American Fire Sprinkler Association offers sprinkler fitter training in Spanish

The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) announces the availability of the Spanish-language translation of its Level 1 Contren® Learning Series Sprinkler Fitter Trainee Guides, which trains apprentices on all aspects of fire sprinkler system technology and installation. In response to requests from contractors across the country, training partners AFSA and the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) translated the first book in their 4-book sprinkler fitter apprentice course.

“Hispanics have experienced three times the growth of any other minority in the United States and growth in our industry has been unprecedented,” said Steve Muncy, AFSA president. “This translation gives employers of entry-level Spanish-speaking trainees a new tool to help those employees become skilled sprinkler fitting craftworkers.”

Level 1 is the first in the series to be made available in Spanish. Translations of subsequent levels will be evaluated based on popularity of the first level.

In a 30-month period from 2005 to 2007, the Contren Learning Series Sprinkler Fitter Trainee Guides and Instructor Guides underwent a grueling rewrite to update the 4-part series’ technical references to meet the 2007 edition of NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, with help from development partner NCCER (formerly the Construction Education Foundation of Associated Builders and Contractors). This is the fourth update of the training materials since AFSA and NCCER joined together in 1994 and to provide a national standardized fire sprinkler fitter training program.

The books are available in correspondence course format with the accompanying testing from AFSA at a cost of $300 for AFSA members and $500 for non-members with online testing. Add $50 for the paper testing option. Order at the AFSA store, or call Leslie Joplin at (214) 349-5965 ext. 130 for more information.

Man Dies After Explosion Leads To Fire at Residence in Waterbury (CT)

A man has died after an explosion in a home in Waterbury on Sunday led to a fire at the residence.