2016 Fire Engineering Authors Index


Aberbach, C. Motor Vehicle Response Checklist for First Responders. Apr, p127

Ali, D. Strategies for Preventing Suicides in the Fire Service. Dec, p55

Andrews, T. Smoke Toxin Lessons Learned: Cancer and Respiratory Distress. Jun, p47

Antonellis Jr., P. Change Management: Recommendations for Prechange Success. Aug, p49

Avillo, A. Avoid Tactical Breakdown: Respect Lightweight Construction (Fire Issues in Wood Construction). Jan, p55


Bachman, E. The Crude Oil Unit Train (COUT) Plan. Nov, p53

Bailey, C and M. Gagliano. Operational Flexibility: Should We Always Follow “The Rules”? Oct, p91

Barakey, M. Mass-Casualty MVA. Apr, p149; VA-TF2 Deploys to South Carolina in Aftermath of Hurricane Joaquin. Sept, p41; FDNY’s Earthquake Exercise at Guardian Centers of Georgia. w/K. Shea. Sept, p42

Berry, B. Recruiting and Retaining Members (Volunteers Corner). Apr, p14

Berry, J. Outside/In Fires: Two Incidents, Two Outcomes. Jun, p65; Storage Unit Fires: Hazards Unknkown. Oct, p86

Bloemker , B. The Max Fire Box (Technology Today). Feb, p84

Blue, S. Reviving Your Volunteer Program (Volunteers Corner). Mar, p14

Brauer, B. Fire and Emergency Services Culture, The: Can It Be Changed? Aug, p55

Brown, J and K Osmonson. Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: What the Fire Service Needs to Know (fireEMS). Nov, p22

Brunacini, A. The Land of Misfit Toys (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jan, p36; An Unusual Classroom with Unusual Classmates (Bruno “Unplugged”). Feb, p34; Who Works for Whom? (“Bruno” Unplugged”). Mar, p66; Loyal Insubordination (Bruno “Unplugged”). Apr, p56; Notes on Punishment (Bruno “Unplugged”). May, p44; Stuck in School (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jun, p36; Going to School Forever (Bruno “Unplugged”). Jul, p34; Who Moved My Chair? (“Bruno” Unplugged”). Aug, p46; Recovery 101 (Bruno “Unplugged”). Sept, p36; Recovery 102 (Bruno “Unplugged”). Oct, p56; Another Day at the Office #2 (Bruno “Unplugged”). Nov, p32; Sensible 101 (Bruno “Unplugged”) Dec, p38

Bryan, P. “Refreshing” Ethics in the Fire Service. Aug, p73


Califano, F. Narcan®: It’s Not Just for ALS Anymore (fireEMS). Sept, p24

Camarota, J. Establishing a Solar Panel Training Program (Training Notebook). Feb, p20; Responding to Solar Fire Incidents. Jul, p73

Carman, D. Responding to Secure Facilities. May, p63

Casey, D. Learning Leadership by Observing (FDIC Preview). Mar, p141

Castleman, D. Firefighter Behavioral Health: First Aid for Us (fireEMS). Jul, p24

Ciampo, M. Friday the 13th (On Fire). Jan, p108; It’s Just a Vacant (On Fire). Feb, p92; Transporting Portable Ladders with the Tower Ladder Bucket. Mar, p71; The Letter “I” (On Fire). Mar, p180; Training the Troops (On Fire). Apr, p160; Spring Fever (On Fire). May, p124; Secondary Will Be Delayed (On Fire). Jun, p80; Cattle Cars (On Fire). Jul, p.88; Blackout (On Fire). Aug, p96; Big Drops of Water (On Fire). Sept, p96; Recreational Challenges (On Fire). Oct, p108; Geared Up and Ready to Go (On Fire). Nov, p84; Surprise Packages (On Fire). Dec, p104

Comstock Jr., D. Firefighter Rights to Free Speech and Association (Fire Service Court). Apr, p139

Corbett, G. Wood War II (Fire Issues in Wood Construction). Jan, p49; Picking Apart Toothpick Towers (The Professor). Apr, p42; Fire Engineering at 140: Still “Devoted to the Interests of the Firemen of the Country.” Nov, p36; Milwaukee, 1894: Nine Firemen Killed. While Working on Roof, Something Gave Way…. Dec, p44

Cotter, M. Outside-In Fires: Effective Response. Oct, p67

Crimmins, B. Redefining Hybrid Construction. Jan, p97; Understanding the Photoionization Detector. Nov, p76


