Use this week’s drill to try to recreate a real incident which occurred in Chicago, IL. The Chicago Fire department responded to a five-story transient hotel that challenged crews with multiple window rescues. First-arriving crews faced jumpers and people screaming at every window.
Recreating this scenario involves using a training tower. The drill consists of live victims in every window of the tower dressed as civilians. Use a smoke machine rather than real smoke to protect our victims.
Stage the responding companies away from the tower so they can respond to the tower. Stagger the times of response to make it as realistic as possible. The battalion chief is usually at a meeting out of district and responds late. The first companies need to set up the ICS and relay what information they need, box alarm etc.
Have the victims scream and make as much noise as possible to rattle the first officers to arrive on scene. The first officers have to complete a truck triage as soon as possible. Truck triage involves the first-in truck officer makes the decision which victims will get removed first. Someone has to be in charge and dictate to incoming companies who will be rescued first. They must decide which victims to rescue first and stick with that decision. Some of the victims also go back into the room and a vent/enter search has to be performed. The first engine needs to get a line on the “fire”.
The setup does not take much. Line up smoke machines and victims ahead of time. Instead of actually burning to show what room is on fire, paint a board red/orange and put it in the window.
Review truck triage and first engine responsibilities prior to the practical so everyone understands their positions.
You can also ask neighboring companies to participate in the drill as well. It challenges officers’ as well as firefighters’ ladder abilities. It can also dovetail into other drills. A few weeks prior to the drill, conduct a ladder evolutions drill to see how quick truck companies can get every window laddered on the tower.