Bread-and-butter single family dwellings kill and injure more firefighters than all of the other building construction types put together. This scenario presents some unique considerations for responding companies: the arrangement of the house on the lot, the type of construction used, and other building features.
Work through the incident factors and size-up considerations with your crews to develop a risk/benefit-oriented tactical solution to this fire problem.
Download this week’s firefighter training drill as a PDF HERE.
Forest Reeder began his fire service career in 1979. He currently serves as Battalion Chief / Director of Training & Safety with the Pleasantview (IL) Fire Protection District ( and is the Director of Training for Southwest United Fire Districts ( In these capacities, he is responsible for the design, implementation and coordination of in-service training activities as well as a full-service fire training academy program. Forest holds numerous Illinois fire service certifications and holds a Masters Degree in Public Safety Administration from Lewis University.