Spring 1986 —SPRING COURSES offered by the New Jersey State Fire College. Courses include advanced pump and truck company operations, instructional techniques for company officers, and more. For information, contact: New Jersey State Safety Council, 6 Commerce Drive, Cranford, NJ 07016. Telephone(201)272-7712.
May 26,1986-AMERICAN FIREFIGHTERS FESTIVAL sponsored by the American Firefighters Festival Foundation (AFFF) will include exhibitions and demonstrations of various specialized fire equipment and apparatus as well as competitions between East Coast speed drill teams. The event will be held in College Park, MD. For more information, contact: American Firefighters Festival Foundation, 4031 University Drive, Suite 102, Fairfax, VA 22030. Telephone: (202) 944-2807.
June 2-4, 1986-HAZARDOUS MATERIALS MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE/EXHIBITION will be held in the Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, NJ. For information, contact: Tower Conference Management Co., 331 W. Wesley Street, Wheaton, IL 60187. Telephone: (312)668-8100.
June 7-8, 1986 —The Wisconsin Indianhead Technical Institute’s FIREFIGHTER’S TRAINING SCHOOL will be held at the Ashland Wisconsin Campus. For further information, contact: Lee M. Cooper, Fire Training Specialist, WIT1, 2100 Beaser Avenue, Ashland, WI 54806. Telephone: (715) 682-4591.
June 12-14, 1986-NEW MEXICO STATE FIREFIGHTERS CONVENTION will be held in Artesia, NM. Contact: James Boyse, 309 N. 7th Street, Artesia,NM 88210. Telephone: (505) 746-2702.
July 12-13,1986-ANNUAL McLEAN COUNTY FIREMEN’S ASSOCIATION TRAINING SCHOOL to be held at the McLean County Fairgrounds, Bloomington,IL. Courses will include essentials of firefighting, safe driving of fire apparatus, auto extrication, and more. For additional information, contact: Kay Cermak, # 5 Alexander Court, Normal, IL 61761. Telephone: (309) 452-7696. You can also contact: Normal Fire Department, 1300 E. College Avenue, Normal, IL 61761. Telephone: (309) 4521689.
June 19-22, 1986-THE MICHIGAN STATE FIREMEN’S ASSOCIATION’S ANNUAL CONFERENCE will be held in Gaylord, MI. Seminars, training classes, and exhibitions will be featured. Contact: Jay Kleinhardt, P.O. Box 55, Clare, MI 48617. Telephone: (517) 386-9436.
July-December, 1986-A list of COURSES BEING OFFERED BY THE NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF STATE, OFFICE OF FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL, DIVISION OF TRAINING AND EDUCATION is now available. For courses, schedules, and information, contact: The Academy of Fire Science, 600 College Avenue, P.O. Box 811, Montour Falls, NY 14865. Telephone: (607) 535-7136.
July 9-11, 1986-EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION, sponsored by the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians and the Florida Chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, will be held at the Hyatt Orlando, Orlando, FL. For information, contact: NAEMT/CLINCON, c/o Florida Chapter ACEP, 600 Courtland Street, Suite 420, Orlando, FL 32804. Telephone: (305) 629-5609.
July 19-20, 1986-THE ANNUAL VERMONT FIRE ACADEMY, which will be held at Vermont Technical College in Randolph Center, VT, will have as its theme hazardous materials at all levels. Classes will cover railroads, decision making/problem solving for company officers, leadership and influence, and more. For details and brochure, contact: Vermont Fire Service Training, P.O. Box 53, Pittsford, VT 05763. Telephone: (802) 4839407.