Fire Schools and Seminars

Fire Schools and Seminars


Aircraft Crash and Mass Casualty Management: Arizona State University, Sept. 13-17. For further information contact William H. Allen, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz. 85287.

Chittenden County, Vt., Regional Fire School: Sept. 25-26, Burlington, Vt. Contact Chester Brunnell, 132 North Ave., Burlington, Vt. 05401

California Fire Academy: Fire Management III, Nov. 14-19, Fire Command II, Nov. 7-12; Fire Command IV, Dec. 5-10, Fire Command V, Sept. 26-31; Rural Fire Mgmt. & Command, Dec. 12-17; Fire Prevention II, Nov. 28-Dec. 3; Fire Instructor Ib, Sept. 26-31; Fire Instructor IIb, Dec. 12-17; Public Education Officer II, Oct. 31-Nov. 5; Master Instructor, Sept. 19-24. Contact Calif. Fire Academy, 836 Asilomar Blvd., Pacific Grove, Calif. 93950.

Colorado Training Institute: Hazardous Material Awareness, Nov. 2-4, $50; Haz-Mat InDepth, Oct. 18-29, $400; Commercial Vehicle Inspection, Sept. 21-24, $160; Sept. 27-Oct. 1, $200; Shippers/Carriers, Sept. 13-17, Nov. 15-19, $200. Contact the institute at 1001 East 62nd Ave., Denver, Colo. 80216.

Correspondence Course on Hydraulic Calculations of Automatic Sprinkler Systems: Year-round enrollment, course consists of 12 assignments and a proctored exam. Write Independent and Correspondence Study, 001 Classroom Building, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Ok. 74078.

Kansas Fire School: (for municipalities), Oct. 11-14, Wichita, Kan. (For industries), Sept. 20-24, Topeka, Kan. Contact University of Kansas, Fire Service Training, 645 New Hampshire, Lawrence, Kan. 66044.

Louisiana State University Firemen Training Program: Hazardous Materials-Flammable Liquids, Sept. 8; Fire Apparatus Driver Training, Sept. 13-17; Airport Exec. Emerg. Prep. Sept. 20-24; Industrial Fire School, Sept. 28-30; Airport Fire Fighter-I, Oct. 4-8, Fire Inspector I-Part II, Oct. 9; Public Safety Diver, Oct. 11-15; Rescue I, Oct. 11-15; Mini Fire School, Oct. 15-17, Dive Rescue I, Oct. 17-22; Interior Fire Operations, Oct. 27; Vehicle Rescue, Nov. 1-5; Industrial Fire School, Nov. 9-11; Breathing Apparatus, Nov. 13-14; Industrial Fire School, Nov. 16-18; Radiological Monitoring, Nov. 20; Pump Operations, Nov. 29-Dec. 3. Contact Louisiana State University, Firemen Training, Div. of Cont. Ed., Baton Rouge, La. 70803-1514.

LNG and L.P. Fire Control and Extinguishing Schools: Sept, Minneapolis, Mn. Contact Fire Training Director, Safety Dept., Minnesota Gas Co., 201 S. 7th St., Minneapolis, Mn. 55402.

Massachusetts Firefighting Academy: Gas Fire Fighting School; (fire fighter program) Sept. 13-14, 27-28, Oct. 12-13,25-26, Nov. 8-9. (industrial program), Sept. 8-9,15-16,22-23, 29-30, Oct. 6-7, 13-14, 20-21, 27-28. Contact Thomas H. Rinoldo, LNG/LPG Firefighting School, Mass. Firefighting Academy, 59 Horse Pond Rd., Sudbury, Mass. 01776.

