
Meehan, B. and M. Hetrick. Team Building Beyond the Fire Scene. (Volunteers Corner) Jan, p12.
Mendenhall, D. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.
Miles, J. and J. Tobin. Fast Engine. (Real-World RIT) Jun, p18. Training Notebook: Forcible Entry Using a Set of Irons. Apr, p24; Removing a Downed Firefighter from a Cellar. Sept, p24.
Mills, S. Learn to Maintain Fireground Awareness. Jul, p83.
Moffatt, S. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.
Molle, H. and D. Murphy. First Due Without a Clue: Don’t Let it Happen to You. (Volunteers Corner) Sept, p16.
Montagna, F.C. Why Do We Do That? Mar, p79; Jul, p81; Sept, p97.
Mora, W.R. Understanding and Solving Firefighter Disorientation. Jun, p103.
Moreau, J.J.M., Jr. and R. Kramer. Don’t Lose Your Gloves! (Training Notebook) May, p18.
Morelock, J.C. Commercial Operations: Hinge “Shearing.” (Truck Company Operations) Apr, p213.
Muegge, C. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.
Murphy, D. and H. Molle. First Due Without a Clue: Don’t Let it Happen to You. (Volunteers Corner) Sept, p16.
Murphy, Jr., J.J. Speak Up! Tradeoffs are Jeopardizing Your Safety on the Fireground. (Fire Commentary) Nov, p107.
Musorfiti, T. et al. Reorganizing to Meet Continual Threats. (WMD Supplement) Nov, p9.

Naylis, G.J. Before the Class. (Training Notebook) Mar, p24.
Neely, G.H. Slides in the Carousel. (Fire Commentary) Feb, p124.
Nelson, T.S. Leadership Vs. Management: Finding the Balance. Nov, p93.
Noll, G.G. BLEVE: A Primer. Mar, p86.

O’Connell, J.P. Preliminary Safey “T” Shores: An Update. Sept, p99.
O’Connell, T. et al. Radiological Capabilities, Strategy, and Response: The Massachusetts Approach. Aug, p111.
O’Connor, A. Firefighting in a New Urban Era. Aug, p63. Preplanning Semivacant Homes. Oct, p 85. Trench Rescue Lessons Learned. Sept, p85.

Payne, R. Point of Entry. (Training Notebook) Feb, p16.
Peeples, L.C. How New Leaders Can Be Great Leaders. Aug, p125.
Perricone, G.P. Natural Gas Emergencies. (Volunteers Corner) May, p10.
Peters, W.C. Apparatus Points to Ponder. (Apparatus Showcase) Oct, p139. Rosenbauer Tech-Drive ’05. (Technology Today) May, p117.
Phillips, C. et al. Point of No Return, The. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p149. R.E.A.D.Y. Checks and the Rule of Air Management. Jun, p91.
Prziborowski, S. How to Get Along in the Fire Station. Mar, p127.
Purcell, W.R. Understanding the Fire Department Accreditation Process. Mar, p93.

Reardon, J.A. Four-Phase Incident Action Planning. Mar, p115. Unified Command and Shifting Priorities. Aug, p75.
Register, A. and C. Rielage. Temporary Fire Hydrants. Oct, p81.
Reed, C.A.. et al. Unified Command Helps in Multiagency River Recovery. Feb, p91.
Reeder, Jr., F.F. Training Program Nuts and Bolts. (Training Notebook) Jul, p16.
Reeves, M. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.
Rieger, K.W. Peaked-Roof Ventilation: Cutting Through Asphalt Shingles. (Training Notebook) Nov, p18.
Rielage, C. and A. Register. Temporary Fire Hydrants. Oct, p81.
Robertson, M.
Rieth, G.R. and T. Kiurski. Halloween Help for Your Fire Department. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Aug, p138.
Roden, E.J. and R. McCormack. Single-Handed Engine Company, The. (The Engine Company) Apr, p38.
Ruetz, S.S. and B. Bailer. Cobra System, The: Two-Dimensional, Realistic Preplanning. Apr, p127.
Ruggeri, E.D. Is a Funeral with Full Firefighter’s Honors Always Proper? (Fire Commentary) Mar, p178. Multifunction Apparatus Offers Versatility. Oct, p169.