Davis, P. Respiratory Physiology, Ergonomics, and Your SCBA. Jun, p61

Dean, A. Scene Safety: Violence Against Firefighters (fireEMS). Oct, p40

Donohue, D. The Care and Feeding of the Emergency Operations Center. May, p75

Dragonetti, M. Stalled Elevator Operations. Jul, p53

Dreyer, G. EMS Responder Becomes a Patient. Dec, p47

Dugan, M. Indy Warehouse Fire (Fire Focus). Mar, p42; Drones and the Fire Service (Fire Focus). May, p28; Hidden Fires in Void Spaces (Fire Focus). Jul, p20; Detroit Private Dwelling Fire (Fire Focus). w/D. Rhodes. Oct, p34


Estep, J. Rural Water Supply: the Vacuum Water Tanker, the Better Way. Feb, p79


Feairheller, D and J Hill. How Should Firefighters Exercise? (Volunteers Corner). Dec, p14

Feder, C. Rope Rescue/Rappelling Training Deaths: Five Lessons. Apr, p91

Finazzo, S. Anatomy of a Kansas Department’s Hostile Event Response Plan. Jun, p39

Finger Jr., R. Firefighter Training Programs: Do the Skill or Do the Drill. Apr, p71


Gallik, R. How Effective is Your Safety Committee? Jun, p57

Geis, E. Get to Know Key Buildings While You Train (Volunteers Corner). May, p14

Grady, S. ALS Smoke Inhalation: Do Cyanide Antidote Protocols Need to be Expanded? (fireEMS). Aug, p34

Grant, S. Stan Wilson’s Last Call. Apr, p81

Gustin, B. Mobile Home Fires (Fire Focus). Apr, p26; Appliances Increase Versatility of Large Diameter Hose. May, p49; Tips for Newly Appointed Company Officers. Jul, p39;


Habermehl, K. Tornado Challenges Small Department. Sept, p65

Haigh, C. The 360° Performance Evaluation Tool. Jul, p45; The Art of Planning. Aug, p67

Halton, B. Twitter, Funerals, and Loyalty (Editor’s Opinion). Jan, p8; Excellence, Volunteers, and the Limestone VFD (Editor’s Opinion). Feb, p8; Grievance Culture, Command, and Understanding (Editor’s Opinion). Mar, p8; Honor Ante Omnia, No One Left Behind (Editor’s Opinion). Apr, p8; Ego, Honor, and Dueling (Editor’s Opinion). May, p8; Behavior is Truth (Editor’s Opinion). Jun, p8; Virtues and Codes (Editor’s Opinion). Jul, p8; Yogi, Edison, Topsy, and Tesla (Editor’s Opinion). Aug, p8; In the Highest Traditions of the Fire Service (Editor’s Opinion). Sept, p8; Checky, Marcus, and Albuquerque (Editor’s Opinion). Oct, p8; Celebrating 140 Years of Supporting the World’s Noblest Profession (Editor’s Opinion). Nov, p8. Post Traumatic Growth (Editor’s Opinion). Dec, p8

Hamilton, S. Terrorism in 2016 (FDIC Preview). Mar, p123

Havel, G. Cross-Laminated Timber Structures (Fire Issues in Wood Construction). Jan, p48

Hermann, S. The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (Training Notebook). Nov, p14

Hopkins, A. Rapid Intervention Teams: Saving Their Own (Real-World RIT). Jan, p30

Hurd, J. Firefighter Mental Health: The Job is Killing Us. Dec, p51



Jacobson T, P. Chevalier, and T. Quinton Sr. Massive Fire Destroys New Jersey Lightweight Wood-Frame Apartment Building (Fire Issues in Wood Construction). Jan, p40


Kastros, A. Aggressive Command and Tactics. Apr, p61

Kazmierzak, B. Modern Marvels: Firefighter Training and Technology (Training Notebook). May, p22

Keller, J. and W. Brown. Resource Management for High-Capacity Water Shuttles. Feb, p47

Kenney, T. Maximizing Your Tool Cache (The Rescue Company). Sept, p28

Kerrigan, D. Fire Alarm Response: What’s the Real Problem? Jan, p94

Kerrigan, D and J. Moss. Improving Your Fireground Performance: Firefighter Functional Fitness. Dec, p68

