American Business Press Grants Editorial Award To Fire Engineering Staff
For the third time in four years, Fire Engineering’s editors have won a prestigious Jesse H. Neal Editorial Achievement Award, which they received in March at the American Business Press Winter Conference held at the Sheraton Center, New York City. The ceremony marked the 25th year of the contest.
The Neal Awards are given annually by the American Business Press in recognition of outstanding editorial achievement to editors and editorial staffs of audited independent business publications.
According to Charles S. Mill, ABP president, “This year’s Neal Award entries were among the most professionally written and presented in the 25-year history of the contest. Entries reflected a broadening of editorial subjects, many of them controversial, being tackled by today’s business press editors and writers.”
Fire Engineering’s award was for the series of articles on arson that carried the subtitle of “America’s Malignant Crime” and which were featured in our August 1978 issue. Fire Engineering’s editors, Dorothy Ferguson, Dick Sylvia, Gordon Draper and Jim Casey each received a silver plaque (above) at the American Business Press winter conference and luncheon.