Continuing our series of targeted firefighter training drill series, this week’s group focuses on aerial operations and master streams. Check out a bunch of evolutions from Forest Reeder, and find more drills at http://www.fireengineering.com/training/drills.html.
Drill: Aerial Stream with Single Engine Reverse Lead-out
This drill requires both an engine and a aerial ladder to complete. The aerial will be supplied by a 300′ reverse lead-out to a hydrant by the engine.
Drill: Aerial Master Stream with Single Engine Lead-out Supply (NFPA 1410)
This drill features an engine conducting a forward lead-out from a hydrant to a position that allows them to feed an aerial ladder.
This drill features a portable master stream fire attack using a single engine reverse lead-out to a hydrant.
Drill: Pre-piped Master Stream, Forward Lead-out
This drill is a classic “blitz-attack” evolution featuring the first engine completing a 300′ forward lead-out to supply a pre-piped master stream initial attack.
Drill: Aerial Stream with Single Engine Reverse Lead-out
In this drill, the aerial will be supplied by a 300′ reverse lead-out to a hydrant by the engine.
Drill: Aerial Master Stream with Single Engine Reverse, Backup Line
This drill requires an aerial ladder and an engine to simulate an initial defensive fire attack with exposure protection.
Forest Reeder began his fire service career in 1979. He serves as Division Chief of Training & Safety for the Des Plaines (IL) Fire Department. He is a past recipient of the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) prestigious George D. Post Instructor of the Year award and has been responsible for the design, implementation and coordination of in-service firefighter training activities as well as a full-service fire training academy program. Forest holds numerous Illinois fire service certifications and holds a Masters Degree in Public Safety Administration from Lewis University.