Drill of the Week: Stand Down Drill

Brought to You by FirefighterCloseCalls.com

Fire service leaders have created and implemented various programs to reduce the number of line-of-duty deaths (LODDs) in the United States. Despite these efforts, firefighters are still dying to the tune of more than 100 per year. As of May 1, 2005, the number of LODDs for this year stands at 50 – 10 more than the same time last year. On May 20, the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation launched its “Everyone Goes Home” program which will help implement the 16 Life Safety Summit Initiatives produced at last year’s Life Safety Summit. Now, more than 13 fire service organizations are calling for all fire departments in the nation to conduct a “stand down” for firefighter safety beginning Tuesday, June 21. Fire departments are urged to suspend all non-emergency activity on June 21 and instead focus entirely on firefighter safety.

No one will argue that training is one part of ensuring firefighters act safely responding to, operating at, and returning from the fireground. NFPA 1500 provides minimum performance requirements for a fire service occupational safety and health program for career, volunteer, private, and military fire departments. It covers organization, training and education, vehicles, equipment, protective clothing, emergency operations, facilities, medical and physical criteria, and member assistance programs.

This week’s drill suggests several items to be addressed during the first stand down for fire safety conducted on June 21, 2005. It includes 24 possible activities for the stand down and the month that follows. Make this type of stand down part of your yearly drill schedule.

The drill can be found at http://www.firefighterclosecalls.com/drills/FCC%20Vol%209-98%20FF%20Safety%20Stand-Down.pdf.

Another collection of drills compiled by FirefighterCloseCalls.com that cover operational and health safety topics addressing NFPA 1500 guidelines, as well as timely safety drills covering such areas as backing up apparatus is available at http://www.firefighterclosecalls.com/downloads/firedrills.pdf.

Other sources for information to be used during the stand down include http://www.iafc.org/standdown/ and http://www.everyonegoeshome.com.

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