
FIRE DRILL, Film Communicators, 1136 Weddington St., No. Hollywood, Calif. 91601; 16 minutes, $65/wk rental; $340, purchase.

A film on planning and practicing exit procedures for school fire emergencies. The film emphasizes that in an emergency, there’s not always time to think. Mapping exit routes and appointing group leaders are presented, as well as reporting a fire and care of the handicapped. The viewer learns to plan for smoke, hot doors, blocked exits, and developing alternate routes, exits and leaders.

GASOLINE AND GAS WATER HEATERS JUST DON’T MIX! Film Communicators, 1136 Weddington St., No. Hollywood Calif., 91601; 9 minutes, 16mm or video, color/sound, $35, rental; $165, purchase.

Targeted to public fire education and intermediate through 12th grade curriculum areas of safety, science and home economics, the film presents a dramatic lesson for fire prevention and safety to all audiences.

In a series of interviews, victims discuss reactions to fire emergencies and what they should have done differently. The viewer is made aware of a common household fire danger and the importance of selecting a safe work site, proper supervision of children, emergency evacuation procedures and calling for help.

Fire Burns Through PA Aerospace Supplier

A large fire broke out Monday night at SPS Technologies, an aerospace supplier in Abington Township.

Fatal Fire at Tacoma (WA) Indoor Shooting Range Appears Unintentional

A Tacoma indoor shooting range that was the scene of a fatal fire will be closed indefinitely.