2012 Fire Engineering Authors Index


Adams, B. Apparatus Load Balance Guidelines. Feb, p39

Altman, B. Understand Fire Behavior to Improve Your Situational Awareness. Oct, p79

Anderson, T. Preplanning Predicted Hazards. (Urban Firefighter). Sept, p30

Angemi, G. Double Trouble: Performing the Double Hop. (Urban Firefighter). Sept, p16

Antonellis Jr., P. and D. Thompson. A Firefighter’s Silent Killer: Suicide. Dec, p69

Avillo, A. Buildings that Change the Rules of the Game. (FDIC Preview). Mar, p125; Rule of Thumb: Use the Safest, Most Effective Path of Least Resistance. Jun, p41


Bachman, E. Preplanning to Address Cultural Diversity. Jan, p87

Bailey, D. Manage the Risk of Radiant Energy. (Technology Today). Nov, p101

Baker, L. and M. Thompson. The Darlington Roll. (Extrication Tactics). Dec, p28

Barakey, M. How Accreditation Benefits Your Department and the Fire Service. Apr, p163; and D. Gaudet. Fighter Jet Crashes into Virginia Beach Apartment Complex. Nov, p51

Barowy, A. and D. Madrzykowski. Analysis of a Fatal Wind-Driven Fire in a Single-Story House. Jun, p63

Blaich, P. SCUBA Dive Rescue Operations: A Familiarization Curse. (Training Notebook). Feb, p16

Brunacini, A. Advice to Young Firefighters, Part 5. (Bruno “Unplugged). Jan, p46; Advice to Young Firefighters, Part 6. (Bruno “Unplugged). Feb, p36; Advice to Young Firefighters, Part 7. (Bruno “Unplugged). Mar, p48; People, Pets, Pictures, and Pills. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Apr, p50; People, Pets, Pictures, and Pills, Part 2. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). May, p.46; Leaders, Managers, and Bosses. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jun, p38; “Nice” School. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jul, p36; “Nice” School, Part 2. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Aug, p57; “Nice” School, Part 4. A. Brunacini. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Oct, p46; “Nice” School, Part 5: Kindness, Kindness, and Kindness. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Nov, p48; “Nice” School, Part 6: Patience, Patience, Patience. (Bruno “Unplugged”). Dec, p44

Brush, B. Public Safety Diving and Firefighting: The Parallels of Self-Rescue. Sept, p61

Bryan, P. You Really CAN Reduce Fixed Public Safety Costs. Aug, p103


Calcagno, G. Physical Fitness in the Fire Service. Dec, p77

Califano, F. Stop the Bleeding: Basic Hemorrhage Control. (Fire Service EMS). Mar, p28

Chacon, J. and S. Kerber. Smoke Management in High-Rise Structures. Feb, p69

Champagne, P. Planning Effective Training Drills. Apr, p91

Chavez, C. Wind-Driven Fires: Lessons Learned in Houston. Oct, p65

Ciampo, M. Putting Your Best Foot Forward. (On Fire). Jan, p156; Did You See That? (On Fire). Feb, p108; Positioning Portable Ladders for Work on Fire Escapes. Mar, p51; Long Accepted Tactics. (On Fire). Mar, p180; Monday Morning Quarterback. (On Fire). Apr, p188; Grab a Donut. (On Fire). May, p152; Get Upstairs and Open Up! (On Fire). Jun, p112; Turn on the Pump. (On Fire). Jul, p120; Some Are Grilling. (On Fire). Aug, p.116; Offering Some Support. (On Fire). Sept, p116; Remember One Piece of Equipment, Part 1. (On Fire). Oct, p120; Remember One Piece of Equipment, Part 2. (On Fire). Nov, p112; Greatest Gifts of All. (On Fire). Dec, p152

Coleman, R.TheDoctrine of SCBA. Feb, p45

Coletta, T. Live Fire Training: Lessons Learned in New Jersey. Apr, p111

Collins, K. The Fire Department and Social Media: What’s Your Policy? May, p71

Comstock, D. Starling v. Board of County Commissioners. (Fire Service Court). Jul, p93

Creamer, J. and D. Mueller. The $500 Training Makeover. (Volunteers Corner). Dec, p12


Dalrymple, D. Firematic Concerns of Hybrids and Electric Vehicles. (Extrication Tactics). Feb, p24; Pickup Truck Extrication Evolutions. (Extrication Tactics). Apr, p36;

Dean, A. Be Mentally Prepared for “Other Duties as Assigned.” (Fire Service EMS). Jun, p26