Morris County Fire Fighters Training Academy: Fire Fighter I, Sept. 1-Dec. 15, Dec. 19; Sept. 17-19, 24-26, Oct. 1-3; Fire Fighter II, Oct. 8-10, Oct. 15-17, Oct. 22-24; Fire Fighter III, Sept. 2-Dec. 9; Oct. 29-31, Nov. 5-7, Nov. 12-13; Fire Fighter IV, Sept. 1, Sept. 17-18, Sept. 24-25; Fire Prevention & Inspection, Sept. 8-Nov. 24; Company Training Officer, Sept. 27-Dec. 13; Truck Operations, Nov. 19-20. Contact Morris County Fire Fighters and Police Training Academy, Courthouse, Morristown, N.J. 07960.

Muskingum County Regional Fire School: Philo, Ohio, Oct. 3. Contact Chief Don Alexander, Box 396, Duncan Falls, Ohio 43734.

National Symposium on Emergency Medical Services, Sept. 30, Oct. 1-3, Greenville, S.C. Contact NSEMS, Greenville County Emergency Management Authority, 1200 Pendleton St., Greenville, S.C. 29611.

New Jersey State Fire College: Fire Fighter 1&2, Sept. 25-26, Oct. 2-3; Fire Brigade 1, Oct. 5-7; Adv. Pump Operations, Oct. 9-10, Oct. 16-17, Oct. 23-24; Adv. Truck Operations, Oct. 9-10, Oct. 16-17, Oct. 23-24; Water Shuttle Operations, Oct. 23-24; Fire Brigade III, Oct. 26-28; Fire Officers Course, Nov. 6-7; 13-14. Fire Brigade I, Nov. 9-11. Contact August G. Brummer, Fire Div., N.J. State Safety Council, 50 Park Place, Suite 820, Newark, N.J. 07102.

New York Academy of Fire Science: Fire/ Arson Investigation, Sept. 27-Oct. 8, Nov. 3-5, Nov. 29-Dec. 10; State Fire Instructors Conference, Sept. 13-17; Fire Pump Maintenance, Oct. 19-21; Training Officer Workshop, Dec. 4-5; OMH Safety Officer Training Academy, Sept. 20-Oct. 8; Intro, to Fire Inspection, Sept. 27-Oct. 1; Public School Inspection Wkshop, Oct. 8-10; Fire Marshals and Inspectors Seminar, Oct. 13-15; Regional Fire Admin. Conference, Nov. 13-14; Br. Apparatus Maint., Nov. 20-21; OMH-NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, Nov. 29-Dec. 3, Fire Ext. Maint., Dec. 11-12. Contact the Academy at Box K, Montour Falls, N.Y. 14865.

NFPA Fireground Commander Seminar: Cedarburg, Wis., Oct. 16-17. Contact Ed Her mann, Tr. Officer, Cedarburg Fire Dept., Box 327, Cedarburg, Wis. 53012.

Pennsylvania State Fire School: Automatic Nozzle Wkshop, Sept. 11; Fire Dept. Inspection Techniques, Sept. 11; Structural Fire Fighting I, Sept. 13-17; Fire Dept. Rescue Practices, Sept. 20-24; Aerial Apparatus Practices, Sept. 28-30; NFA Volunteer Fire Service Mgmt., Oct. 2-3; NFA Fire Apparatus Purchase & Mntance, Oct. 2-3; Special Problem Fuels/Fires, Oct. 4-8; Respiratory Protection Specialist, Oct. 13-15; Structural Fire Fighting I, Oct. 18-22; Structural Fire Fighting II, Oct. 25-29; Arson Detection, Nov. 6; Industrial Fire Brigade, Nov. 8-10; Structural Fire Fighting I, Nov. 15-19. Contact the school at P.O. Box 631, Lewistown, Pa. 17044.

Wood County Regional Fire School, Parkersburg, W.V.: Oct. 2-3. Contact H. H. Nicholas, Jr., 104 E. 9th St., Williamstown, W.V.

York County Fire Attack School: Sanford, Maine, Sept. 11-12. Contact Allen Moulton, Sanford Fire Dept., 244 Main St., Sanford, Maine 04073.

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