Fire Schools and Seminars
Ansul Fire Schools: Kook Hill, S.C., Feb. 9-10, 12-13, 16 17, 19-20; Beaumont, Tex., March 9 10; 12-13, 16-17, 19-20. For further information contact .Jill Davis, Enrollment Coordinator. The Ansul Co., Marinette, Wis. 54143.
Arkansas Fire Academy: Rookie School, March 30 May 8; Rescue II, April 4-5; Apparatus Operator, April 11-12; Flammable Liquids, April 18-19; Introduction to Fire Protection, May 9 10; Pump Maintenance & Repair, May 11 15; NFA Cluster Program, May 16 17; Fire Fighter II, May 18-29; Structure Fires, May 23-24. For further information contact the Arkansas Fire Academy, P.O. Box 3048, East Camden, Ark. 71701
California Fire Service Academy: Fire Investigation III, April 12 17; Fire Management II, April 26 May 1; Public Education Officer II, May 24-29; Fire Prevention IV, May 31-June 5. For further information contact Jim Meidl, California Fire Service Academy, 836 Asilomar Blvd., Pacific Grove, Calif. 93950.
General Physics Corporation: Fire Brigade Training, April 27-May 1; Fire Brigade Leadership Training, May 11-15. For further information contact John Miller, General Physics Corp., 1000 Century Plaza, Columbia, Md. 21044.
Georgia Fire Academy: Driver Trainee Short Course, March 30-April 3; Fire Safety Education, First I)ist., April 6-9; Instructor Development, 10th Dist., April 14-17; Fire Safety Education, 9th Dist., April 20-23; Firefighter Short Course, April 20-24; Basic Industrial Short Course, April 29-20. For further information contact Harold G. Thompson, Georgia Fire Academy, 534 Clay St., Marietta, Ga. 30060.
Law Enforcement Photography Workshops: Rochester N.Y., April 27-May 1; For further information contact Luther M. Dey, Eastman Kodak Company, Law Enforcement & Security Markets, 343 State St.. Rochester, N.Y. 14650.
Louisiana State University: Industrial Fire School, March 31 -April 2; Firefighter I, April 6-May 1; Aircraft Crash Rescue, April 6-9. For further information contact the Louisiana State University Firemen Training Program, Division of Continuing Education, Baton Rouge, La. 70803.
Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute: Breathing Apparatus Specialist School, March 30, April 3; Industrial Fire Protection Management Seminar, April 7; EMS Officers Seminar, May 2,3; Heavy Emergency Vehicle Operators Course, May 16,17. For further information contact John W. Hoglund, Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute University of Maryland, College Park, MD. 20742.
Montgomery County Fire Training School: Interior Fire Fighting, April 11. April 12; Industrial Fire Training, April 1-2; Truck Company Operations Course, April 11; Garden Apartment/Townhouse Fire Fighting Course, April 12; Tanker Course, April 25-26; Foam Course, April 25; Fire Fighting II, May 2-3 and May 16-17. For further information contact Jack K. McElfish, Fire Training Coordinator, Montgomery County Fire Training School, 100 Wilson Blvd., Eagleville. Pa. 19403.
Morris County Fire Fighters and Police Training Academy: Pump Operations, April 3-4; Fire Fighter I. April 10-12,24-26, May 1-3; Fire Fighter II, May 8-10, May 15-17, 22-23; Fire Fighter III, May 29,30, June 5,6,12,13; Truck Operations, June 19-20. For further information contact Edward P. Mullen, Morris County Fire Fighters and Police Training Academy, Courthouse, Morristown, N.J. 07960.
Municipal Fire Departments Instructors Association, 14th annual educational seminar. May 11 13. Ontario, Canada. For further information contact Glen McCord, Registrar, 41 Pleasant Rd., Guelph, Ontario, N1E 3Z5.
National Fire Academy: Hazardous Materials I: April 4 12, April 27-May 8; Hazardous Materials III, March 30-April 10, April 27-May 8; Incident Command II, March 28-April 5; Public Fire Education Specialist, April 27May 1; Fire Prevention Specialist I, March 30-April 10; Executive Development III, April 4-12; April 27-May 8; Executive Development II, April 27-May 8; Management of Emergency Medical Service, April 4-12, April 27-May 8; Educational Methodology I, April 27-May 8; Educational Methodology II, March 30-April 10; Fire/Arson Detection, April 27-May 1; Special Programs: Package Plan I, April 27-May 22; Package Plan II, April 27-May 22; Package Plan III, April 27-May 15; Senior Fire Instructor Program, April 27-May 29; Hazardous Materials Control Program, April 27-June 5. For further information contact National Fire Academy, 16825 S. Seton Ave., Emmitsburg, Md. 21727.
National Fire Protection Association: National Electrical Code (NFPA-70-78), Changes Workshop, Philadelphia, April 28, Albany, N.Y., May 1, Columbus, Ohio, May 8, Atlanta, Ga., May 12; Health Care 101 Workshop, Washington, D.C., April 6-7, Indianapolis, Ind., May 6-7; Life Safety Code Revisions Workshop, Boston, Mass., April 21-22, Philadelphia, Pa., April 27-28; Albany, N.Y., April 30-May 1, Indianapolis, Ind., May 4-5, Atlanta, Ga., May 11-12, Miami, Fla. May 14-15. For further information contact the National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. 02210.
