Community Asked to Join ‘Battle of the Badges’ Blood Drive

Los Angeles Police and Fire leaders are asking the public to join them in the Battle of the Badges, a spirited competition among more than 200 Southern California fire departments, law enforcement and first responder agencies, each vying to recruit healthy blood donors.Los Angeles Police and Fire leaders are asking the public to join them in the Battle of the Badges, a spirited competition among more than 200 Southern California fire departments, law enforcement and first responder agencies, each vying to recruit healthy blood donors.

Tyler Izen, President of the Los Angeles Police Protective League, Michel Moore, Assistant Los Angeles Police Chief, Frank Lima, President of United Firefighters of Los Angeles City (I.A.F.F. Local 112), Brian Cummings, Chief of the Los Angeles Fire Department and Fire Commission President Genethia Hudley-Hayes will kick off the blood drive on Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 9 a.m. at the LAFD Frank Hotchkin Memorial Training Center (Elysian Park), 1700 Stadium Way, Los Angeles, CA 90012.

In Southern California, less than 3 percent of the population donates – leading to frequent shortages of the most-needed types of blood. At a time when donations traditionally decline, police officers, firefighters and paramedics need your help to ensure a healthy blood supply in our region. The public can support their favorite public safety agency during the competition, which is open to the public, as donors can cast their vote for their favorite public safety agency.

To thank you for helping meet the challenge, blood donors will receive a gift bag including a Battle of the Badges T-shirt, coupon for a free appetizer at Mimi’s Cafe and tickets to renowned comedy club the Laugh Factory. Most importantly, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you joined police officers and firefighters in saving lives. The public’s participation is quick and simple.

“Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion, and Southern California’s community blood supply typically drops to concerning levels following the holiday crunch,” said Izen, president of the LAPPL. “Through the Battle of the Badges, our police officers, sheriff deputies and firefighters across the Southland will go head-to-head to ensure blood is available for local hospital patients.”

“This life-saving effort can substantially impact the availability of blood for accident victims, cancer patients, premature babies, burn patients, or our friends and neighbors who may need regular blood transfusions in order to live,” said Frank Lima, president of UFLAC. “Not enough civilian blood donors make the time to donate in the days and weeks after the New Year. Therefore, our badge-carrying heroes are stepping forward to help fill to constant need for healthy blood donors, hoping to inspire other to do the same.”

Four Firefighters Hurt in Fire in Abandoned Harlem (NY) Building

Four firefighters were injured battling a massive fire that tore through an abandoned Harlem building where jazz icon Billie Holiday reportedly once lived.