Fire Schools and Seminars
Aircraft Crash and Mass Casualty Management: Arizona State Univ., Feb. 1-5; Sept. 13-17. For further information contact William H. Allen, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Arizona State Univ., Tempe, Ariz. 85287.
California Fire Mechanics Academy, April 5-9, Stockton, Calif. For further information contact I,eanard Erb, Calif. Fire Mechanics Academy, 8470 Nentra St., La Mesa, Calif. 92041.
Correspondence Course on Hydraulic Calculations of Automatic Sprinkler Systems: Year-round enrollment, course consists of 12 assignments and a proctored exam. For further information write Independent and Correspondence Study, 001 Classroom Building, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Ok. 74078.
Emergency Services Conference, Feb. 18-21, Pipestem, WV. For further information contact Regina Gwinn Eckle, Dept, of Natural Resources, Pipestem State Park, Pipestem, W.V. 25979.
Fire Brigade Leadership Training, April 26-30, Columbia, Md. For further information contact Course Registrar, General Physics Corp., 1000 Century Plaza, Md. 21044.
Hazardous Materials Safety in Cooperation With Government and Private Industry, Feb. 9-12, Nashville, Tenn. For further information contact Hazardous Risk Advisory Committee, Seminar Registration Desk, Metro Civil Defense, Floor 7M, Metro Courthouse, Nashville, Tenn. 37201.
International Association of Arson Investigators: 33rd Annual Conference, April 25-30, St. Louis, Mo. For information contact Ms. Freddy Randolph, 344 Hearnes-UMC, Columbia, Mo. 65211.
ISFSI Fire Department Administration Seminar: Cleveland, Apr. 3-4, San Francisco, May 13-14; Bedford, N.H., June 12-13. For further information contact ISFSI, Box 88, Hopkinton, Mass. 01748.
Louisiana State University Firemen Training Program: Industrial Fire School, Feb. 2-4; Highrise Fires, Feb. 9-10; Cause & Origin, Feb. 24-25, 27-28; Industrial Fire School, Mar. 2-4; Pump Operations, Mar. 8-12; Fire Service Instructor II, Mar. 15-19; Apparatus Purchasing, Mar. 27-28. For further information contact Michael Dunn, Firemen Training Program, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. 70803.
New York State Academy of Fire Science: Training Officer Workshop I, Feb. 6-7; Breathing Apparatus Maintenance, Feb. 10-11; Fire Tactics Workshop, Feb. 17-19; County Fire Coordinators Seminar, Feb. 20-21; Fire/Arson Investigation Course, Feb. 22-Mar. 5; Fire Prevention I, Feb. 27-28; Volunteer Fire Service Management, Feb. 27-28. For further information contact Academy of Fire Science, P.O. Box K, Montour Falls, N.Y. 14865.
University of Michigan Extension Service, Firemanship Training Program: Fire Chiefs Conference, Feb. 9-10; Fire Instructors Conference, Feb. 23-25. For further information contact U-M Extension Service Firemanship Training Program, 412 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109.
Weirton Heights Rescue School Inc: Winter Wilderness Search and Rescue Courses, Feb. 5-7; Rescue School Courses, Apr. 17-18. For further information contact Weirton Heights Rescue School, Inc., P.O. Box 2542, Weirton, WV 26062.