Kilpatrick, D. Athletic Trainers: A New Hope for Firefighter Recovery. Dec, p71

Klein, S. Butane Hash Oil Manufacturing: It’s a Fire Service Problem, Too (FDIC Preview). Mar, p133

Kline, R. The Training Safety Officer Program: A Risk-Reduction Strategy (Training Notebook). Jun, p18

Knapp, J. Using the Military Planning Model as a Guide. Nov, p41

Knapp, J and W. Quinn. Modern House Fires: Effects of Research on Strategy and Tactics. Oct, p59

Kuk, M. Hotel Canfield Fire, The: Remarkable Life Net Rescues. Oct, p80


Lamping C. and M. Tompkins. Vent-Enter-Search: a Life-Saving Maneuver in Nevada. Mar, p155

La Reau A, C. Coffey, and B. Ballinger. O2X Human Performance Program for Tactical Athletes (Technology Today). Sept, p85

Lasky, R. Chaplains: Those Silent Heroes. Mar, p105

Ledin, N. Comparing Apples to Apples: Gps vs. Jps (The Engine Company). May, p38

Leeb, F. Fires in Gothic-Style Churches. Apr, p131; Responding to Escalator Fires and Emergencies. Sept, p51

Leihbacher, D. Geometry of Fire Investigation: Interpreting Fire Patterns. Jan, p73

Lester, J. The Impact of ICD-10 on EMS Documentation (Fire Service EMS). Feb, p26

Lewis, K. The Tactical 360° Walk-Around (Training Notebook). Apr, p18

Lofy, D. Working with the DL Blitz Load (Training Notebook). Jan, p18


MacDonald, J. Flat-Roof Fires in Three- to Six-Story Apartment Buildings. Mar, p85

Maloney, R. From National Fireman’s Journal to Fire Engineering. Nov, p38; The Editors. Nov, p38

Marinucci, R. People, Politics, and Problems (The Chief Problem Solver). Apr, p36; Elections, Problems, Challenges, and Opportunities (The Chief Problem Solver). Aug, p30.

Mathis J, J Cermak, and B Mathis. Work with Your Elected Officials for Greater Success (Volunteers Corner). Jan, p14

McCaslin, C. Quality Assurance at the Officer Level (fireEMS). Apr, p38

McGovern, J. Ten Seconds of Water (Training Notebook). Aug, p20

McGovern, R. My Mayday: Lesson Learned Boosts Chance for Survival. Apr, p101

Merrill, T. The Professional Volunteer Fire Department (Volunteers Corner). Jun, p14

Miller, J. and F. Ricci. Aggressive and Practical Search: It’s Still About the Victim. Mar, p77

Moran, J. Changing the Shape of the Fire Service Hierarchy. Jan, p87

Murphy, J. Cycling Back to Where We Began (Fire Issues in Wood Construction). Jan, p44; Building Leaders of the Future. Aug, p77


Nedder, J. Rapid Intervention for Volunteer and Other Nonurban Fire Departments (Volunteers Corner). Oct, p14; RIT for Volunteer/Nonurban Departments: Skills Needed (Volunteers Corner). Nov, p12

Nelson, C. Special Needs Fire Prevention and Response Awareness. Mar, p151

Newcombe, J. Building Officers’ Thinking Skills. Aug, p61

Niebling, C. “Broken Windows.” Mar, p111

Noll, G. and A. Byrnes. The Jack Rabbit Tests: Catastrophic Releases of Compressed Liquefied Gases. Nov, p61

Norwood, P.J. Making Tactical Decisions for Personal and Crew Safety (What We Learned). Feb, p81


Osmonson K, D Porth, and J Brown. Youth Firesetting and Intellectual Disabilities. Sept, p81

Owens, K. Orthopedic Sports Injuries in Children and Young Adults (fireEMS). Mar, p46


Parker, D. The Economics of Natural Disasters: Mitigating the Impact. Sept, p75

Parker, T. Doing the Job with Limited Resources in Small Departments (Volunteers Corner). Jul, p14

Pearcy, J. Conducting a Common Hallway Rope-Assisted Search (Training Notebook). Sept, p14

Pepler, C. For Officers, Failure is Not an Option. Jul, p62

Peters, W. Apparatus Inspection and Maintenance: Everyone’s Responsibility. Feb, p39; Cab Size, Strength, and Seat Belt Use (Apparatus Supplement). Jun, p4; Refurbishment Considerations (Apparatus Supplement). Jun, p14; “The Greatest Show on Earth” (Less Elephants) (Apparatus Supplement). Jun, p28;

