Every member of the fire service has experiences, knowledge, and skills that can help train other firefighters. This “crash course” in instructor skills and teaching methods is designed to help the newest and most experienced instructor teach their craft to others.
Formal certification allows for a more in-depth perspective on the four-step teaching method, but this useful guide will help develop and refine your presentation skills.
Download this week’s firefighter training drill as a PDF HERE.
Forest Reeder began his fire service career in 1979. He currently serves as Battalion Chief / Director of Training & Safety with the Pleasantview (IL) Fire Protection District (www.plvw.org) and is the Director of Training for Southwest United Fire Districts (www.sufd.org). In these capacities, he is responsible for the design, implementation and coordination of in-service training activities as well as a full-service fire training academy program. Forest holds numerous Illinois fire service certifications and holds a Masters Degree in Public Safety Administration from Lewis University.