30-Year-Old Ladder Truck on 3rd Career

30-Year-Old Ladder Truck on 3rd Career

Oaklyn, N.J., Fire Department

A 30-year-old American LaFrance aerial ladder is now extending its career in a third fire department.

The apparatus reached its latest destination, the Oaklyn, N.J., Fire Department in December 1976 after starting its service in Philadelphia and continuing for a short time in Camden, N.J. The original American-LaFrance tractor was replaced 18 years ago, and the entire unit has been refurbished by the volunteers in Oaklyn.

The original piece was delivered to the Philadelphia Fire Department in 1950. It was stationed at Ladder Company 20, where it was in service for several years. The aerial bed ladder was severely damaged in the early ’60s. This was replaced and in 1962, the tractor was replaced by a Mack Thermodyne tractor. After many years of service with various Philadelphia companies, the ladder was placed in reserve.

Fills Camden need

In May of 1974, the Camden, N.J., Fire Department experienced apparatus problems. The City of Philadelphia sold this ladder truck and four pumpers to the Camden Fire Department for $1 each. In Camden, the ladder served at Ladder Company 1 until 1976, when Camden’s newly purchased apparatus were put into service. Camden then sold the ladder truck to the Borough of Oaklyn for $1.

An extensive renovation plan was put into action by the members of the Oaklyn Fire Department. The truck was taken to Fruehauf Trailers in Philadelphia for a major overhaul that included sandblasting and painting the entire truck, making running board modifications and installing custom-built compartments.

Cost $10,000

Next, department members repainted the aerial ladder, rewired the electrical system, installed compartment and running lights, modified the ground ladder racks and the hardwood tool bed, and installed air pack mounts. After thousands of man hours and approximately $10,000, the ladder was put into service. Although $10,000 is a lot of money for a small company, it is nothing compared to the price of a new ladder, which at that time was about $150,000.

Now the renovated ladder truck presented a new challenge. Not only was this the department’s first ladder truck, but it was a tractor-drawn tiller ladder. Two of Oaklyn’s members were fire fighters at the Philadelphia Naval Base and were experienced tillermen. After many hours of driver and tillerman training, Oaklyn now has 10 qualified drivers and tillermen.

Since the time the ladder was put into service, it has won several trophies for best appearing ladder at several parades in the area. The latest project has been the installation of a generator system on the apparatus.

The members now have a first-rate ladder truck that can make both them and the community they serve safer and proud.

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