Source: National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC)
When a massive red fire engine barrels down the street, sirens blaring, most people probably think of a fire. But every day, firefighters are often first responders to wide array of emergencies in our communities, including medical situations, natural disasters, hazardous materials incidents, and even terrorist events. But did you know that nearly 70 percent of all U.S. firefighters are volunteers?
The Georgia-Pacific Bucket Brigade grant program is designed to support local fire departments and the brave volunteers who keep us safe every day. This year, Georgia-Pacific proudly awarded $207,000 in Bucket Brigade grants to 45 fire departments for equipment critical to firefighters’ safety.
Since the Bucket Brigade program started in 2006, Georgia-Pacific has given more than $1.75 million in cash and educational materials to fire departments that serve their facility communities across the country.
This year, Bucket Brigade grants range from $1,000 to $8,000 and span 22 states. Grants are based on need and are funded by the Georgia-Pacific Foundation and local facilities. Fire departments often use these funds to purchase new protective clothing and replace items such as damaged safety gear and aging equipment.
Read more HERE.