Pignataro, C. Comparing Manual and Mechanical Chest Compressions (Fire Service EMS). Jan, p24

Pillsworth, T. How Demographics Have Changed the Volunteer Fire Service (Volunteers Corner). Feb, p12

Ponder, J. Is Your Spine/SCBA Functioning Properly? (Training Notebook). Dec, p20

Powers, J. How Busy Is Busy? (fireEMS). May, p34

Pronesti, J. Be Ready for the “Big One.” Feb, p57

Pulvermacher, J. Active Shooter Response: Rescue in the Warm Zone. Apr, p117


Quinalty, J. The Engineer’s Overlooked Duties. Feb, p68


Ray, R. Preparation: Key to Success for Volunteers (Volunteers Corner). Sept, p12

Reynolds, W and T. Reynolds. When Tragedy Hits Home: One Family’s Ordeal. (fireEMS). Dec, p24

Rifflard, J. Seeing Beyond the Wall: Using a Search Camera. Mar, p99; Choosing the Best Length of Rope for Rescue. Sept, p59

Rossi M, G May, and R Ramirez. Think F.A.S.T.: Firefighter Advanced Survival Techniques (Training Notebook). Mar, p20

Rothmeier, J. Systematic Views of the 2½-Inch Handline in Fire Attack (Training Notebook). Oct, p22

Rubin, D. Caught on Film: the St. Norbert Fire. Feb, p73

Russ, J. An Evolution of YOUR Firefighter Near-Miss Program. Jul, p71


Salameh, N. Tactical Changes That Can Save Firefighters’ Lives. May, p71

Sargent, C. Culture That Kills: “We Always Did It This Way!” Aug, p81

Schutte, C. Surviving a Mayday (FDIC Preview). Mar, p113

Sellers, G. Today’s Truck Company Driver: More Than an Apparatus Maneuverer. Feb, p63

Sergi, J. Survival Options for the Down Firefighter. Mar, p93

Shalabi, H. Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Nuclear Reactors. Jan, p81

Shelton, R. Radiation: A Primer for Emergency Responders. Nov, p69

Shiels, B. The PBI Lightweight Gold System (Technology Today). Jan, p101

Silvernail, J. Suburban Fire Tactics: Developing Functional SOGs. Apr, p109

Smith, C. Effective Practical Skill Training: What’s Needed? May, p79

Smith, D. Regional Multicompany Hands-On Training. Apr, p105

Smith, S. Commercial CNG Vehicles: A Whole New Danger for Responders. Jul, p65

Steinkopf B, V. Klinoff, V. Van Hasselt, et al. Behavioral Health Training for Fire Rescue Personnel. Dec, p.59

Stiles, K, et al. Hostile Act Responses: Effective Command of the Warm Zone (fireEMS). Jun, p24

Stumbaugh, S. The Tactical Pause. Jul, p57

Swarthout, J. Getting a Loved One Started in Recovery: Invitational Intervention (FDIC Preview). Mar, p147

Szasz, R. The FireBozz® Rapid-Deploy Water Cannon (Technology Today). May, p82


Thompson, S. Applying Science to Tactics: One Year Later. May, p59

Toren, S. Innovations in First Responder Seating Systems. Oct, p94

Troxell, D. Storefront Door Challenges at Taxpayer Fires (The Truck Company). Mar, p52



Viscuso, F. Focus on the Mission for Team Development. Aug, p86

Vogt, M. Tunnel Firefighting Operations. Apr, p135


Walker, B. Driving the Change: a Pivotal Opportunity for the U.S. Fire Service (FDIC Preview). Mar, p153

Ward, B. Developing Tactical Decision Games. Jul, p69

White, B. Bringing Fire Prevention to Foreign-Born Populations (Fire Prevention Bureau). Jan, p99

Wodicka, R. Creating a Relationship with Your Water System (Volunteers Corner). Aug, p14



Young, G. Making the Hazmat Refresher Fun (Training Notebook). Jul, p16

New Orleans (LA) Vacant House Fire

Two-Alarm Fire Breaks Out at New Orleans (LA) Vacant House, Authorities Say

A vacant house caught fire in the 7th Ward Saturday morning, according to the New Orleans Fire Department.
Pottsville (PA) House Fire

Woman Found Dead in Pottsville (PA) House Fire

An elderly woman succumbed to injuries in a deadly house fire Friday night, authorities said.