Divver, C. Safety in the Medevac Landing Zone. (Fire Service EMS). Oct, p30

Duckworth, R. Bath salts and Synthetic Marijuana: An Emerging Threat. (Fire Service EMS). Nov, p32

Duffy, J. Residential Fire Tactics. (Training Notebook). Jun, p16

Dugan, M. Multiple Rescues in Multiple-Dwelling Fire. (Fire Focus). Aug, p26; Member Down at House Fire. (Fire Focus). Nov, p24

Dunne, T. Making “The Decision”: Transitioning to an Exterior Attack. Apr, p81


Emery, J, K. Schultz, and C. Pepler. Responding to Incidents Involving the Chevrolet Volt. May, p51

Emrich, C. Rescue Ventilation Tactic Tests. Apr, p166


Fent, K., D. Evans, J. Couch, and M. Niemier. Evaluating Vehicle Fire Training Inhalation Hazards. Feb, p63  

Fulton, W. Methane Fires and Explosions in Livestock Facilities. Jun, p91


Garrity, T. Summer Essentials Program. (Volunteers Corner). Mar, p12; Using Educational Incentives to Retain Volunteer Firefighters. (Volunteers Corner). Oct, p12

Gasaway, R. Is It Possible to Multitask in Dynamic Environments? Dec, p93

Good, D. Earthquake Responses: What Makes Them “Different” for Firefighters? Sept, p95

Goplin, R. The Protocol of the Mayday Call. (Real-World RIT). Jan, p32

Gorak, W. Testing and New Performance Requirement for Strucutral PPE. (Technology Today). Mar, p149; Alternatives for Complying with NFPA 1971. (Technology Today). Apr, p173

Gustin, B. Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 1. Mar, p73; Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 2. Apr, p97; Hoseline Operations for Fires in Multiple Dwellings, Part 3. May, p59;


Halton, R. Science and the Fire Service. (Editor’s Opinion). Jan, p6; Fire Service Code of Honor, The.  (Editor’s Opinion). Feb, p6; Firefighting 2.0. (Editor’s Opinion). Mar, p6; Breakaways. (Editor’s Opinion). Apr, p6; Mutual Submission for the Greater Good of Society, Really…. (Editor’s Opinion). May, p6; Fool Me Once. (Editor’s Opinion). Jun, p6; “Tastes Great…Less Filling.” (Editor’s Opinion). Jul, p6; It’s the Second Impression That Counts. (Editor’s Opinion). Aug, p6; Unintended Consequences: What Smokey and Bambi Couldn’t See Coming. (Editor’s Opinion). Sept, p6; Don’t Throw Out Your Skinny Ties. (Editor’s Opinion). Oct, p6; VEIS, a Tactic for Today’s Fires. (Editor’s Opinion). Nov, p6; A Blessing and a Curse. (Editor’s Opinion). Dec, p6

Hamilton, S. Responding to Scenes of Violence. (Fire Service EMS). Sept, p26

Hancock, T. and W. Jensen. The Roles of a Proactive Driver. Feb, p55

Harper, P. Make Your Own “Can” Strap. (Training Notebook). Apr, p22

Harris, R. Hidden Stairwells: Heed the Clues. (What We Learned). Mar, p146

Harwell, J. Fire in Sprinklered Texas Warehouse with High Piled Storage. Apr, p55; The Dangers of Battling Fires Involving Oxidizers: A Case Study. Nov, p69

Hendrick, W. and A. Zaferes. The Dive Tender’s Roles in Public Safety Diving. Sept, p71

Hennigan, M. To Discipline Is to Teach. Jul, p90

Hoevelmann, J. Don’t Touch the Roof: Aerial Drill. (Training Notebook). Nov, p18

Hoyle, P. Commanding the Retirement Incident. Dec, p91

Hughes, T. The Evolution of Federal Emergency Response Since Hurricane Andrew. Feb, p90

Hyden, T. Fire Service Management: A Renewed Perspective. Aug, p89


Iglesias, M. Initial Company Operations and Considerations for Defensive Attacks. (The Engine Company). Oct, p26


Jarvis, J. and R. Gilbert. One-Firefighter Ladder Carry. May, p77

Jennings, J. The 11-Day Fire Department. Jan, p83

Joerger, S. Summer Olympic Drills. (Volunteers Corner). Aug, p12


Kanarian, S. Steps to Paramedic Class Success. (Fire Service EMS). Apr, p30; The Downwind Walk: A USAR Paramedic’s Experiences on September 11, 2001. (Fire Service EMS). Jul, p24

Kastros, A. Mastering Fireground Command: Firefighting in Commercial Occupancies. Apr, p133

