Disaster Drill Conducted at Hotel
A major explosion and fire in the kitchen of a local hotel and restaurant complex was simulated by East Windsor Volunteer Fire Company Number 2, New Jersey’s newest fire company.
On a recent Sunday morning, the alarm was sounded and volunteer fire fighters were dispatched to the Hilton Inn, a four-story, 200-room hotel. Hotel guests were advised of the drill the day before so there was no unnecessary anxiety. The fire fighters were told that a gas explosion had taken place in the kitchen, and that the immediate blast area was fully involved in flames. The roof had supposedly been blown open by the force of the blast. Many persons were injured and others were trapped.
East Windsor’s first apparatus in, a 1250-gpm pumper, immediately dropped two 1 1/2-inch lines for rescue and attack. A 2 1/2-inch line was deployed for a nearby propane gas tank problem. Moments later, orders were given to ready the deck gun. The second pumper in dropped a line at the first pumper and laid 1000 feet of 4-inch hose to a nearby hydrant.
Disaster call
After surveying the seriousness of the situation, East Windsor Chief Martin C. Mark issued a major disaster call, summoning area rescue squads to set up a field hospital to treat the injured and additional pumpers from surrounding communities, as well as one ladder truck and a tanker.
As the fire continued to “spread,” East Windsor fire personnel engaged in evacuation and attempted to head off the blaze. Fire “victims,” ranging in age from 5 to 50, who had been tagged for various injuries, were taken from the building either by litter or over the shoulder. Once outside, they were “treated” according to the severity of the injury. Some were immediately rushed, in simulation, to the nearby Princeton Medical Center.
At this point, with evacuation complete and the removal of “one fireman down,” Mark requested still another tanker, a ladder truck and a pumper and directed their positioning upon arrival.
In all, the simulated disaster took three hours. It saw fire and rescue assistance from the New Jersey communities of Heightstown, Cranbury and Applegarth, with still others put on standby alert.
Master streams used
More than 100 men stretched 5000 feet of hose. At one point, four master streams were played on the structure. There were 46 simulated injuries.
At the conclusion of the drill, all the apparatus mustered in the main parking lot and was open to inspection by curious area residents who had dropped by, wondering what all the fuss was about. There was also a demonstation conducted by the East Windsor Company 2 Lieutenants Bart Nappa and Jerry Kopf in the use of fire extinguishers. Actual fires were set and, after instructions, were extinguished by Hilton employees.
All the participants in the exercise were treated to a poolside barbecue, courtesy of the Hilton Inn.
East Windsor Captain Ed Haemmerle, coordinator of the disaster drill, said, “Fortunately, there’s never been a problem at this hotel. However, if there is one, it’s important that my men are familiar with the layout of the building. We’re talking about a lot of lives, so knowledge, evacuation speed and containment are of utmost importance.”