Sacher, J. Foam Buyer, Beware! (Haz Mat: On the Line) Jan, p188.
Sager, B. Training for the Emergency Operations Center Staff. Feb, p117.
Salzenstein, M.A. and R.J. Stanis. Plastic Bleachers: A Serious Fire Hazard? Feb, p108.
Saner, M. Co-Axial Nozzle Technology. (Technology Today) Jul, p138.
Saywell, Jr., R.M.. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.
Schnepp, R. EMS at Haz-Mat/WMD Incidents? Well, It Depends… (WMD Supplement) Nov, p21.
Seibel, E.J. Carabiners Help Expedite Removal of Downed Firefighter. (Real-World RIT) Oct. p28.
Sharpe, D.C. Training Helps Curtail Junkyard Fire. (What We Learned) Feb, p133.
Shaw, D. Firefighter Emergency Egress Test Using Hi-Impact? Wallboard. Dec, p59.
Shelley, C.H. and A. Cole. Fire Protection and Response for LPG Bulk Storage Installations. Aug, p95. Maritime Code May Affect Marine Fire Operations. Apr, p111. Terrorism and Security Issues When Responding to Industrial Facilities. Nov, p63.
Shelton, S. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.
Shouldis, W. Important Role of the Incident Safety Officer, The. Jun, p75. Office Development Programs on a Budget. Jul, p69. Preparing for a Department Funeral. Jan, p93.
Shupe, J. Fighting Fires in “Disposable Buildings.” Apr, p85. Fighting Fires in “Monster Houses.” Feb, p77. Initial Attack Hoseline, The. Nov, p79.
Sitz, T. Cellar Nozzle Drill, The. (The Engine Company) Dec, p26. Personal Rope, The: 40 Feet of Life Insurance. Apr, p145. Team Building Drills for the Engine Company. (The Engine Company) Feb, p26.
Smith, B. et al. Acquiring and Maintaining Good Fitness Habits. Dec, p71.
Spurlock, C.L. et al. Impact of Perfect Information. (Technology Today) Dec, p89.
Stahl, H. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.
Stanis, R.J. and M.A. Salzenstein. Plastic Bleachers: A Serious Fire Hazard? Feb, p108.
Stephens, L. and S. Grant. Hazards of Suspended Ceilings, The. Jan, p55.
Suprun, Jr., S.C. Day After, The: Response to Nuclear-Radiological Terrorism. Jun, p115.
Swanick, J.T. How Fast is Your Fast Team? (Volunteers Corner) Mar, p14.

Takara, J. Company Inspection Program Training DVD. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Aug, p135.
Terpak, M.A. Size-Up and Operational Concerns for Fires in Gothic-Style Churches. (FDIC Preview) Mar, p163.
Terwilliger, M.S. Answers from the Ashes. Feb, p111. Fire Commentary: Code 3 Driving. Oct, p185; It is Not Okay to Die During an I-Zone Fire. Sept, p112. Sight, Light, and Fight: It’s All in Your Mind. (Training Notebook) Dec, p16. Supervisor’s Guide to Progressive Discipline, A. Part 1. May, p105; Part 2. Jun, p97; Part 3. Jul, p85.
Thompson, R.J. What If You Had a Fire and Nobody Came? (Volunteers Corner) Nov, p12.
Tobin, J. and J. Miles. Fast Engine. (Real-World RIT) Jun, p18. Training Notebook: Forcible Entry Using a Set of Irons. Apr, p24; Removing a Downed Firefighter from a Cellar. Sept, p24.

Vedre, Jr., W. Planning for Emergency Response: The Ohio System. May, p111.

Wallace, M. Eliminating Silly Rules in a Value-Driven Organization. Aug, p105.
Whisler, D. Community Fire Station Initiative. (Fire Prevention Bureau) Sept, p118.
Whitby, C. Maintain Crew Integrity. Apr, p153.
Whitinger, J. Alternative Communications for an Emergency. Aug, p121.
Williams, T. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.
Willing, L.F. Making Better Group Decisions. Jul, p73.

Zaludek, J. et al. Acquiring and Maintaining Good Fitness Habits. Dec, p71.
Zapatka, R.E. Industrial Firefighters are Firefighters, Too! (Fire Commentary) Nov, p104.
Zollinger, T.W. et al. Validation of a Physical Work Performance Evaluation for Incumbent Firefighters. Dec, p51.

Four Firefighters Hurt in Fire in Abandoned Harlem (NY) Building

Four firefighters were injured battling a massive fire that tore through an abandoned Harlem building where jazz icon Billie Holiday reportedly once lived.