January 19-22, 1987 —An international symposium on the PERFORMANCE OF PROTECTIVE CLOTHING is being sponsored by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the national organization that develops voluntary consensus standards for materials, products, systems, and services, and by the American Industrial Hygiene Association of the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. The meeting will include presentations from international speakers representing governmental agencies, private industry, academia, and emergency response medical teams. Issues to be addressed are chemical breakthroughs, permeation and garment decontamination; field test methods; emergency response, firefighting, and military applications; thermal and molten metal protections. Of special interest are the more than 30 papers that will address new areas concerning pesticides, including field test methods for materials resistance and decontamination; user attitudes and worker safety practices; risk assessment and pesticide technology. To receive a complete program containing additional information on specific speakers, hotel accommodations, and reservations, contact Anne McKlindon, ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103; telephone (215) 299-5490.
February 2-6, 1987-A short course on EFFECTIVE PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR BUILDING DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. This course is designed to improve the project manager training process in monitoring the development and delivery of complex projects. For information, contact; Philip M. Bennett, Department of Engineering Professional Development, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 432 North Lake Street, Madison, WI 53706; telephone 1-800-262-6243, in Wisconsin call 800-362-3020, and ask for engineering information 706.
March 9-12, 1987-WESTERN PUBLIC FIRE EDUCATION CONFERENCE will be held at the Red Lion Inn at the Quay, Vancouver, WA. The conference will cover media relations, fire prevention programs for special groups, and special presentations of innovative and unique approaches to public education. For information, write to: Don Anderson, Tualatin Fire District, P.O. Box 127, Tualatin, OR 97062.
March 23-26, 1987-The annual NATIONAL FOAM FIRE SCHOOL will be held at the Texas A&M University Fire Training Center. This school offers hands-on experience in the latest techniques for extinguishing flammable liquid fires in any situation from storage tanks to marine tankers. For information, contact: W. D. Cochran, National Foam System, Inc., 523 North Belt, Suite 260, Houston, TX 77060, telephone (713) 820-1095.
April 4-8, 1987 — The International Society of Fire Service Instructors 1987 FIRE DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTORS CONFERENCE will once again be held in Cincinnati, OH. A total of 60 seminars will cover presentations in such areas as EMS, fire safety education, industrial brigade training, volunteer fire department management, rural water movement, alternative fire protection, certification, and firefighter safety. Keynote speaker Alan Brunacini’s firefighter safety presentation will be aimed at selfand departmental-examination of safety; John Sharrv will look at the pros and cons of the new NFPA 1403 Live Fire Training Standard. For more information, contact the 1SFSI, 20 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721; telephone (617) 881-5800.
April 6-10, 1987-CALIFORNIA FIRE INSTRUCTORS WORKSHOP is being presented by the Training Officers Section of the California Fire Chief’s Association. For an information and registration brochure, write to: WORKSHOP ’87, P.O. Box 990, Santee, CA 92071.
April 13-17,1987-The CALIFORNIA FIRE MECHANICS’ACADEMY will be held at the Rancho Santiago College in Santa Ana, CA. Because of the large demand for classes, registration closes in February. For information, contact: Jerry Wiencek, Coordinator, Rancho Santiago College, 17th and Bristol Streets, Santa Ana, CA 92706; telephone (714) 667-3105.