Kemp, R. Homeland Security in America: Past, Present, and Future. Sept, p91

Kinkade, M. Steps to Becoming An Ethical Leader. Aug, p85

Kleczynski, R. Expansion Joints and Fire Spread. Jan, p51

Klug, S. Detroit Box Alarm. (Urban Firefighter). Sept, p26

Kline, R. Maintaining Aggressiveness and Safety on the Fireground. Jun, p87

Krusen, J. Air Monitoring on the Fireground: A Necessity, Not an Option. Nov, p65


Lake, B. Firefighter Safety Depends on Gas Detector Accuracy. Nov, p89

Lane, G. To Train or Not to Train? Apr, p75

Leach, Billy Jr. Timber Cribbing Use. (Training Notebook). Sept, p18

Lopez, M. Creating a Maintenance Program for Personal Protective Equipment. M. Lopez. Feb, p81 Lopina, M. and T. Tulipano. A Commonsense Approach to Building Construction. Jan, p73; Planning for ARFF and Mutual Aid. Dec, p96


Mahoney, P. The Smartphone: A Versatile Tool for Incident Operations. May, p85

Maibach, R. The Duck Method of Management. Oct, p93

Marinucci, R. Residential Sprinklers: Opposition Despite Good Performance. Jan, p90; Off-Duty Indiscretion. (The Chief Problem Solver). Mar, p34; Address Root Causes to Prevent Problems. (The Chief Problem Solver). May, p26; The Political Season. (The Chief Problem Solver). Aug, p30; Problem Solving on the Fireground. (The Chief Problem Solver). Nov, p40  

Martin, N. Firefighter Down: The ABCs of SCBA Emergencies. Mar, p95

Mason, M. RIT Communications, Activities, and Deployments at Structural Fires. (Real-World RIT). Sept, p36

McCormack, R. Searching at Arm’s Length. (Urban Firefighter). Sept, p8; Quality Hoseline Management for a Better Forward Advance. Oct, p75

McDermott, J. Long Island Training Consortium. (Volunteers Corner). Feb, p10; Turn Around Leadership. (Volunteers Corner). Jun, p12

McIntosh, C. Handling Staffing Emergencies. (Technology Today). Aug, p105

Miller, D. and C. Langlois. Functional Fireground Accountability, Part 1: Are We Making Progress? Jun, p53; Functional Fireground Accountability, Part 2: Tools and Technologies. Jul, p69

Miller, L. All Hazard Incidents: Setting Objectives and Strategies. Feb, p75

Miller, R. Leadership in the Workplace. Aug, p99 

Mittendorf, J. Managing Water Utilities. Jul, p45

Montagna, F. Pulling Electric Manhole Covers. (Training Notebook). Mar, p20; Odor Investigations: Avoid the “Routine Response Syndrome.” Nov, p93

Morris, S. Are You the Company Officer Your Firefighters Need? Jul, p81

Murphy, J. Fire Department Training Liabilities. (FDIC Preview). Mar, p137

Murphy, J. and S. DeCrane. New Codes and Standards Influence Future Tactics. Jan, p61


Nelson, C. Using Crew Resource Management to Reduce Accidents. (FDIC Preview). Mar, p143

Noll, G. Ultra High Pressure Firefighting Technology. Nov, p83

Norwood, P.J. Handling the Mayday: The Fire Dispatcher’s Crucial Role. (Real-World RIT). Jun, p22; and J. Rascati. Recognizing and Combating Firefighter Stress. Dec, p87


O’Brocki III, R. Program Places Inspectors on Shift Work. (Fire Prevention Bureau). Jan, p94

Owens, K. Treatment/Transport of Bariatric Patients. (Fire Service EMS). May, p28 


Paskett, C. Discipline: A Key to Fireground Success. Oct, p87

Peetz, B. Combustible Dust Fires and Explosions. Mar, p59

Perrone, M. A Good Reason to Carry 2 Chocks. (Urban Firefighter). Sept, p35

Peters, W. Apparatus Purchasing: Back to Basics. (Apparatus Supplement). Jun, p7

Poole, T. The 48/96 Work Schedule: A Viable Alternative? Feb, p85

Post, J. Fire Department Use of PIDs. Nov, p97

Pressler, B. Incident Tactics System: Identifying Tactics. Dec, p61

Prziborowski, S. Setting Probationary Firefighters’ Expectations. Jul, p39


Raheb, R. Driver Training Simulators: Strategies and Tactics. (Fire Service EMS). Aug, p34

Reese, D. Using Aircraft on Wildland Fires. May, p89

Richards, A. A Strategic Survival Guide. (Fire Service EMS). Dec, p22

Rickert. D. A Knee to the Walls. (Urban Firefighter). Sept, p22

Riffe, J. Calvert County: Past, Present, and Future. (Volunteers Corner). May, p12; Fighting Fires in Balloon-Frame Construction. Aug, p95

