Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars

Arkansas Fire Training Academy: Advisory Committee for Fire Department Training, Apr. 25; Fire Pump Maintenance, Apr. 14 -18 and 19 20; Advanced Rescue and Protective Breathing Procedures, Apr. 14—18 and 19—20; EMT (four weeks), Apr. 21—-25; Arson Crime Scene Search, Apr. 21—25. For further information, contact the Arkansas Fire Academy, Southern Arkansas University, Technical Branch, P.O. Box 3048, Camden, Ark. 71701.

California Fire Service Academy: Fire Prevention IV, Apr. 29 May 4; Fire Investigation II, May 13—18; Fire Instructor III, May 20—25; Fire Management IV, Master Planning, June 3-8; Fire Command (Special Course), June 10—15. For further information, write to the California Fire Service Academy, 836 Asilomar Blvd., Pacific Grove, Calif. 93905.

Chittenden County Training AssociationRegional Fire School, May 19-20. For further information, contact Chester A. Brunell, Chairman, Central Fire Headquarters, Burlington, Vt. 05401.

Connecticut State Fire SchoolWeekend Classes: Essentials of Fire Fighting, Apr. 21—22, and 28—29; Breathing Apparatus, May 5-6 and 12 13; Pumps, May 5-6 and 12-13; Basic Rescue, May 5-6 and 19-20. For further information, write William S. Porter, State Fire Administrator, Commission on Fire Prevention and Control, 294 Colony Street, Meriden, Ct. 06450.

Electrical Safety Conference, at University of Wisconsin-Extension, will be held May 21-22. Topic will be Electrical Fires: Cause, Prevention, and Investigation. For information, contact Willis F. Long, Dept, of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Wisconsin—Extension, 432 North Lake Street, Madison, Wis. 53706.

Indiana State 7th Annual Fire School: to be held Apr. 21-22 at Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis 38th Street Campus. For course information, contact the Coordinator of Fire School, Division of Continuing Studies, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis, 1201 East 38th Street, Indianapolis, In. 46205.

ISFSI National Seminars: Breathing Apparatus, Wayne Township, Indiana, April 28-29; Rural Firefighting Tactics, Grand Junction, Co., May 5-6; Testing and Evaluation, Dover, Del., June 5-6; Shopping Mall Fire Control, Milwaukee, Wis., June 4-5, Wayne Township, Ind., June 9 10. Instructional Skills for the Fire Officer, to be run in cooperation with the Allegheny County Fire Training Academy, Keystone State Chapter ISFSI, Pennsylvania State Fire Commission and the Pennsylvania State Fire Training School will be held in Allison Park, Pa, June 9-10. For further information, contact Ed McCormack, Executive Secretary. ISFSI, Box 88, Hopkinton, Ma. 01748.

Law Enforcement Photography Workshop: to be held in Rochester, June 4-8. For information contact Law Enforcement and Security Markets, Eastman Kodak Company, Dept. 0617-A, 343 State St., Rochester, N.Y. 14605.

Minnesota State Fire School: To be held May 18-20, St. Paul Campus, Univ. of Minnesota. For further information, contact Eugene Anderson, 405 Coffey Hall. 1420 Eckles Ave., University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minn. 55108.

Minnesota Sectional Fire and Rescue Schools: to be held in Hermantown, Apr. 28-29. For information contact, David N. McCullough, Manager, Adult Vocational Programs, Minn. Department of Education, 533 Capitol Square Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 55101.

Montgomery County Fire Training School: Advance Fire Fighting II, Apr. 21-22, May 5-6; Water Tanker Course, Apr. 28-29; Vehicle Rescue, Apr. 2829; Water Rescue, May 19-20; Basic Fire Fighting I, May 19-20, June 2-3; Industrial Fire Training, June 12-13. For further information, contact Jack K. McElfish, Fire Training Coordinator, Montgomery County Fire Training School, 100 Wilson Blvd., Eagleville, Pa., 19403.

Municipal Fire Department’s Instructors Association: 12th Annual Educational Seminar, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, May 28-30. For further information, contact Tom McAuley (Registrar), 740 Markham Road, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. M1H 2A9.

National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians: annual conference to be held Apr. 26 29, at the Regency Hotel, Denver Colorado. For information, contact Mary King, P.O. Box 2998, Denver, Co. 80201.

National Fire Protection Association—Life Safety Code Seminars: Miami, FI., Apr. 16-19; Denver, Co., Sept. 11-14. For further information contact the NFPA, Educational Technology Unit, 470 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. 02210.

New Jersey State Fire College: Advanced Pump Training Courses, Apr. 21-22 and 28-29, Seaside Hts., N.J. Advanced Truck Training Courses, Apr. 21-22 and 28-29, Seaside Hts. For further information, contact August G. Brummer, Director, Industrial and Fire Division, N.J. State Safety Council, 50 Park Place, Suite 820, Newark, N.J. 07102.