National Spill Control School: Oil Spill, May 18-22; For further information contact George Oberholtzer Director, National Spill Control School, Corpus Christi State University, 6300 Ocean Dr., Corpus Christi, Tex. 78412.
National YMCA Scuba Program: Scuba Search and Recovery Training Program, Houston, June 22-26; Indianapolis, August 26-31; Milford, N.J., August 31-Sept. 4; Elizabeth City, N.C., Sept. 14-18. For further information contact YMCA Search and Recovery Committee, c/o Stephen Hardick, Chairman, 120 Rose St., Phillipsburg, N.J. 08865.
New Jersey State Fire College: Advanced Pump Oper., Seaside Heights. April 11,12; Advanced Truck Oper., Seaside Heights, April 11,12; Advanced Pump Oper., Seaside Heights, April 25,26; Fire Brigade I, Northern, April 26-30; Fire Brigade II, Southern, May 12-14; Fire Brigade III, Central, May 26-28. F’or further information contact August G. Brummer, Fire Division, New Jersey State Safety Council, 50 Park Place, Suite 820, Newark, N.J. 07102.
New York State Association of Fire Chiefs: 1981 Seminar Series, Search & Rescue: April 4, Canton, Ohio. For further information contact the New York State Association of Fire Chiefs, 8 Van Buren Dr.. Kinderhook, N.Y. 12106.
Northeastern Pennsylvania Volunteer Firemen’s Federation Fire School, Nicholson, Pa., June 6-7. For further information contact John Chichilla, F’ire School Director, 715 E. Scott St., Olyphant, Pa. 18447.
Ohio Fire Academy: Low Cost Computers for the Fire Service, April 2-3; Hazardous Materials Terminology, April 4; Basic Photography, April 4-5; Foreground Tactics for the Junior Officer, April 4-5; Rural F’ire Tactics II, April 4-5; Size-up, April 6-7; Sprinklers, Standpipes & Alarm Systems, April 9-10; Strategies & Tactics Workshop I, April 9-10; Arson Investigation, Level II, April 13-17; Radiation & the Fire Service, April 15; Radio/Alarm Operator Workshop, April 17; Industrial Pre-Fire Plan Development, April 20-21; Advanced Fire Codes, April 20-24; Advanced Cardiac Life Support, Paramedic, April 25; Chemistry and Physics of Fire, April 25-26; Fire Pumps, April 25-26; Industrial F’ire Brigades & the Local Fire Dept., April 25,26; Garden Apt., Townhouse, & Condo Construction, April 25-26: Role & Responsibilities of the Newly Promoted Officer, April 25-26; Ropes & Knots, Advanced, April 25-26; Aircraft Crash, Fire and Rescue Workshop, April 27-Mav 1. For further information contact Registrar, Ohio Fire Academy, 8895 East Main Street, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068.
Pennsylvania State University: Emergency Vehicle Driver Training, April 4-5; Shopping Center Fires, May 9-10; Techniques of Arson Investigation, April 25-26; Building Construction and the Fire Service, April 25; Fire Fighting with Foam, April 25-26; Rural Fire Fighting, April 24-25; Microprocessors for the Fire Service, April 4. For further information contact Charles R. Meek, 209 Keller Bldg., University Park, Pa. 16802.
Safety Systems Inc.: Hazardous Materials Leak, Spill & Fire Control Seminar/Workshop, Highway/Truck: Friendswood, Tex., March 28; Grosse Tete, La., March 29; South Park Township, Pa., April 5; Camden County, N.J., April 11; Stony Brook, N.Y., April 12; Springfield, Ill., April 25; Kendall Park, N.J., May 3; Rail & Highway: Clifton Park, N.Y., May 2; Hambden Township, Chardon, Ohio, May 16; Middletown, Ohio, May 17. For further information contact Safety Systems, Inc., P.O. Box 8463, Jacksonville, Fla. 32211.
U.S. Department of Commerce/National Bureau of Standards: 6th International Symposium, Noise in Physical Systems, April 6-10; National Water Conservation Conference, April 14-15; Mechanical Failures Prevention Group, April 21-24; 6th Conference on Roofing Technology, April 30-May 1; Computer Security Initiative Seminar, May 18-20. For further information contact the National Bureau of Standards, Administration Building, Washington, D.C. 20234.
Vehicle Rescue and Extrication Seminar, 4th annual, April 11-12, Corona, Ca. For further information contact the Corona Firemen’s Association, 225 E. Harrison St., Corona, Ca. 91720.
West Virginia University: West Liberty Regional Fire School, May 2-3; Nicholas County Regional Fire School, May 2-3. For further information contact West Virginia University, Fire Service Extension, 313 Knapp Hall, Mor gantown, W.V. 26506