AUGUST 21 —The Tulsa (OK) Fire Department is sponsoring the 12TH ANNUAL STATE FlRE SCHOOL, which will be held on these dates in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Contact: Ms. Bobbi Cooper; Oklahoma State Firefighters Association; P.O. Box 11507; Oklahoma City, OK 73136.

AUGUST 20-22—The Ohio Firefighters and Auxiliary Association is sponsoring its 56TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE, which win be held on these dates in Union Township, Ohio. Outof-state members are now welcome to join the Association. Contact: Tim Krohn or Tom Manning at (513) 875-2202 or Fred Ball at (513) 875-2242.

AUGUST 22-24-TEAM RESCUE, INDUSTRIAL RESPONSE ’93 WORKSHOP, a preconference workshop to Team Rescue Conference and Exposition, will be held on these dates in Virginia Beach, Virginia. JEMS Conference Division and Industrial Fire Safety are the sponsors. Contact: JEMS Conference Division; P.O. Box 2400; Carlsbad, CA 920182400.

AUGUST 22-26—JEMS Conference Division is sponsoring TEAM RESCUE CONFERENCE AND EXPOSITION, which is aimed at fire chiefs, rescue squad members, industrial rescue personnel, paramedics, and EMTs involved in technical rescue, in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Contact: JEMS Conference Division at (800) 266-JEMS.

AUGUST 26-27-ASBESTOS TRAINING FOR MANAGEMENT PLANNERS, a course sponsored by the Texas Engineering Extension ServiceOccupational and Environmental Safety Training Division (TEEX-OES), will be held on these dates in Houston, Texas. Contact: Eeann McCall; TEEX-OES; Texas A&M University System; College Station, TX 778438000.

AUGUST 30-SEPTEMBER 2-PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT FOR PROPERTY TRANSFER, a course sponsored by the Texas Engineering Extension Service-Occupational and Environmental Safety Training Division, will be held on these dates in College Station, Texas. Contact: Leann McCall; TEEXOES; Texas A&M University System; College Station, TX 77843-8000.

SEPTEMBER 10—Crafton Hills College’s Fire Technology Department is sponsoring a course called INCIDENT COMMAND/CRISIS MANAGEMENT, to be held in Yucaipa, California. Contact: Ed Smith; Crafton Hills College, Fire Technology Department; 11711 Sand Canyon Rd.; Yucaipa, CA 92399; (909) 794-2161 ext. 249.

SEPTEMBER 10-12 AND OCTOBER 1-3The New York State Academy of Fire Science is conducting two FlRE/ARSON INVESTIGATION WEEKENDS on these dates in Montour Falls, New York. Prerequisites are involved. Contact: New York State Academy of Fire Science; 600 College Ave.; P.O. Box 811; Montour Falls, NY 14865-0811, (607) 535-7136.

SEPTEMBER 20-OCTOBER 1-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS SPECIALIST TRAINING, a two-week course, will be held on these dates in Montour Falls, New York. It is offered by the New York State Academy of Fire Science. Prerequisites are involved. Contact: New York State Academy of Fire Science; 600 College Ave.; P.O. Box 811; Montour Falls, NY 148650811; (607) 535-7136.

SEPTEMBER 21-23—The New York State Disaster Preparedness Commission will hold its annual DISASTER PREPAREDNESS CONFERENCE in Albany, New York. Contact: John Murphy; New York State Emergency Management Office; Preparedness Section; Building #22, State Campus; Albany, NY 12226-5000; (518) 457-9986.

SEPTEMBER 25-26 AND OCTOBER 3031—Two workshops being offered by the New York State Academy of Fire Science, TRAINING OFFICER II and TRAINING OFFICER I. will be held on these respective dates in Montour Falls, New York. Contact: The New York State Academy of Fire Science; 600 College Ave.; P.O. Box 811; Montour Falls, NY 14865-0811; (607) 535-7136.

OCTOBER 9—The West Lancaster and East Petersburg Volunteer Fire Companies are sponsoring the LANCASTER COUNTY FALL FlRE FIGHTERS EXTRAVAGANZA, to be held on the East Petersburg Fire Company Grounds, Pennsylvania. Contact: West Lancaster Fire Co. No 1; 1697 Temple Ave.; Lancaster, PA 17603.

OCTOBER 10-13—The American Civil Defense Association will present its 16TH ANNUAL SEMINAR/CONFERENCE on these dates in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Contact: Janice Tyliczka; TACDA; P.O. Box 1057; Starke, FL 32091; (904) 964-5397.

OCTOBER 14-16-AIR CRASH RESCUE AND RECOVERY IN THE WATER ENVIRONMENT, an international conference sponsored by the International Association of Dive Rescue Specialists, Inc., in cooperation with Metropolitan Washington Airport Authority, will be held on these dates in Washington, D.C. Contact: 1ADRS; 201 N. Link Ln.; Ft. Collins, CO 80524-2712; (800) 423-7791 or (303) 224-9101.

OCTOBER 14-17-The NINTH ANNUAL EMS MANAGEMENT ACADEMY LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE will be held on these dates in Kansas City, Missouri. The theme is “Provocative Solutions for Turbulent Times,” and the sponsor is the EMS Management Academy. Contact: Fitch and Associates at (816) 431-2600.

OCTOBER 23-26—The American FireSprinkler Association will hold its 12TH ANNUAL CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION, titled DALLAS ROUND-UP: BUILDING A SAFER TOMORROW. on these dates in Dallas, Texas. Contact: American Fire Sprinkler Association; 12959 Jupiter Rd., Suite 142; Dallas, TX 752383200; (214) 349-5965.

OCTOBER 26-31—On these dates in St. Louis, Missouri, the National Association of EMTS’ ANNUAL EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE win take place. Contact: JEMS Conference Division; P.O. Box 2400; Carlsbad, CA 920182400; (800) 266-JEMS.

NOVEMBER 4-6—The Public Education Section of the Western Fire Chiefs Association is sponsoring T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Accomplishes More), a workshop designed to enhance the presentation skills of public educators, which will be held in Park City, Utah. Contact: Captain Chuck Tandy; Provo Fire Department; 80 S. 300 West; Provo, UT 84604; (801) 379-6321.

Bus Full of Kids Slides into Ditch in MI

A school bus packed with 37 children careened off a dirt road and into a ditch Thursday in Washtenaw County.

NH Firefighters Extinguish Car Fire Started by Incendiary Device

Police and fire officials are investigating after a car was intentionally set on fire Wednesday evening, possibly with a Molotov cocktail.