Drill of the Week: PASS Device Reset

By Forest Reeder

There are few things more annoying on the fireground than an PASS device that does not reset. In a RIT deployment, the activated PASS is your path to members in distress. Once you locate the downed firefighter, the PASS must be reset so that communications can take place.

It seems like a basic skill, but consider that you may encounter a PASS device that you are not accustomed to working with. Even the ones you do know may be in a position where they are upside-down or facing you in an awkward position. Be familiar with as many types of PASS devices as you can, especially those that are on SCBAs in your response and mutual aid areas. A activated PASS device is cause for concern on the fireground and must be addressed as an emergency until proven otherwise. Review your manufacturer’s instructions for this operation.

Download this week’s firefighter training drill as a PDF HERE.

Forest Reeder began his fire service career in 1979. He currently serves as Battalion Chief / Director of Training & Safety with the Pleasantview (IL) Fire Protection District (www.plvw.org) and is the Director of Training for Southwest United Fire Districts (www.sufd.org). In these capacities, he is responsible for the design, implementation and coordination of in-service training activities as well as a full-service fire training academy program. Forest holds numerous Illinois fire service certifications and holds a Masters Degree in Public Safety Administration from Lewis University.

East Haven (CT) Fire Engine Struck in a Hit-and-Run

An East Haven Fire Department engine was struck in a hit-and-run Tuesday evening while it was driving to a structure fire in the Foxon area.