New York Division of Fire Prevention and Control: Training Officer Workshop I, Apr. 21-22. For further information, contact the Academy of Fire Science, P.O. Box K. Montour Falls, N.Y. 14865.

New York State Association of Fire ChiefsSeminar Series—Northern Central District, Apr. 21, Pittsford-Mendon High School, Route 64: Northern Area, Apr. 28, Moose Club, Malone. There will be a registration fee of $5.00 for members and $10.00 for nonmembers. For additional information, write Ward A. Bohner, Executive Director, New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, 8 Van Buren Drive, Kinderhook, N.Y.12106.

New York State Society of Fire Service Instructors—Spring Seminar, to be held April 28 at the New York City Fire Academy. For further information, contact Gil Romano, Secretary, NYSSFSI, Nassau Fire Service Academy, Winding Road, Old Bethpage, N.Y. 11804.

Norfolk International Airport Crash/Fire/ Rescue Management/Supervisory School: May 6-9, New Cavalier Hotel. Virginia Beach, Va. For information, write Wayne E. Shank, Airport Operations Supervisor, Norfolk International Airport, Norfolk, Va. 23518.

Northeastern Pennsylvania Volunteer Firemen’s Federation: Fire School at Dickson City, Pa., June 2-3. For information, contact Paul Lukus, Fire School Director, 138 Dundaff Street, Forest City, Pa. 18421.

Pennsylvania State Firemen’s Training School: Structural Fire Fighting I, Apr. 16-20, May 7-11; Pumper Operation Practices I, Apr. 23-27; Rural Community Fire Protection, May 1-4; Fire Department Ladder Practices, May 16-17; Arson and Fire Cause Investigation, May 16-18; Management of Fireground Operations for Officers, May 19-20; Fire Department Rescue Practices, May 21-25. For further information, contact Robert D. Grening, Services Coordinator, P.O. Box 631, Lewistown, Pa., 17044.

Pennsylvania State University—Fire Safety Programs: Fire Department Officership, Beaver Campus, Apr. 21-22, York Campus, May 19-20; Fire Safety, Berks Campus, Apr. 21; Rural Fire Fighting, Williamsport (Towanda), Apr. 21-22, Beaver Campus, May 19-20; Techniques of Fire Investigation, Behrend College, Apr. 28-29, Hazleton Campus, May 19-20; Fire Prevention and the Volunteer Fire Fighter, Hazleton Campus, May 12. For further information, contact Charles Meek, Penn State University, 209 Keller Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802.

The 2nd Annual Oregon Fire Educators School, Apr. 18-20 at the Holiday Inn, Wilsonville, Ore. Program plans include an overview of Oregon’s Fire problem and what is being done about it, psychology of motivation, presenting puppet shows, tabletop presentations, use of fire equipment in fire safety education, working with elementary level educators, and working with news media. For further information, contact Don Anderson, Oregon Fire Education Association, P.O. Box 127, Tualatin, Ore. 97062.

Tri-State Fire Services Training Association: Seminars to be held on remaining Thursdays in April 19 and 26, at the Allied Health Auditorium, Community College of Beaver County, Center Township, Monaca, Pa. For further information, contact Jim Piroli, General Chairman, 1834 Davidson St., Aliquippa, Pa. 15001.

Texas A&M University—Recruit Training Schools: Class No. 27, Apr. 16 June 1. For further information, contact David White, Coordinator, Recruit Training School, Fire Protection Training Division, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tex. 77843.

20th Annual Northwest Fire and Arson Seminar, Apr. 30-May 4. Will be held at the Thunderbird Motor Inn, Portland, Ore. Pre-registration is required. Program highlights: Investigation Procedures; Interpretation of Heat and Char Patterns; Interviews; Field Investigations; and Crime Lab Services & Techniques. For information, contact John Farber, Program Chairman, Portland Fire Bureau, 55 S.W. Ash, Portland, Ore. 97204.

University of Michigan Firemanship Training Program: Academy Program, May 8; Advanced Training School, May 14—18. For further information, write to the Firemanship Training Program, Fire Service Instruction and Research Center, North Campus, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109.

Wisconsin Fire Equipment Mechanics Association—Seminar to be held at the Grand Chute Fire Station, Appleton, Wis. 54911, May 23-24. For further information, contact Syl Watry, 923 Hickory Street. West Bend, Wis. 53095.

Saegertown explosion

Firefighters Among More Than a Dozen Injured in PA Explosion

A major explosion Sunday injured more than a dozen people, including several firefighters, in Saegertown, Pennsylvania.
Trailer Fire Metairie (LA)

Trailer Catches Fire, Explodes on I-10, Damaging Nearby Metairie (LA) Homes

A trailer carrying motorcycles and nitrous oxide cannisters caught fire on Interstate 10 and exploded Saturday, damaging two nearby Metairie homes and possibly a passing car, according to Jefferson Parish and…