Robinson, M. HeatSeeker Technology Moves to Save Firefighters’ Lives. (Technology Today). Feb, p99

Roden, E. Urban Education and Mitigation. (Urban Firefighter). Sept, p10

Rose, M. and M. Baker. Tractor Rollover Rescue. Sept, p77

Rush III, J. The Case for Interior High-Rise Breathing Air Systems. Apr, p119


Sandas, J. The Air Source C.A.R.T. (Tools of the Trade). Oct, p95

Sauer, M. The Five-Minute Drill. (Training Notebook). Dec, p18

Scandariato, K. Command and Mayday Training. Apr, p129

Scarpa, S. Advice for Newly Promoted Officers. Jul, p63

Sellers, G. Maximizing the Efficiency of a Three-Member Truck Company. (The Truck Company). Mar, p36

Sheikhan, B. Wireless Gas Detection Systems. (Technology Today). Dec, p103

Shouldis, W. Taking Command: A Navigational Formula. Jul, p83

Shupert, S. Using Vent-Enter-Isolate-Search Tactics. (Training Notebook). Jul, p16

Silvernail, J. Suburban Fire Tactics: Tactical Rescue Decision Making. (FDIC Preview). Mar, p139

Sitz, T. Unusual Handcuff Extrication. (What We Learned). Feb, p95; Increasing the Effectiveness of the Triple or Preconnected Hose Lead. Oct, p89

Snow, B. Lessons Learned at a Home Depot Fire. (What We Learned). Dec, p100

Spadafora, R. Atrium Features and Firefighting Tactics. Mar, p113

Spaulding, J. Propane Emergencies: Plan for Worst-Case Scenario. (Volunteers Corner). Apr, p12

Spurgeon, P. Every Pump Operator’s Basic Equation. Oct, p51

Steed, J. Calculated Forcible Entry. (Training Notebook). Oct, p14

Stott, H. Developing an Effective Respiratory Protection Program. Dec, p81

Stratton, D. Fires Below the Residential First Floor. D. Stratton. March, p.87

Swanick, J. Training Probationary Firefighters. (Volunteers Corner). Nov, p10


Terpak, M. Challenges of Older Structures. (Training Notebook). May, p16

Thompson, P. To Improve Communications, Listen to the Radio. (Fire Service EMS). Feb, p22

Thomson, K.S. Fire Department Performance Management: Is Public Policy on the Map? Aug, p61

Tidwell, J. The Station Nightclub Fire: Revisiting the Lessons. Jan, p79

Topczynski, D. Modern Day Pump Operators: Doing More with Less. Oct, p81

Troxell, D. Forcible Entry Techniques for Roll-Down Security Gates. Mar, p101


Van Der Feyst, M. Confined Space Rescue: Why Operations Fail. Sept, p86

Vanlandingham, J. and M. Holmes. The Benefits of Assessment Centers. Jul, p87

Vernon, A. Response Priorities for Mass Violence Incidents. Jun, p95

Viscuso, F. and M. Terpak. 25 Tips for Probationary Firefighters. Apr, p155; Transitioning from Offensive to Defensive. (Training Notebook). Aug, p18;

vonAppen, M. Increasing the Odds for a Successful Rescue. Jun, p77


Ward, B. Quick Drill: Standpipe Training. (Training Notebook). Jan, p18; Always Be Prepared for the Unexpected. (What We Learned). Jul, p97

Wells, J. Building Effective Teamwork.(Special Preview FDIC). Mar, p133

West, K. and J. Cross. The Designated Officer’s Role for Infection Control. (Fire Service EMS). Jan, p26

Wilkinson, S. Sizing Up for Structure Fires. (Volunteers Corner). Jul, p12

Wodicka, R. Key to Combating Turnover: Loyalty. (Volunteers Corner). Jan, p12; How Universities Can Help Solve Critical Fire Service Issues. (Volunteers Corner). Sept, p12

Wright, E. Wildland Urban Interface Fires: Managing a Cascade of Risk. Aug, p75

Wright, J. Texas Mayday: What We Learned. Dec, p49


Zaferes, A. Foundation Basic Skills of Public Safety Diving. Sept, p64

Deadly Kentucky flooding

Winter Storm Kills Nine, Including Eight in KY Flooding

Eight people in Kentucky died as creeks swelled from heavy rain and water covered roads.

Three Dead in Fiery WY Tunnel Crash

The crash sparked a fire inside the tunnel that completely destroyed six commercial vehicles and two passenger vehicles.