January 14-17,1986 — MECHANIC’S SEMINAR, a four-day course held in Waterous Company’s South St. Paul, MN, plant, will cover operation, maintenance, and repair of Waterous pumps and accessories. There is no tuition fee for the class or for the instruction manual, but transportation, meals, and lodging are the responsibility of the attendees. Classes are limited to 18 people. Contact: Waterous Company, 300 John E. Carroll Avenue East, South St. Paul, MN 55075. Telephone: (612)450-5000.
February 3-5,1986—TRAUMA MANAGEMENT, part of a continuing medical education conference, will be held at the U.S. Grant Hotel in San Diego, CA. For more information, contact: Continuing Medical Education, M-017, University of California, San Diego School of Medicine, La Jolle, CA 92093. Telephone: (619)452-3940.
February 4-7, 1986—AUTOMATIC FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS. Emphasis will be on designing and selecting equipment for various types of piped fire protection systems, such as wet and dry sprinklers, foam, halon, etc. Contact: John T. Quigley, Professor, Engineering Professional Development, Universityof Wisconsin, 432 N. Lake Street, Madison, WI 53706. Telephone: (800) 262-6243; in Wisconsin, (800) 363-3020.
February 4-7, 1986-MECHANIC’S SEMINAR, a four-day course held in Waterous Company’s South St. Paul, MN, plant, will cover operation, maintenance, and repair of Waterous pumps and accessories. There is no tuition fee for the class or for the instruction manual, but transportation, meals, and lodging are the responsibility of the attendees. Classes are limited to 18 people. Contact: Waterous Company, 300 John E. Carroll Avenue East, South St. Paul, MN 55075. Telephone: (612)450-5000.
March 4-7,1986 – MECHANIC’S SEMINAR, a four-day course held in Waterous Company’s South St. Paul, MN, plant, will cover operation, maintenance, and repair of Waterous pumps and accessories. There is no tuition fee for the class or for the instruction manual, but transportation, meals, and lodging are the responsibility of the attendees. Classes are limited to 18 people. Contact: Waterous Company, 300 John E. Carroll Avenue East, South St. Paul, MN 55075. Telephone: (612)450-5000.
March 5-7, 1986—NORTHWEST FIRE SERVICE MANAGEMENT SEMINAR sponsored by the Oregon Fire Chief’s Assn. Contact: Bob Voris, Clackamas County Fire District #1, 11300 S.E. Fuller Road, Milwaukee, OR 97222. Telephone: (503) 654-7764.
March 16-19, 1986—FIRE DEPARTMENT INSTRUCTORS CONFERENCE will be held in Cincinnati, OH. For further information, contact: International Society of Fire Service Instructors, 20 Main Street, Ashland, MA 01721. Telephone: (617)881-5800.
April 14-18, 1986—INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS meeting will be held at the Doelen Conference Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. For full information, contact: Conference Secretariat, IAFC Conference, c/o Congressdepartment, Rotterdam Tourist Office, Stadhuisplein 19, NL-3012 AR Rotterdam.
April 28-May 2, 1986—FIREMEN’S TRAINING SCHOOL sponsored by Lamar University and the Sabine Neches Chiefs Assn. Training will cover industrial fire brigade operations. Contact: Stella Pitre, Lamar University, P.O. Box 10008, Beaumont, TX 77710. Telephone: (409)880-8440.