Brockton Fire Department Awarded 2012 Jensen Grant

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has named the Brockton Fire Department of Massachusetts as the recipient of the 2012 Rolf H. Jensen Memorial Public Education Grant. The $5,000 grant will support the department’s fire and life safety public education initiative in high-rise housing, called the “High-Rise Apartment Safety and Emergency Preparedness Program.”

NFPA awards this grant annually to support a community-wide fire and life safety education program or campaign.

In 2011, Brockton Fire Department responded to 21,277 incidents and 1,180 of these occurred at the same five high-rise properties. The fire department will team up with the Brockton Housing Authority and the Brockton Emergency Management Agency to provide public education to these five properties and will then expand the outreach to other housing developments.

The program will be evaluated using a three-part approach: a comparison of incident numbers before and after the program’s implementation, instructor evaluations, and an apartment fire safety survey in which residents will respond to questions about fire hazards in their homes.

The Jensen Grant was named in honor of Rolf H. Jensen, founder of RJA Group, Inc., one of the largest fire protection consulting firms in the world. Recipients are chosen based on these criteria:  demonstration of a plan to implement a community-wide fire and life safety program/campaign aimed at the general public or a targeted group; clearly stated goals and objectives; staff assigned to implement the program/campaign; and a final report, including an overview of the project, number of people reached, materials used or developed, media coverage, life saves, etc.

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