Winter/spring 1985—OPEN LEARNING FIRE SERVICE colleges and universities are registering students for independent study courses leading to a Bachelor’s Degree. Courses in fire administration and prevention technology are available to qualified students in the U.S. through eight participating colleges and institutions. For information contact: Betty Jo Mayeske, Open Learning Fire Service Program, 1750 New York Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20006.
January 8-10, 1985—HAZARDOUS MATERIAL AWARENESS. Contact: Colorado Training Institute, 1001 East 62 Avenue, Denver, CO 80216. Telephone: (303) 289-4891.
January 8-10, 1985—INDUSTRIAL FIRE SCHOOL. Contact: Louisiana State University Firemen Training Program, Division of Continuing Education, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Telephone: (504) 766-0600.
January 12, 1985—MODEL INCIDENT COMMAND SEMINAR. To be held in Charlottesville, VA. Contact: Burt Phelps, 1213 Lorene Drive, Pasadena, MD 21122. Telephone: (301)437-1990.
January 13, 1985—TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT AND PRE-PLANNING FOR FREEWAY EMERGENCIES AND SPECIAL EVENTS. Contact: Marilou Damon, Transportation Research Board, 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20418. Telephone: (202) 334-2934.
January 13-18, 1985—TRAINING IMPROVEMENT CONFERENCE. Contact: Paul Hill, Florida Chapter of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors, 1195 78th Avenue, Seminole, EL 33542. Telephone: (813)393-8711.
January 14-15, 1985—HAZARDOUS MATERIALS IN-DEPTH. Contact: Louisiana State University, Firemen Training Program, Division of Continuing Education, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Telephone: (504) 766-0600.
January 14-18, 1985—BASIC FIREFIGHTING. Contact: Arkansas Fire Academy, P.O. Box 3499, Camden, AR 71701. Telephone: (501) 574-1521.
January 14-18,1985—BUILDING INSPECTION. Contact: University of Wisconsin-Extension, 432 North Lake Street, Madison, WI 53706. Telephone: (608) 263-4705.
January 14-18, 1985—ELECTRICAL INSPECTION OF HOUSING AND LIGHT COMMERCIAL. Contact: University of Wisconsin-Extension, 432 North Lake Street, Madison, WI 53706. Telephone: (608) 263-4705.